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[Bug] Storm Tracking -- Cannot make jumps at floaty end part with the space background [Merged]

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just ran a couple people through this, using my skyscale to complete the second half of the running/jumping section. Did indeed fall short on raptor, due to the lack of the low-gravity effect that should be there to make your leaps go much farther and higher.


Shame this is blocking progression for players, hope the activity in this thread gets it due attention soon.

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Managed to get this done with griffon and the vigor skill. Floated below the platforms and try to fly as high as you can. Bond of vigor allows you to gain some height. When you are high enough below the final platform the portal will appear. I'm quite sure this is not the intended way to get this done. 

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It's understandable that there may not be an ETA for a fix when nobody knows how hard a bug is to address.

What's not understandable is why measures haven't been taken to allow all players to skip this problematic section and to proceed with the story as usual.

Would that really be so time consuming to implement? It seems like the logical choice to make, since this is a bug that has affected every player going through the story for two weeks now, with no estimate for when it will be fixed.

Edited by Joats.4635
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Just the same for me. First-time Player. I want just to go on with the story w/o skipping anything. I don't have a Griffon or a Skyscale for that matter. For days I beliefed I am just too bad a player to complete the Raptor-Jumps I've seen in the video-guides on YT. Now, seeing this forum, I am just a little bit relieved it isn't my fault that I am stuck. 😅 I filed an error report to A/N as nearly everyone here, but seemingly this doesn't help much as nobody seems to know when this bug will be fixed and A/N is unresponsive. This is so frustrating.   

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