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PvP Community In This Game is Cannibalizing Itself with Toxicity


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GW2 PvP is "cannibalizing itself with toxicity" because the game doesn't let anyone express themselves or be creative lol.  The game's skill ceiling is so low that it bottlenecks everyone into the same 2-3 gimmicks.  The only people left vocal about things are going to either be people trying to be honest about reality and the people who are too deluded to do anything but defend their time investment.

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On 2/19/2023 at 11:32 PM, ramen.6943 said:

Long time GW2 PvPer here, got a few of my friends and my wife into PvP to try it out. Within a week they no longer want to play and have been told to kill themselves 14 times. They are not good, they are learning, doing unranked 5v5s and get the most vile, toxic whispers I have ever seen in 15 years of playing MMOs.

Community in general needs to do better. Actual shame how bad it is.

Edit to say the the GW2 devs need to also do a better job of policing the sheer, uncessary toxicity in this game. You are as much at fault for letting people get away with the things they do and say with 0 punishment despite hundreds of reports. 

Aaaah...pvp in mmos. That ship has sailed long ago. Even MOBAs are going downhill. People simply don't want to waste their time on online-only, "live service" games and get DMed and yelled at by schmucks who clearly peaked in high school. As for me, I quit pvp LOOOOONNG ago! I know how the sausage is made. And I'm the happier man for it.

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The game is just plat players running cookie cutter builds of the top 10% and pooping on anyone that does anything off meta.  You see it here, in Reddit, and on the PvP discord. Creativity in PvP is dead. 

It also doesn’t help that anet allows builds to dominate a meta for 2 seasons. It also doesn’t help they keep powercreeping damage so that only zerker amulet is a reliable option.

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I came back to the game and played three matches. First game in 3v3 with three supports, no one switched but I still got target marked and called kitten by the Specter. Second game had the same thief on the other team, but they had an actual balanced team while I had the same support guardian and a scourge. Every time I inevitably died the thief would jump on my corpse.


Honestly, when this is my first impression coming back to pvp? Let it rot. There is no community here anymore. From top to bottom ranks it's the vilest scum that remains. From wintraders to toxic scrubs, the game mode just needs to be axed honestly.

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14 hours ago, Bazsi.2734 said:

I've been playing this game for a long time, and based on my experiences of PvP modes in other games, this is pretty tame in comparison. If you can't handle this, competetive PvP just isn't for you.

I've played Dota2 ranked and it's less toxic then Gw2.

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23 hours ago, Bazsi.2734 said:

I've been playing this game for a long time, and based on my experiences of PvP modes in other games, this is pretty tame in comparison. If you can't handle this, competetive PvP just isn't for you.

This is, unfortunately, not true at all. 

A forum moderator had to intervene and delete multiple posts due to excessive toxicity in a post about toxicity. I think that speaks for itself.

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4 hours ago, ramen.6943 said:

This is, unfortunately, not true at all. 

A forum moderator had to intervene and delete multiple posts due to excessive toxicity in a post about toxicity. I think that speaks for itself.

The PvP subforum gets spicy sometimes, what does have to do with ingame toxicity though? It takes a very specific person to come to this forum, most guys who are flaming you ingame for capping close 2 seconds late won't be showing their faces here.

Also just saying "it's not true though" doesn't really get us anywhere. Playing any actually PvP game you get told to roblox yourself, threats, r***ism etc... that is basicly not present here. Or there must be some conspiracy to hide it just from my sight, maybe someone stuck a "be nice to this person" sticker on my back when I fell asleep during class. Not very likely though.

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5 hours ago, ramen.6943 said:

This is, unfortunately, not true at all. 

A forum moderator had to intervene and delete multiple posts due to excessive toxicity in a post about toxicity. I think that speaks for itself.

The forum moderators delete posts that inform others of toxic behavior by specific people while leaving the toxic people alone.

Hell, on friday the map chat in pvp was spammed by a mix of political drivel and people spamming the n word its a dose of a couple of people talking about committing illegal and heinous acts to little girls. One of them claiming to be an arenanet GM. Reported them all and got it all on video. The next day, the same players are still at it. Two days later those exact same players are still at it. This is the nature of the game mode, always had been, and always will be only worse and worse with time. It is clearly approved behavior; to do nothing is to be complicit.

If I post the video here my post will get deleted and I'll get banned for a few days. This post for just stating that they're complicit with the toxic behavior will likely get my post deleted. The only crime you'll get punished for is telling the truth about the corrupted system.

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On 2/24/2023 at 5:09 PM, Mell.4873 said:

I think the funniest responses I get if a private dm after a match or even Fractal and then an instant block so I can't reply. 

People in this game take things wayyy to personaly. Many times I have tried to encourage a team to play better, target particular people, stop afking, improve your DPS rotation, ect. Only to be berated by them after. 

On that note, if they are Offline they shouldn't be allowed to message ANYBODY. Period.

I honestly can't believe Anet still allows it.

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3 hours ago, Saiyan.1704 said:

On that note, if they are Offline they shouldn't be allowed to message ANYBODY. Period.

I honestly can't believe Anet still allows it.

Okay that could also be the case, they appear offline either way.

It probably doesn't help that I don't play a Meta build. 

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8 hours ago, Dr Meta.3158 said:

The forum moderators delete posts that inform others of toxic behavior by specific people while leaving the toxic people alone.

If I post the video here my post will get deleted and I'll get banned for a few days. This post for just stating that they're complicit with the toxic behavior will likely get my post deleted. The only crime you'll get punished for is telling the truth about the corrupted system.

Too right. Be sure to react with laughing emojis to their every post. I always do.

Those posts are only made in an attempt to scare us and keep us docile, it's obvious.


Toxicity is baked into sPvP's core, there are fundamental systems of both Ranked, Unranked, and ATs that do not work and encourage resentment between players that have existed without change for years.

And Arenanet would like to remind you "Don't complain... or else." rather than address the various frustrations people have that tend to put them in salty, overall poor moods.

And I'm going to go ahead and say it; the no name-shame rule, it's dumb and it does nothing to protect the community.

It's only there to add insult to injury, by ensuring you cannot defend yourself without becoming the bad guy in just about every situation.


Just give me my warning points already, I'm sick in the head 🤪

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3 hours ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

Too right. Be sure to react with laughing emojis to their every post. I always do.

Those posts are only made in an attempt to scare us and keep us docile, it's obvious.


Toxicity is baked into sPvP's core, there are fundamental systems of both Ranked, Unranked, and ATs that do not work and encourage resentment between players that have existed without change for years.

And Arenanet would like to remind you "Don't complain... or else." rather than address the various frustrations people have that tend to put them in salty, overall poor moods.

And I'm going to go ahead and say it; the no name-shame rule, it's dumb and it does nothing to protect the community.

It's only there to add insult to injury, by ensuring you cannot defend yourself without becoming the bad guy in just about every situation.


Just give me my warning points already, I'm sick in the head 🤪

Everything said including Dr.Meta wrote, are on point. There are no turn-around for the game, there aren't any hope left for the game. The only remedy to cure the game is for Anet completely reworked Guild Wars 2 from the ground up and delete stealth entirely from the game and to return Guild Wars 1 professions  to their core roots and to their specific roles)

(Obviously, this  will never happen and will continue for years / In addition; i look forward to adding Throne and Liberty to my lists of gaming competitive enjoyment experiences)

"Each time history repeats itself, the price goes up" 

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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I mean, anet is doing a lot to force toxicity with neglecting the gamemode we enjoy and with their bad and biased balance. No really skilled player will ever enjoy to lose to a bad player due to build or being forced into playing braindead stuff himself to be able to compete.

Not defending toxic behavior, but the players are not the only ones to blame here. By far not.

Edited by ano nimo.3948
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20 hours ago, Burnfall.9573 said:

Everything said including Dr.Meta wrote, are on point. There are no turn-around for the game, there aren't any hope left for the game. The only remedy to cure the game is for Anet completely reworked Guild Wars 2 from the ground up and delete stealth entirely from the game and to return Guild Wars 1 professions  to their core roots and to their specific roles)

(Obviously, this  will never happen and will continue for years / In addition; i look forward to adding Throne and Liberty to my lists of gaming competitive enjoyment experiences)

I was moreso talking about game systems rather than profession balance, but I have to say I admire and respect the strength of your conviction, and I encourage you to keep exploring how bad balance can negatively impact player interactions, because it easily can.

But I meant like... The match ending screen for example. The "defeated" team is placed at the feet of the "victor" to be fortnite danced on, likely by people who aren't even queued the same way(DuoQ vs SoloQ for instance).

Which is weirdly brutal for a game like Gw2, especially when you consider just who is developing it. You would expect the match ending screen to be all sunshine, rainbows, and aggressive coddling; rather than being the big chance to just 💩all over eachother that it is. Just throws fuel on the eternal pyre of hubris manifested by our corporate masters.

20 hours ago, Burnfall.9573 said:

"Each time history repeats itself, the price goes up" 

This is one of my favorite quotes by Arthur Unknown, I am a big fan of his work, very mysterious person.

If I could add anything to it, it would be that the price goes up, yes, but the quality goes down. Have you seen these wintraders? This game deserves a better class of villain.

2 hours ago, ano nimo.3948 said:

I mean, anet is doing a lot to foce toxicity with neglecting the gamemode we enjoy and with their bad and biased balance. No really skilled player will ever enjoy to lose to a bad player due to build or being forced into playing braindead stuff himself to be able to compete.

Not defending toxic behavior, but the players are not the only ones to blame here. By far not.

Nary a single one of us is free from sin. Nary a single one of us is above atonement.

At best you could argue Arenanet provided the means for damnation, but ultimately the damning decision to seek out that reward comes from the player, from us. This does not put us beyond forgiveness, but there can be no forgiveness without repentance. 🙏

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5 hours ago, ano nimo.3948 said:

I mean, anet is doing a lot to foce toxicity with neglecting the gamemode we enjoy and with their bad and biased balance. No really skilled player will ever enjoy to lose to a bad player due to build or being forced into playing braindead stuff himself to be able to compete.

Not defending toxic behavior, but the players are not the only ones to blame here. By far not.

Pretty much. Nothing excuses player toxicity, but it's also pretty clear that incredibly poor game-design choices, terrible balance, and non-existent enforcement on player behavior has straight-up cultivated a toxic environment far beyond what it would have been otherwise. It's the exact same thing that's happened with Overwatch and a bunch of other games. At least GW2 has the benefit of being primarily PvE game and sPvP can serve the purpose of being the game's mental ward that keeps that toxicity away from everything else.

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I dont know if youve watched some the top pvp streams that people look up to. they call players bad, call people monkeys. pvp its toxic I just play without chat. block the player on pm if they want to be a kitten. pvp so small you get matched with same toxic people. I am not sure reporting even work since most the toxic turds are on a free to play account.

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I was practicing on one of the golems as a reaper and some dude, probably on a f2p account, probably an alt, (because he had level 10 clothes with starting dyes and weapons) randomly called me and another person "weak" then he took it upon himself to berate us on playing bad when he was doing literally not even half the dmg we were doing. Once I pointed that out, he said he'll get better and my bad performance is why I'll never get to be more than silver. He was sooo proud of it too. 😂

Listen, I like GW2's community in general but.. the game's PVP community attracts very unhinged people who are frustrated with their mediocre life and spew that toxicity on others just trying to have fun in a game.




Edited by ContessaMinxa.2461
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On 2/26/2023 at 4:42 PM, Dr Meta.3158 said:

The forum moderators delete posts that inform others of toxic behavior by specific people while leaving the toxic people alone.

Hell, on friday the map chat in pvp was spammed by a mix of political drivel and people spamming the n word its a dose of a couple of people talking about committing illegal and heinous acts to little girls. One of them claiming to be an arenanet GM. Reported them all and got it all on video. The next day, the same players are still at it. Two days later those exact same players are still at it. This is the nature of the game mode, always had been, and always will be only worse and worse with time. It is clearly approved behavior; to do nothing is to be complicit.

If I post the video here my post will get deleted and I'll get banned for a few days. This post for just stating that they're complicit with the toxic behavior will likely get my post deleted. The only crime you'll get punished for is telling the truth about the corrupted system.

Lemme guess, NA server?

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