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[NA][DH] - [Pray] Consecrated Plague - New Havoc/Small Comp WvW Guild

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[Pray] is going to be a brand brand new havoc/small comp. The comp is a Condi-Tanky focused comp with the goal to  Havoc and create farms in Tower and Camps. As well as organize 5v5's against other similar groups
For the comp I am looking for 1-2 Guard's/FB's, 1-2 Tempest, 1 Herald/Renegade player and then 1-2 who are able to play Heal Vindi and or Heal Druid(Tempest acceptable as well)


Looking for SWEATY players who want to get outnumbered fights in a smallscale setting. Schedule is TBA and can be discussed. But looking to run at least 2-3 times a week for about 2 hours

Join the Disc for more info or add me in game/Discord
IGN: Demon Puppet.6873
Discord: Puppet#5980

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