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since you won't remove duos


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5 hours ago, jdawgie.1835 said:

This is unfulling as both of these modes are boring, have minimal rewards, dont give titles, no badges, nothing is at stake. Ranked is were the fun is.

Duo q was a huge mistake. Its a half measure. It screws over everyone equally I know we agree on this part already. 

Agreed on all counts. I only suggest that those modes already existed just to show that their argument is total malarkey "I just want to play with friends"

The fact that they weaponized that phrase is worse than DuoQ itself. It is a shame to anyone who actually does want to play with friends who understands that fairness is still paramount in a competitive mode and that merged queues are indeed the antichrist.

It has historically been the go-to argument for the DuoQ enjoyers. "Just let us play with our friends friend" 😭you can find it here if you scroll up even. They've had ways to play with friends already and they're liars is what I'm saying, and if they want to challenge me on that then why in Hel does solo/duo have to be the only medium by which to play with friends seeing as its only 1 friend and it pointlessly includes soloqs who don't want to deal with them? ??? ? There's no retort they could give that isn't grossly selfish.

5 hours ago, jdawgie.1835 said:

Solo players and teams should be separated. with the population as low as it is - leave 5 mans for solo que only and 2v2 and 3v3s for premades only. Make the rewards and titles the same for both versions of the ranked que and call it a day. Quickest way to the best solution. 

This way there is a ranked version for solos = 5 man

Ranked version for premades = 2v2 and 3v3 (Available year round)

ATs = 5 man premades (Adjust the rewards here and how often)

I like these ideas and I would add:
-That most of Ranked's rewards should be obtainable in Unranked as well
-And that these 2 theoretical gamemodes (because Arenanet favours the corrupt so they will always be theoretical) have their own separate leaderboards for each individual mode(solos/teams).

So completes my Gw2 PvP wishlist, but if they really wanted to throw an old dog a 🦴ban the scummy top players as well, but only the scummy ones, and in such a way that at least moderately inconveniences them. Ty.🙏

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I still think it's strange how premade platinum 2-3 ranked duo queuers get to fight against an all solo player team of mostly silvers after all this time.  At the very least they should just give us the option of /resign to leave the match  if the wins are just gonna be handed to the high leveled premade teams anyways without the slightest bit of a challenge.  

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