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More AFK Player in matches and report or blocking had no effect


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every day i see more AFK player in matches. Why reporting and blocking this AFK ***XXX*** has no effekt to this players?

Why not - more than 2/3 reporting players are report 1 AFK Player this Player should pay 10 Gold or 10 Gems for every Team Member who is not AFK.

And block for 1 Day and by 2. time for 1 Week from vP Matches.


please do something agains this **XXX*** AFK Players.

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that's what everybody wants


even if it's a 1 day ban from pvp it's giving ppl a sign they don't like that behaviour

on the other hand, ppl could just troll not the lazy way, like following you around or like going treb and pretending they playing, that's one of the main reason they don't punish anything


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18 minutes ago, Urknall.7849 said:

so team has 5 players (most) and if 3 report 1 player for something, that should be  cost 1 day or money

and repeting - maybe 3 times in 30 days, 1 week or 1 month block from PvP.

why we can report, if it had no effects?

basically to make you feel good about it while you think it works


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The matchmaking is a joke, they split the 10 ppls way wrong so either you get a good team or a bad team. When you get a bad team it's better to go AFK sooner then later because your energy has NO good use. True you get an even match from time to time idk maybe 1/4 matches....so yeah it's a lottery because Anet is to lazy....deal with it don't complain here. 

Edited by Cobra.6509
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I think ANet understands that the majority of times people go AFK because they see that matchmaking is complete garbage. I cannot push past g3 even though last seasons I was in plat simply because the game constantly throws me silver players. What am I supposed to do with that? 

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I'm sorry to hear that, but sometimes even i do that.


I don't agree with the fact that anyone can manipulate match as much as they want, a lot of times i pick druid as my fav class, and then, in the start of the match someone in the other side is a ranger but rapidly switch to spellbreaker, mesmer, or any broken kitten, then you see your team with DE, other 2 thiefs and engineer while the other team is 2 Spellbreaker, at least 1 mesmer, 1 elementalist, and quickly the score scales to x300 because my team die in a second while the other team just play the invulnerability perma cc game (very balanced!).


I don't agree when the actual match making throw me with newbies while the other team is with duo, trio or even a full discord team, every time you win a game the matchmaking do  that,  and in the end rapidly you see the score of 0x200, so why i would waste my time here?


And what if some toxic player is joining your team just trolling around or being afk from the start?


Or even those matches that scales quickly to 100x300 when you do everything to catch other points or pick all the objectives, but the monkeys in your team just keep dying one by one because they want to play PVE in PVP by some reason, and then you come to help and just end alone without anyone trying to fight with you or even revive you when they could really do.


Who in Anet though that waiting for 500 points to end the match would be awesome? why isn't something like 300 or even 250? have they ever stopped to think that a lot of people uninstall the game because of the poor experience players have from this game mode?


There are many reasons to stay afk actually and i can keep fillign the list, and to be clear i'm one of those that want to win and do everything for that, i take pvp seriously because i like when you get a balanced match, i don't care if i loose sometimes, when its fun i just stay and play, but when you get matched with bots I'll not waste my time when not even Anet cares about the mode, just take a look, we are always playing the same maps no matter the DLC and the PVP never gains anything new other than the classes that destroy the mode, and in the current situation, i'm just sticking to pvp for the legendary armor and every day i'm rushing so i can quit the pvp entirely, it's one of the worst experiences of the game imo.


Anet really need to rethink the concept of PvP and matchmaking, the entire game is well maded, but when you comes to PvP is like you start a different game maded by some Indie dev studio, 0 QoL, unfun and unhealthy, and some objectives are ignorable aka. Jinns dominion or the catapult one, and others do more harm than actually helps like skyhammers.

Edited by Peter.3901
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