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[NA] Returning Player LF Guild after a Long time


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Hello, im sure theres a million of these posts, but i haven't played pretty much since the initial release of the game, i did get skyscale about 6 months ago and quit now been playing a month or so and enjoying it.  

What im looking for is...

i'm Central time so any activities on weekdays after 9pm is perfect for me

Looking for an Adult guild, im 30+ so i dont have a high school or college kid schedule anymore unfortunately.

Not huge on big guilds because  then you are just a number in the massive amt of people online. 

Mainly looking for Strikes, fractals, raids  (new at all of these, tried 1 fractal so far) 

dont mind moving to a new server for a good WvW guild as well (currently sorrows furnace) just would like to find one for a right fit. (learning pvp again)

Just looking for some people to play with and try to get some legendaries 

i dont mind trying new specs or taking advice on builds, Currently the main classes i play are virtuoso, and dragonhunter, just made a druid but well see how that goes.


feel free to shoot me a friend request in game or msg me. currently i play by myself but if im around im always down to do something  


Thanks for reading !

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Hi! Welcome back from your break.


9pm might be a bit late due to most of us being on the east coast, most of our events kick off between 7-8pm central time. If thats not a deal breaker, we are a 30+ guild that may be a good fit for you. We have introductory opportunities for all of the PvE encounters you listed, as well as dungeons. Though, I am currently our only raid teacher and also run our weekly strike runs. We also have quite a few established end-game PvE players that can help with a multitude of builds suited for end-game content.


Though we have these opportunities, we are a casual focused guild, mostly just looking to have a good time. If you like what you've read, check us out below 🙂



Apply Here => https://tyrspaladium.shivtr.com/?site_game_id=136318

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Hiya there, Aepyon! Happy to see you back and tryin out GW2 again. I see you're trynna get into a guild that does later events and I feel you may like our guild, Clair De Lune [Luna]. We are a night owl PvE guild that does trainings, progressive, and semi-experienced content for end-game content like fractals, strikes, and raids. We also do general PvE events like dungeons. Along with this, we're also a social guild! So we love to hang out together and socialize within text and voice chat. Our guild does events between reset (8PM EDT) and 11PM EDT.

I would say our guild is about medium sized, but I believe we are very tight-knit regardless of our number. We love for everyone to get involved regardless of what we're doin, as well as having plenty of opportunities for folks to introduce themselves and just hang out to meet other guildies!

If all of that is okay with you, I would recommend you give our forum post a look over for a full list of information about our community and requirements. You can find our forum post HERE. Let me know in a DM or within our forum post if you wanna give us a shot and we'll get an invite sent to ya in no time!

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