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[EU] LF South Asian Guild/Discord that tackles some of the endgame content around 8pm-11pm(GMT+5.5) on weekdays.


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As Title says. I have been playing this game on/off for 4+ years. I'm looking to join or help make a group(only in case there is someone who is experienced or willing to lead) in this time zone that can consistently focus on the following endgame contents in a longer run. I'm somewhat experienced with raids and strikes but very bad.jpeg in wvw. I don't mind doing raids with people who are new to the content as long as it progresses eventually. I'm looking for a group/guild that lasts years.
1. Raids (Normal and Challenge Modes)

2. Strikes (Normal and Challenge Modes)

3. World vs World (When Alliance drops)

Optionally Fractals/Dungeons/DRMs or whatever.


Activities should be on weekdays preferably and around the time I mentioned in title. (Please)

My guild slots are full rn and I love them all but willing to abandon a guild if things work out.


Please reply here. Thank you. 



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