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Legendary crafting and WvW (not a complain thread lol)

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Hello - 

What is the fastest way I can get Gift of Battle? I do not do PvP nor WvW, and I am trying to craft legendary that requires this. I have 0 knowledge on WvW. 

I'm a PvE player, but again, not a complain thread.

Can I do this in like 2-3 days with an average game-time of 3-4 hours per day (not gonna spend it all on WvW but hey, if you tell me)?

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I faced a similar situation a little over a year ago when working on my first legendary, so here's some things that helped me quite a lot. Take this with a pinch of salt, I'm by no means an expert, but I since farmed 4 Gifts so I must be doing something right 😅

  1. There's two major playstyles you can do in wvw casually: roaming or following tag. Following tag, if one is up, is you just joining a commander on any map and going by their lead (keep in mind, some of them are organised groups that use discord), and roaming is you hopping from camp to camp either solo or in a small group and flip things, kill guards, etc.
  2. Personally, I prefer roaming for getting progress towards the Gift, just because it is slightly more flexible. If you roam, to begin with, stick to the camps closest to your realm's homebase, as they tend to be fairly easy to flip, and if all of them are taken, switch maps to check the other ones too. Once you're more comfortable, and depending on your build, you can move deeper into enemy territory and flip camps/do things there.
  3. Depending on what you go with, but assuming you'll roam, find a good roaming build on any major build site for the profession you enjoy. Some professions are obviously better at this, but for casual Gift farming it isn't a huge deal.
  4. Get some boosters, food, enrichments. I used the birthday booster, xp booster and the black lion booster, some food for stats, as well as the WvW Reward Track Enrichment
  5. This is important: ALWAYS DO SOMETHING! As you increase your participation through a variety of different activites on any map, you'll increase the amount of progress you make towards the gift with each "tick" (every 5 minutes, you'll progress on your selected track depending on participation), but if you stand around for too long doing nothing, you'll lose participation again, thereby lowering your progress each tick.
  6. OPTIONAL: I'd highly suggest to put the gift of battle reward track on hold first, and work on the Warclaw mount reward track first. It's a huge gamechanger, and is worth the minor detour for the quality of life you'll gain from it in the long term.

It took me an average of 4-6 hours  of playtime for each Gift (these don't need to be in one go, and can be spread out).

Also, ending on a word of encouragement: I am not a fan of pvp whatsoever, in any game (mostly because if I engage in combat with another player my brain goes into full blown panic and I just randomly mash buttons), so was dreading getting the gift massively and put it off for way too long, but was pleasantly surprised about how realtively effortless it is to get, and how little direct pvp there is if you're roaming and flipping camps.


Hope this helps, and good luck! ❤️

Quick post edit: Actually let me add one more thing, if you just so happen to be on Underworld (EU), and wanted to group up to get started let me know. I don't actually need any Gifts at the moment, so don't have any real plans to head back to WvW, but am happy to hop on and give a hand if needed 😁

Edited by Marky.3756
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Thank you!

I logged in on time that there were like no people except 1-2. Then rarely I encounter small zerg. lol.

Do progress get carried over the next day? 

And do I have to capture camps, etc to earn points? Or killing guards = considered as participation?

I have been playing for 2 hrs now and I only have the 1st reward lol. Mainly because I have 0 clue what to do and no people as well (according to map chat, it's N/A so ppl are still out haha). 😐 

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   When you play in WvW there's a number of reward tracks you can complete while gaining experience there (same as in PvP), some of those tracks are repeteable and others not. Every one has a final chest as a reward which provides different tokens.. Chose the one which provides that gift (and which is repeateable):


   Easy ways to progress the experience bar of the reward tracks playing alone  are flipping camps (capturing enemy camps), guards, killing dollyaks or the veterans. Doing the (3) daylies also provides potions which progress the track (80 potions complete a full track), but sometimes that would require to join larger groups to capture the keeps. As general rule: the larger the objectives you seize or defend, the larger is the amount of xp you get.

   Make sure you have selected this track:


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39 minutes ago, knives.6345 said:

Do progress get carried over the next day? 

Yes, you keep your progress and also important: You keep your participation between wvw-visits.

2 hours ago, Marky.3756 said:

"tick" (every 15 minutes, you'll progress on your selected track depending on participation)

A tick is 5 min, not 15.

If your participatio is tier 6 you get 195 pts (There are booster!) progress every 5min. A reward track has 20'000 pts.


A general tip: The Map is your best friend, learn to read it, it shows you everything you need, from where are enemies/friends/dolyaks/battles, to which objectives can be captured when (there is a 5min invulnerability buf for lords after each flip).


There is also a slower but no effort way of getting your gift of battle: Do 1-4 wvw dailies every day and maybe also some wvw-weeklies. That gives you 1-2 Potions of WvW-Rewards per daily (up to 6 per day, 2 per weekly), each provides you 250 points progress on consumptions. Some of these dailies are much faster (e.g. WvW Big Spender or WvW Caravan Disruptor or WvW Land Claimer or Master of Monuments) done than PvE-Dailies. So after 2-4 weeks of doing your dailies faster, you completed your gift of battle. Probably to long for this leggie, but probably a good way to prepare for the next one 😉

Edited by Dayra.7405
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I wrote a full guide to getting the Gift of Battle a few years ago and other than saying mounts aren't available I think it's still current: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/18485-guide-to-getting-the-gift-of-battle-for-wvw-newbies/#comment-706479

(If you just want the Gift of Battle it's not worth getting the Warclaw first, it would at least double the time required.)

But the short version is that you need to make sure you have the Gift of Battle reward track selected in the WvW menu, then find a squad to run with (or capture camps and fight whatever you can solo) and as long as you're getting credit for participating in killing things, claiming places etc. you'll gradually get reward track progress. Depending on activity, boosters etc. it takes about 5-10 hours to complete the reward track, and your progress won't reset until it's finished.

(If you wanted to you can even switch reward tracks part-way through and you'll still save what you've done on each one and carry on from that point when you switch back.)

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Some additional hints:

1. the first pip tick (every 5 minutes) happens after the first full 5 minutes or after zoning from one WvW map to another. As such, if you want to maximize pips/participation: zone into 1 WvW map, check the timer up top (in case it is close to finishing) and immediately zone to another WvW map

2. if the timer up top finished while you are in a loading screen you will not get the tick. Avoid zoning or porting at +-15 seconds to timer finishing.

3. use boosters to increase your participation gain. There are a lot of boosts which increase your participation gain. For example: WxP guild boost +10%, WxP Amulet +5%, Experience boost +10%, Birthday booster (Celebration Booster), Snowflake Gobbler +25%, etc. (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/WvW_Reward_Track)

4. Pips are fixed and start accumulating once you hit participation rank 3 but participation gain increase up to rank 6. Try to stay at rank 6 as much as possible.

5. keep a tabs on dailies (and now weeklies) because those potions which they provide give an immediate 250 participation (80 are needed to complete a full track). You can save them for use later or on another track or immediately use them to speed up your current one

and the best and final tip:

6. If you start enjoying WvW, you will never worry about maximizing participation ever again since you'll be swimming in GoB and reward track chests.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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12 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:

In addition to a lot of good advice above, the desert map is good if you are intent on avoiding enemy players.

You are also likely to end up in a situation where the enemy top roamers run around your spawn because they hold 90% of the map, or there is nothing for you to do hence no participation.

EBG as a zergling is always the easiest choice, followed by home.

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Alpine enemy borderlands it often is easy to cap/recap a camp every 10 minutes. Then while waiting ... doing something else. (Before that play a bit normally to get participation to max tier. That way you can keep the timer up and do not need to play a lot.) Can be a bit boring. But also less risky.

Running around might - depending on the matchup/situation drain the timer while looking for targets ... with then an enemy killing you and you having to walk all the way again.

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2 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

You are also likely to end up in a situation where the enemy top roamers run around your spawn because they hold 90% of the map, or there is nothing for you to do hence no participation.

EBG as a zergling is always the easiest choice, followed by home.

Ebg as zergling, but my experience is that with a smidgen of awareness I can endlessly flip shrines and camps solo in desert without fighting anyone. 

Edited by Gibson.4036
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another way to do this is to find commanders that lead raids regularly on wvw. if you're willing to part with some gold, they will allow you to join the squad and share participation, you get credit for just being in wvw.


its also an option.


however, caveat with this, i haven't seen if the latest updates to the game affect this method or not. it used to work regardless of your faction alignment prior to the ...attempts at updating wvw recently.


i do so deeply enjoy how gw2 provides alternate means to reach an objective through community interactions.

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Looks like OP got his GoB, but, I'd suggest to everyone that doesn't normally run WvW to keep an eye on the WvW Dailies.  Try to hit the easy ones - Master of Monuments, Big Spender, Veteran Creature Killer, Caravan Disruptor, and Land Claimer.  I try to go for at least one each day.  Stack up the Potions of WvW rewards until you have a stack in your bank.  That gives you the ability to instantly complete a reward track (or 3) any time you want.  Some times reward tracks are introduced with PvE content drops, there are festival specific reward tracks, etc.  If you don't regularly WvW, keeping a stack of potions in the bank gives you options and opportunities in the future.

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Yes, yes and yes. Do not be me. I got gold to buy missing things, I got all the other items. I did not thoroughly check the list.

On the day I am supposed to craft the legendary, bam! WHAT IS THIS GIFT OF BATTLE? 

Ohgodywhy, it's only obtainable via WvW. (Pls note I am returning player after 6ish years, I thought this can be bought with the white wvw coin stuff, apparently not anymore lol)

I am now doing WvW almost daily. Still not a fan because I miss my Beetle or Skyscale and my toon inside is suuuuper slow, but hey, maybe I can collect Gifts for future.

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