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Casual Wars 2 [Merged]


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I'm not sure why I got quoted about things like soloing dungeon bosses, duo-ing T4s and capturing guild halls with 2-3 players, considering I've done all those things myself throughout the years. I'm also a gold (platinum in the past, when I could afford to sweat) player myself, so I know what they're capable of.


It has little to nothing to do with my point, which is that you don't balance the game around less than 1% of the population. If anything, the majority of changes seem to target WvW, with a bit of spillover into PvP because a developer says "this might be a good idea there too", except for the occasional major balance/exploitation fix.


I remember a dev comment made a some years ago (when they were working on the 10v10 user interface which got abandoned), that most players don't even touch ranked outside of the 2v2/3v3 mini-seasons. This would mean the majority of the PvP population isn't even in bronze and silver (which are already an order of a magnitude greater than gold+), but is actually in players just kitten around in unranked because they don't care about rewards and only fights.

Realistically, competitive players aren't even on the radar in the scope of this game's userbase, not even in the game mode they inhabit. Its unfortunate but that's just how it is?

Edited by SoftFootpaws.9134
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15 hours ago, SoftFootpaws.9134 said:

I think they care more about low-rank players because they represent the majority of the PvP population. If you look at the leaderboard, the amount of players in gold or higher is extremely low.


To put this bluntly, if you gathered up all the competitive players left in the game in one place, they couldn't even do the Chak Garent meta in PvE because they just wouldn't have the numbers for it. They could maybe pull off Octovine, but you get what I'm saying here. The entire PvP leaderboard (not counting alts) could barely max out a single map in the other game modes.


Its extremely small even compared to WvW, and couldn't fill a single matchup.


Do you balance for several thousand silvers or a hundred golds? To say nothing of platinum or legendary rank. This is just how a business works, and it always will be.

This hit me tho. It true I guess... It has to be. I notice even in HOTM Gold Badges are less, and Plat Badges are almost non existent. Silver is the majority with some Bronze thrown in with  maybe about 10-15 Golds and 3-5 Plats. 

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3 hours ago, Dr Meta.3158 said:

I think the real underlying issue is some people don't realize that there does exist people that outperform them and at times by a significant margin. Which if one is honest with their self assessment and realize that they don't really try, shouldn't be a surprise.

A lot of those people straight up ignore help. I can't tell you how many times I started talking to some relatively new player I offer to buy him his first exotic berserker setup for a Power Reaper or something and give him an actual Fractal/Strike/Raid worthy build to run, then the next day I speak to the player again and they thought it would be a good idea to circumvent my advice and do something stupid like salvage half the berserker gear and replace it with knight's because "he was sure this was a good idea" and is still running a bad build that in no way optimizes damage for power stats because "he was sure this would be better".

There are so many players out there like that, dealing 1/4th or less the DPS that they should be, rolling around with 10x the defensive values of what they actually need while roaming GW2 maps.

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1 hour ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

A lot of those people straight up ignore help. I can't tell you how many times I started talking to some relatively new player I offer to buy him his first exotic berserker setup for a Power Reaper or something and give him an actual Fractal/Strike/Raid worthy build to run, then the next day I speak to the player again and they thought it would be a good idea to circumvent my advice and do something stupid like salvage half the berserker gear and replace it with knight's because "he was sure this was a good idea" and is still running a bad build that in no way optimizes damage for power stats because "he was sure this would be better".

There are so many players out there like that, dealing 1/4th or less the DPS that they should be, rolling around with 10x the defensive values of what they actually need while roaming GW2 maps.

Honestly they may need the defensive stats. Some players don't even know you can dodge in this game. And that one the game actually teaches you for once.

There is another thread on the forum where a group of people discussing reaper in pve are trying to justify putting their own desires to play bunker builds in raids above the needs of the raid group that they're in and debating that they should be allowed to gaslight players in allowing them to dictate that they should be able to do whatever they want within the group without being kicked from it instead of just making or joining a group of people that all want to do stuff like that together. Each group is arguing over which style is more efficient while missing the point that majority rules and if you don't like it, leave.

I heard this one psychologist say on med circle years ago that she thinks about 1/3rd of American society are narcissists. Back then I thought that claim was ludicrous,  but now... maybe...

Edited by Dr Meta.3158
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2 hours ago, SoftFootpaws.9134 said:

players just kitten around in unranked because they don't care about rewards and only fights.


hi its me


I just wanna fight people that know how to press buttons. If I join ranked:


1.) I have a 50% chance of being delegated to carrying people and not getting to fight people who know how to press buttons


2.) I have a 50% chance of the people that can press buttons being on my team


All for rewards I can get for just visiting a world boss a couple times. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 3/14/2023 at 8:32 PM, Kstyle.5829 said:

This just proves ANET doesn't make changes based on objective information, just what little baby silver boys cry about on the forums.  Wahhh wahh scrapper is overpowered.    For 2 years scrapper has ONLY had nerfs and I've been playing the same build for 2 years and nobody complained about it.  But because someone posts grenade scrapper on metabattle and noobs start crying ANET completely guts the class effectively removing it from PVP within 2 weeks. Just destroy dps scraper in 5v5 and wvw completely. when there are like only 2 scrappers in the top 50-100.   


The real problem was vulnerability damage modifiers for engi in general not SCRAPPER as a whole.  It was one build. But instead of fixing the real problem you just addressed what people whined about.  Just like how you removed quickness from scrapper entirely.  Now you removing superspeed, and might generation.  Just nerf scrapper entirely?!  Yeah I'm sure everyone will be happy, because the most vocal people are morons who don't understand how this game works.  They were just mad a scrapper killed them, now they are happy! Every other class that is OP you nerf damage by 10%.  You removed quickness from scrapper, now you remove superspeed and might generation, when other classes just get 10% damage nerfs.  It's gone from the second worst class in the game to dead last now  and is not viable anymore.  


I really don't care to hear that everyone will tell me I'm the only one who cares that scrapper gets nerfs. I know I'm the odd one out.  Most people on the forums are cool guys who don't care about this game.  Ironically 99.% of the population has already quit, so anybody still playing this game cares about it the most.   And now you have maybe 200 to 300 people left who actually still play 5v5 PVP.  You killed this game ANET.   Instead of putting effort into balancing the game, you' rather just nerf the 1 class people whine about in an endless cycle so you can look like you're actually doing your job. 





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On 3/14/2023 at 8:32 PM, Kstyle.5829 said:

This just proves ANET doesn't make changes based on objective information, just what little baby silver boys cry about on the forums.  Wahhh wahh scrapper is overpowered.    For 2 years scrapper has ONLY had nerfs and I've been playing the same build for 2 years and nobody complained about it.  But because someone posts grenade scrapper on metabattle and noobs start crying ANET completely guts the class effectively removing it from PVP within 2 weeks. Just destroy dps scraper in 5v5 and wvw completely. when there are like only 2 scrappers in the top 50-100.   


The real problem was vulnerability damage modifiers for engi in general not SCRAPPER as a whole.  It was one build. But instead of fixing the real problem you just addressed what people whined about.  Just like how you removed quickness from scrapper entirely.  Now you removing superspeed, and might generation.  Just nerf scrapper entirely?!  Yeah I'm sure everyone will be happy, because the most vocal people are morons who don't understand how this game works. 

No, everybody is going to be happy because they won't get stealth bombed to nothing as they try to learn the game.

On 3/14/2023 at 8:32 PM, Kstyle.5829 said:


They were just mad a scrapper killed them, now they are happy! Every other class that is OP you nerf damage by 10%.  You removed quickness from scrapper, now you remove superspeed and might generation, when other classes just get 10% damage nerfs.  It's gone from the second worst class in the game to dead last now  and is not viable anymore.  


I really don't care to hear that everyone will tell me I'm the only one who cares that scrapper gets nerfs. I know I'm the odd one out.  Most people on the forums are cool guys who don't care about this game.  Ironically 99.% of the population has already quit, so anybody still playing this game cares about it the most.   And now you have maybe 200 to 300 people left who actually still play 5v5 PVP.  You killed this game ANET.   Instead of putting effort into balancing the game, you' rather just nerf the 1 class people whine about in an endless cycle so you can look like you're actually doing your job. 



Aaah....gotta LOVE hardcore players throwing tantrums as SOON as their go-to class gets brought down to earth. You want to know why scrapper was brought down so many times? Because it's a badly-designed and overtuned specialization. You've chosen to forget the golden age that scrapper has had in spvp/wvw over the past couple of years. It was one of the "big 3" post-expansion: guard, necro, engi. But ya know...it's the social media age...people tend to have memories of goldfish at times...

Also, to disrupt this echo chamber against 'casuals', let me remind you all: they pay the bills. Welcome to mmos, guys...I have less of a problem with 'casuals' than how this pvp is designed and run plus the hardcore apologists that lowkey shill for their class. (I see them all the time on here.)

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