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New player, Give me the best PVP profession and why

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Hi everyone,


I love PVP and I tried PVP with my power soulbeast ranger. It went as bad as it can get....


There was one class that kept on mauling me, he had like a whirlwind type of ability and was very very tanky. Unfortunately, I could'nt see if he was a warrior or a spellbreaker..


so: I would like to know the best PVP profession.


Gameplay I like:


Pure DPS with high mobility or insanely tanky with good CC + damage. I don't like to support.


Thankful for your help ! 🙂

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47 minutes ago, King Slayer.9671 said:

Gameplay I like:


Pure DPS with high mobility or insanely tanky with good CC + damage. I don't like to support.

And this is why we have kitten balance. People want to be litteral gods but will complain when someone else plays that god-like class smh.

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for me best pvp class would be meta in competitive but also performs well in ranked

for example, defense tank warrior is meta in competitive currently,

but it has little play potential in ranked plays, and it will get frustrating and hard to climb.


currently ele is best, because scepter cata is competitve meta and performs in ranked, while also having 2 support builds for switch up


but of all time, in long term, thief is best, highest competitive meta uptime, and performs well in ranked carries.

second place is engi and rev, both always favored in ranked, but overall competitive meta up time not as high as thief



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5 hours ago, Frequency.6407 said:

Vanilla necro: Press all buttons all the time to g2/3.


Good way to learn map mechanics before learning when to press buttons.

😱😨 😱😨 😱😨 😱😨 😱😨 😱😨 😱😨 😱😨 😱😨

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23 hours ago, King Slayer.9671 said:

Hi everyone,


I love PVP and I tried PVP with my power soulbeast ranger. It went as bad as it can get....

This will happen on nearly any class you select now. Granted, some might be a tad easier to play than others though soulbeast ranger is not among the hardest classes, depending on which build you played.

23 hours ago, King Slayer.9671 said:


There was one class that kept on mauling me, he had like a whirlwind type of ability and was very very tanky. Unfortunately, I could'nt see if he was a warrior or a spellbreaker..

and this is your actual issue: you lack class understanding and knowledge. If you can't even discern which class you face, you most likely lack any and all ability to know what that class can do.

23 hours ago, King Slayer.9671 said:

so: I would like to know the best PVP profession.

the one which you enjoy/handle the best and have the most favorable match-ups against as many opponents in you bracket of skill.

Unfortunately that also means you have to know your opponents class to begin with.

Long story short: don't expect to immediately skyrocket pvp skill wise or that some class will magically catapult you to some insane skill heights. The ins and outs of pvp is:"know your opponents".

That said, many players are in the same boat as you, as such the direct answer would be: pick a class which is as confusing or skill demanding as can be to your opponents. This can include short and simple to setup burst windows (many players are bad at reacting fast), confusing skills (clones, stealth, additional lifebars, immunity skills, etc.), or strait up just pressure (players make mistakes when pressured). This will get you part of the way towards gold but eventually you will have to "get good".

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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