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[NA][WvW][HoD] Beats to Relax & Study To [LOFI] is recruiting new and veteran WvW players


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[LOFI] Beats to Relax & Study To is a new WvW Fight Guild on HoD. We play a fast paced, aggressive squad composition and focus on fostering a positive, non toxic, growth oriented, tight knit unit.
We are an IRL first guild thus we understand that our IRL priorities comes first, however when we log in, we focus on playing our best and on improving both individually and as a group.
We highly encourage non toxic, positive footage review focused on building constructive criticism (both publicly as we do footage review post raid often or privately). Even the driver opts in for footage review. This being said, we do ask our players to be open to constructive criticism and to be willing to work to improve. We greatly appreciate it when our guildies proactively seek help to improve and find time work on advice.
Outside of WvW, we do SPvP, PvE (Fractals/Metas), Duels, and play other games together.
Raid Schedule
M/W 8:30pm EST
F Reset (9pm EST)
Sat/Sun 8:30pm EST (based on driver availability)
IF you are interested, feel free to DM me on discord at OGDefious#2128, in game at Defious.9214, or join our discord at https://discord.gg/qz3GcX2gMu
Edited by Defious.9214
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