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Big increase in Scrappers lately.


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On 2/14/2023 at 9:07 AM, Infinity.2876 said:



this build sums it up. You have a lot of stability, sustain, boon fart, and damage from insane might and vuln stacks.


vuln doesn't stack very well but might and boons makes up for it.

Function gyro is really helpful too

I have never seen someone play that build.  You’d have no range and be entirely reliant on hammer auto (which is horrid) for a portion of time.  You’d also die being stuck trying to mele things that would flatten you straight out

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On 2/14/2023 at 8:45 AM, Nomad.5204 said:

I noticed in the past two weeks there's been way more scrappers in queue. Might be just me but I was curious what seemed to spark this?

I'm happy to have some more diversity in sPvP but, man I find the build really annoying as a warrior main since I can't really lock them down due to what feels like constant stab and super speed plus they just seem pretty tanky with quite a bit of damage.


I haven't played Engi before so It's probably just my lack of knowledge on how the class works and the matchup in general. I also can't seem to find the build anywhere that seems to be the most prevalent. Gameplay wise it seems like they just coast around throwing grenades that chunk you down and or they burst you from stealth out of nowhere.


I take it that it's probably good vs power builds although I haven't tried bringing Condi's against it. Then again warrior condi builds aren't exactly great anyway (excluding SPB bunker which may be dead after today anyway). I'd appreciate any tips or a link to the build, otherwise feel free to have a laugh.


Cheers! Enjoy the new patch for better or worse!




So the current scrapper mele build you will see tends to have blast gyro (might and stun break), shredder (AOE damage field and stun in toolbelt),   Bulwark gyro (barrier vs burst and projectile done that has stab).  Many do stealthgyro and either the stealth or mortar elite.


this build has only one stun break.  It has 4 single condi clears BUT to use them you have to blow your toolbelt skills and generally you’ve used those to do things like place your shredder stun pulse, you don’t want to use that up just for the codi cleanse.   You can technically blow shredder in a light field if you take mortar.


so the short of it is poor condi cleanse once engaged,  a one shot barrier burst to avoid a single spike, one stun break.  

To beat it, you’ll see the burst coming by the big red circles around the scrapper. (Blast and shredder). The scrapper will usually thunderclap you to get in close, then will count on gyro and mele attacks at close range for about ten seconds of intense mele damage.  They will try to place their shredder stun and hope their blast gyro catches you asleep and you don’t time the dodge.   If you have a port or an invuln use it here.  During this offence stun break and run away.  It doesn’t last long.

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On 2/14/2023 at 2:07 PM, Infinity.2876 said:



this build sums it up. You have a lot of stability, sustain, boon fart, and damage from insane might and vuln stacks.


vuln doesn't stack very well but might and boons makes up for it.

Function gyro is really helpful too

Edited Tuesday at 02:07 PM by Infinity.2876

so how does it use the aim assisted rocket with no projectiles?

You must have got something wrong in there.

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I recommend you to not use +2 gyroz. They can be Healing + Stealth, Bulkwark + Stealth or Healing + Bulkwark.

The Shredder one has decent damage, but the only way to do real damage with it is to become a one shot glass class, and you will require stealth so after the damage spike you rarely be able to disengage against good players 'cause stealth gyro gonna be on cd.


Take kits instead; tool kit, elixir gun, nades. Are good options (never tried nades, I don't really like them, but is personal). Medkit has an ok autohealing but a very nice condi cleanse; Heal gyro has even less healing, but superspeed + water blast/jump turn it into a good option. The rest of healing options are a kitten (at least for scrapper, due to high cds or kitten heal)

Mortar kit isn't really a good option against good players. Tool trait and explosives focused on deal damage, don't try bunkering, 1st 'cause isn't worth, you will not tank anything, 2nd damage output even with 3 damage traits gonna be mediocre, image if you take a bunker trait.


I mean, glass cannon option could be fun btw, but isn't good agaisnt good players. You have to  think in a damage+sustain balance option (that's why I prefer 3 kits + bulkward gyro instead of a full gyros build)


And mind conditions, even "weak"(quouted, they're not weak, but the're overshadowed by current meta ones) classes like burn weaver, condition berserker, condition guardians could be very dangerous for a Scrapper. But due to your def options, you can handle against power creep (Except scepter ele due to unblockable and stun spam)

Edited by ZolracAtrox.2908
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On 2/19/2023 at 11:44 PM, ZolracAtrox.2908 said:

I recommend you to not use +2 gyroz. They can be Healing + Stealth, Bulkwark + Stealth or Healing + Bulkwark.

The Shredder one has decent damage, but the only way to do real damage with it is to become a one shot glass class, and you will require stealth so after the damage spike you rarely be able to disengage against good players 'cause stealth gyro gonna be on cd.


Take kits instead; tool kit, elixir gun, nades. Are good options (never tried nades, I don't really like them, but is personal). Medkit has an ok autohealing but a very nice condi cleanse; Heal gyro has even less healing, but superspeed + water blast/jump turn it into a good option. The rest of healing options are a kitten (at least for scrapper, due to high cds or kitten heal)

Mortar kit isn't really a good option against good players. Tool trait and explosives focused on deal damage, don't try bunkering, 1st 'cause isn't worth, you will not tank anything, 2nd damage output even with 3 damage traits gonna be mediocre, image if you take a bunker trait.


I mean, glass cannon option could be fun btw, but isn't good agaisnt good players. You have to  think in a damage+sustain balance option (that's why I prefer 3 kits + bulkward gyro instead of a full gyros build)


And mind conditions, even "weak"(quouted, they're not weak, but the're overshadowed by current meta ones) classes like burn weaver, condition berserker, condition guardians could be very dangerous for a Scrapper. But due to your def options, you can handle against power creep (Except scepter ele due to unblockable and stun spam)



I am currently running 3 or more in both my nades and AOE mele DPS variants.  I am however glad to see that other options are considered viable alternatives.  The two good scrappers I know who aren't running 3+ gyros are Alien and ET.  They run stealth and bulwark if I recall.   I've seen no other top tier players who aren't running 3 or more.  (well as far as scrappe top tier goes 😉 ).

If someone wants to start off... I'd do a simple mele scrapper build.... heal blast shredder bulwark and mortar for range.  use 1,3,2 on scrapper.  Use tools.   It brings immediate moderate effectiveness... as you get better start using zerker army over something like demolisher.   Chrono runes go nicely for the quickness that the gyros will offer... when first starting off do demolisher and dolyak to not get discouraged.

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On 2/22/2023 at 4:28 AM, shion.2084 said:



I am currently running 3 or more in both my nades and AOE mele DPS variants.  I am however glad to see that other options are considered viable alternatives.  The two good scrappers I know who aren't running 3+ gyros are Alien and ET.  They run stealth and bulwark if I recall.   I've seen no other top tier players who aren't running 3 or more.  (well as far as scrappe top tier goes 😉 ).

If someone wants to start off... I'd do a simple mele scrapper build.... heal blast shredder bulwark and mortar for range.  use 1,3,2 on scrapper.  Use tools.   It brings immediate moderate effectiveness... as you get better start using zerker army over something like demolisher.   Chrono runes go nicely for the quickness that the gyros will offer... when first starting off do demolisher and dolyak to not get discouraged.

Yeah, there just too much quickness and superspeed that shouldn't give to scrapper, they better nerf hurry or no one will play other class.

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