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Dragon Trigger Needs Stability again. Make Trigger Guard give 3 seconds of Stab


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Trigger Guard only gives aegis right now, adding a small bump of stability would make it so that we have the option of not being so super vulnerable when charging up.


Even a rework at this point to Dragon Trigger wouldn't be enough if we didn't get stab. It seems like 50% of the time at least we can't use our Dragon Trig.


We're supposed to be the big bruiser spec and we can't stay on our own two feet for more than a few seconds. Meanwhile Spell gets stab on it's f2 every time! 

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8 hours ago, gmmg.9210 said:

Trigger Guard only gives aegis right now, adding a small bump of stability would make it so that we have the option of not being so super vulnerable when charging up.


Even a rework at this point to Dragon Trigger wouldn't be enough if we didn't get stab. It seems like 50% of the time at least we can't use our Dragon Trig.


We're supposed to be the big bruiser spec and we can't stay on our own two feet for more than a few seconds. Meanwhile Spell gets stab on it's f2 every time! 

Definitely agree. Either that, or (better) or put stab back on DSD.


Alternatively, if they are dead set against giving stab for some reason, consider this:


Make trigger guard a 1.5s full block.


It's shorter than a full charge of DT, and the long CD of TG keeps you from spamming it, so it requires judicious use and has counterplay. But it's decidedly stronger than the current TG and would make getting off a DT more reliable.

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2 hours ago, CalmTheStorm.2364 said:

Definitely agree. Either that, or (better) or put stab back on DSD.


Alternatively, if they are dead set against giving stab for some reason, consider this:


Make trigger guard a 1.5s full block.


It's shorter than a full charge of DT, and the long CD of TG keeps you from spamming it, so it requires judicious use and has counterplay. But it's decidedly stronger than the current TG and would make getting off a DT more reliable.

Yeah we just need stab in some form or fashion. Dragon Trig sux rn in pvp/wvw and it's a shame cuz it's the one definitive skill for the bladesworn spec. Needs a buff

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