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Condi Firebrand Build to go from Open World to Fractals


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I'm currently a Guardian in PoF trying to get enough hero points to unlock Firebrand. I'd like to play some type of Condi FB in Fractals, but I'd like a build that isn't so squishy. Currently looking at Metabattle and Snowcrows Condi DPS builds, which recommend Viper gear.


Question is: What exotic gear stand-ins should I get for Viper gear, that isn't too squishy, before I can work towards ascended?


In my research I've come to find Carrion or Cele to be the top recommendations. I've seen warnings about having too much toughness from Cele. But Carrion seeming to be the only exotic option I can just buy from the TP. Basically, I'm looking for what the stopgap gear is I should buy for Open World / early Fractals, before I work towards getting Ascended gear.


Thanks in advance 🙂

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Condi Firebrand will get the majority of its condition damage from all of the varying ways to stack burning. Focusing on burn duration (such as with your rune and sigil choices) can help you swap in other stats as you learn. So while you work on Viper's gear, for example, you could stick with Carrion or something like that for sure.


Yeah, toughness is often part of the aggro system, but it is not likely to be a problem in fractals like it would be in a raid. Fights are much quicker and don't really have kiting/tanking mechanics (T4 fractal pros can correct me if this is incorrect).


I would say if you have access to Celestial gear, give it a go. Otherwise, try the Carrion or perhaps Sinister as you work toward Viper and any specific rune loadout. Heck you could even go with Dire. 


In any case, you will, like, grow into the proper gear as you play it more, and there's no reason why you can't start with one set and swap it out piece by piece as you go. I remember my early days of guardian I was worried about the low health and mixed in Soldier's  gear in a power build. I played it more and moved to zerk gear and never looked back, as there are a lot of options to support yourself and allies across the profession.


Some helpful links (you can use the buttons to filter and sort results in addition to exploring them all).

- https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rune

- https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Attribute_combinations

Edited by synk.6907
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12 hours ago, synk.6907 said:

Condi Firebrand will get the majority of its condition damage from all of the varying ways to stack burning. Focusing on burn duration (such as with your rune and sigil choices) can help you swap in other stats as you learn. So while you work on Viper's gear, for example, you could stick with Carrion or something like that for sure.


Yeah, toughness is often part of the aggro system, but it is not likely to be a problem in fractals like it would be in a raid. Fights are much quicker and don't really have kiting/tanking mechanics (T4 fractal pros can correct me if this is incorrect).


I would say if you have access to Celestial gear, give it a go. Otherwise, try the Carrion or perhaps Sinister as you work toward Viper and any specific rune loadout. Heck you could even go with Dire. 


In any case, you will, like, grow into the proper gear as you play it more, and there's no reason why you can't start with one set and swap it out piece by piece as you go. I remember my early days of guardian I was worried about the low health and mixed in Soldier's  gear in a power build. I played it more and moved to zerk gear and never looked back, as there are a lot of options to support yourself and allies across the profession.


Some helpful links (you can use the buttons to filter and sort results in addition to exploring them all).

- https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rune

- https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Attribute_combinations


Thanks a lot for that! So I'll get Carrion exotics while I gear up to Ascended. Is there a disadvantage to mixing gear with stats to provide some extra vitality / extra toughness? Or is the drawback simply that your damage stat won't be as effective?

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    Teapot relied in exotic celestial stats in the whole "Zero to Hero" series to essentially perform in every game mode of the game (outside PvP) with his Firebrand. So is hard to argue vs facts.Rememeber also that ascended trinkets are extremely easy to get in Season 3 and 4 maps (and some even allows stat reset at very low cost, as the ones from Bloodstone Fen).

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Play the ritualist condi quickness variant. It may be less benchmark DPS but playing without quickness is quite a downgrade.

The ritualist gear one has more health which gives you more leeway. Celestial version should only be used in fractals and strikes for healing purposes, in raids you would possibly take over tanking by accident.

See https://discretize.eu/builds/guardian/celestial-firebrand/

Edited by Infusion.7149
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I recomend just go full celestial. Easy gear to get and you could cover almost every content in the game. I recomend Staff and Axe/Torch. 


Use this build for a healer quickness firebrand: [&DQEuKTEvPjZLF0sXehZ6FlMXUxc2ATYBiRKJEgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=]


This option for dps condi quickness: [&DQEQGi4fPiZLF0sXehZ6FhUXFRdMAUwBiRKJEgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=]




This is a hybrid version, for Open World Metas and bosses: [&DQEQGjEvPiZLF0sXehZ6FkwBTAE2ATYBiRKJEgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=]

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1 hour ago, Infusion.7149 said:

Play the ritualist condi quickness variant. It may be less benchmark DPS but playing without quickness is quite a downgrade.

The ritualist gear one has more health which gives you more leeway. Celestial version should only be used in fractals and strikes for healing purposes, in raids you would possibly take over tanking by accident.

See https://discretize.eu/builds/guardian/celestial-firebrand/

Mhmm, Ritualist is a good stat to try out. And I see that both Dragon and Ritualist stat combinations are now added to stat-selectable gear with today's update.

Doing events and exploration in Verdant Brink (first Heart of Thorns area) and gaining airship parts is an easy way to get Bladed Armor pieces that are all exotic and stat-selectable [as an alternative to crafting or the TP].

Edited by synk.6907
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