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A thank you to the DEVS and Community!

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Hello Guild Wars 2 community and developers,


First, I'd like to say thank you on behalf of myself to the DEVELOPERS for the changes made to this game. I have seen my warrior improve much more now and the enbolden effect allow me to do content much quicker like raids which I thoroughly enjoy. What would take 5+ hours now only takes 2 hours. With a full time job I can only game late at night or weekends so the changes made to the game are awesome. Keep up the good job. 


Secondly, I want to thank the Guild Wars 2 community. I have found a strong community Discord Channels and acquaintances and guilds in this game. I am able to experience end game content much easier than other games. The community is very helpful and enjoyable! This is awesome, and I can't wait to reroll another character soon.


Anyway that's all I want to say thank you. 

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