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In yall opinion, which Revenant Skills "SUCK" and why?


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Shield sucks. 

Reason: Both skills are unintuitive in fast action combat, which is Gw2's combat system. 

Hammer sucks. 

Reason: Laden with bugs. Projectile hate seriously hurts a large portion of its DPS. Long cast times on crucial skills. Too slow to be a ranging weapon, too inconsistent as a sieging weapon. 

Edited by Yasai.3549
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Hammere + Shield

The weapons are kinda bad, shield is borderline useless.

as for skills?

Jade winds... just a big "Im firing my lazer" easy to dodge tell that sucks energy 

The other one is sword 3, unrelenting assault. This thing STILL Targets sentry posts and other objects in the world if you use it near them... as well STILL will get you stuck in walls. The norn male animation for it also is STILL broken ... and has been ever since HoT

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All the dash in vindi sucks also...
I don't understand why do we have to deal with "targetted" dash when DH have dash with a free target (like F2).
3GS and Nomad advance should be easier to use : target a zone and dash to it, then apply damage to a small zone like it currently work.

Also, I completly agree about hammer skills ^^'.
Shield is a non sense.
A lot of work to do on rev...

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shiro stance elite: Jade winds =>

50 energy => 25 energy            1sec cast => 0,5sec cast                 5sec cd => 15 sec cd         breakbar damage doubled.


Dwarf stance elite: Rite of the great dwarf=>

40 energy => 25 energy          1,25sec cast => 0,5 sec cast                0sec cd => 15 sec cd

Hammer skills: Explained in another thread already here from my view.



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in pve/pvp the core stance elite abilities aren't that much used for an elite skill. Since this in both contents an issue, it needs a small change.

if 25 energy is too low, make it 30 and lower cd to 12 seconds. But the current state making it not much used or worth using even is a waste.

Since these core stances are used a lot, it needs some attention

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On 5/25/2023 at 7:01 AM, jokebox.9803 said:

All the dash in vindi sucks also...
I don't understand why do we have to deal with "targetted" dash when DH have dash with a free target (like F2).
3GS and Nomad advance should be easier to use : target a zone and dash to it, then apply damage to a small zone like it currently work.

Also, I completly agree about hammer skills ^^'.
Shield is a non sense.
A lot of work to do on rev...

Literally just drop target and dash forward. The dashes are completely fine as they are

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Following centaur stance and salvation traitline :

° Minor trait serene rejuvenation (Purifying Essence):  3 sec regeneration => 3 sec resolution.

° Centaur skill 1 (Project Tranquility): each 3 sec pulsing heal grants 2 second regeneration.

° Centaur skill 5 (Energy expulsion): 35 energy => 30 energy.



Minor trait change because it is more fitting for going on protection against conditions when you cleanse.

The pulsing regen boon 2 sec only, for adding still regen to a support stance needed. You will have to bewary of your placements each 3 second to get that 2 second boon going on.

Expulsion cost little bit reduced because it's too high, but below 30 I feel it might get spam abused. Some contents more then other.


Edited by arazoth.7290
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  • 2 weeks later...

This will be from pvp/wvw perstective

Hammer when come out to op could one shot any one.
Now Hammer is been throw soo many reworks its conlky for two hand weapon heavy weapon and slow animation if its slow its should hit hard if its fast should hit low. For example engi rifle after rework of auto attack now its like machine gun.
Shild its so outdated its first time when elit was intrudacted to game so game was more slagish in term of combat but new after all expension and elitas and combat dynamic the shild just don't work. Look at chrono 2x block + cc/buff skill / herald stacionery block/buff+heal.

Also agree with other people at energy use to hige in some elita skill like shiro or jalin to much energy cost prefer long cd and that I can at least use combo there is super low instat time where I will be able to generate 50%+ energy to do any thing after one elit skill, usealy people use elit and swich legend to regain energy.

Corruption > Replenishing Despire: The person who got idea for that trait should not pitch any more ideas to game. Skill that kills you / allowes boting. Resistance was re/work before that that trait was added so no idea how its should work as dmg of torrment stock with ur condi dmg if u dont slot it with glinth there is no synergy with anything.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i've mentioned it before but most rev weapons need a second pass, and utilities also need to be reevaluated especially with recent changes

they need to completely reevaluate hammer, it's only use is large scale wvw

staff although seemingly good, is a 100% defensive weapon with negative offensive capability. i mean really. the only reason it's part of any rev set is because without it, we'd fall over. eles earth shield utility has more functionality than an entire weapon of the rev (in which we dont have many)

greatsword feels pretty good actually, has variety. increase charge distance imo. change counterattack animation more in line with rangers. revs is SO telegraphed and slow, easy to dodge

1h swords feel anemic. they are "OK" but again, not ideal. compared to guardian sw/sw for example, it's less mobility and less utility, just worse 

ren shortbow feels pretty good imo

shield 4 cast should be halved, and 5 should not root. it's 2023 and mobility creep is insane

mace mh is .. OK. leap animation lock is brutally long 

offhand axe? super situational and really doesn't fit in with much besides condi mallyx pve only 

centaur stance needs an entire rework and 100% needs a stunbreak included. how is this even in this state for so long? 

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9 hours ago, George Steel.1804 said:

i've mentioned it before but most rev weapons need a second pass, and utilities also need to be reevaluated especially with recent changes

they need to completely reevaluate hammer, it's only use is large scale wvw

staff although seemingly good, is a 100% defensive weapon with negative offensive capability. i mean really. the only reason it's part of any rev set is because without it, we'd fall over. eles earth shield utility has more functionality than an entire weapon of the rev (in which we dont have many)

greatsword feels pretty good actually, has variety. increase charge distance imo. change counterattack animation more in line with rangers. revs is SO telegraphed and slow, easy to dodge

1h swords feel anemic. they are "OK" but again, not ideal. compared to guardian sw/sw for example, it's less mobility and less utility, just worse 

ren shortbow feels pretty good imo

shield 4 cast should be halved, and 5 should not root. it's 2023 and mobility creep is insane

mace mh is .. OK. leap animation lock is brutally long 

offhand axe? super situational and really doesn't fit in with much besides condi mallyx pve only 

centaur stance needs an entire rework and 100% needs a stunbreak included. how is this even in this state for so long? 

mace problem with the fire condi area is little to small and enemies can get really ez out of it even with chill condi on them.

Also centaur stance is in a really good state atm, they made it really smooth and centaur stance is designed on the way that you don't need a cc break, since you also can move tablet while ccd. So it unnecessary, I never found myself in a weak spot when even cc chained while tablet is active. Learning centaur stance requires some time.

What they could change to centaur stance though=> purrifying essence condi cleanse => 3 sec regen boon to 3 sec resolution. And adding to the tablet while it pulses each 3 sec a heal, it also gives 3 sec regeneration boon


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11 hours ago, arazoth.7290 said:

Also centaur stance is in a really good state atm, they made it really smooth and centaur stance is designed on the way that you don't need a cc break, since you also can move tablet while ccd. So it unnecessary, I never found myself in a weak spot when even cc chained while tablet is active. Learning centaur stance requires some time


how is centaur in a good place? this is by far the least used stance renegade sees in use in every single gamemode, and realistically when it does see use it's for 1 of it's 4 abilities 

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3 hours ago, George Steel.1804 said:

how is centaur in a good place? this is by far the least used stance renegade sees in use in every single gamemode, and realistically when it does see use it's for 1 of it's 4 abilities 

Before giving critic on it further, give it time to get used to how to play it. Requirements are ofc a healing amulet since centaur is for support made and use salvation traitline.

Whisper me in game, send me a mail, add me if you like I can show if you want

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19 hours ago, arazoth.7290 said:

Before giving critic on it further, give it time to get used to how to play it. Requirements are ofc a healing amulet since centaur is for support made and use salvation traitline.

Whisper me in game, send me a mail, add me if you like I can show if you want

i've played centaur stance. i play revenant exclusively and have reached top100 spvp playing rev exclusively. with all due respect i don't need to be shown anything. centaur support is not used in any top tier spvp play and is barely used in any gamemode period. 

many would argue it needs stability, but at the very least it requires one stunbreak to be viable in any pvp gamemode  

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6 hours ago, George Steel.1804 said:

i've played centaur stance. i play revenant exclusively and have reached top100 spvp playing rev exclusively. with all due respect i don't need to be shown anything. centaur support is not used in any top tier spvp play and is barely used in any gamemode period. 

many would argue it needs stability, but at the very least it requires one stunbreak to be viable in any pvp gamemode  

yea... centaur => WvW, even after the coming patch there will be ee a build

pve => herald support, argument for coming patch. I already thought about some ideas to get enough quickness uptime without getting energy drained and still being able yo use other abilities while having perma quickness ^^.

pvp you can ez get to plat 2 with a support vindicator build. It isn't only about raw healing and cleanse. projectile barier is skill issue for timing and having it at the right place to protect allies. Ez perma protection boon uptime like tempest np, done it multipble times. higher reliable long cc uptime then tempest on shorter cd. maybe not instant ress, but there are tricks to ress ppl while u stay supporting team same time you ress. All of this with over 1 mil raw heal. Good point about it, it aren't small meaningless healing numbers over large area spread which looks nice on total healing stat numbers, it are meaningful heals compared to tempest, guard, druid, which have impact. Stunbreaks and stability share, tempest doesn't share themself much compared to guard. Vindicator had large aoe group stunbreak, staying out off cc is ez, positioning and good dodge timings. Compared to tempest, core guard it requires more learning curve to be as effective, but the potential is ez there. Who argues different has only maybe tried it max 10 times and didn't put effort in learning, that's okay and then this isn't for you. There are other supports which are easier to learn and that is more then fine, not everything should be easy in the game. Argument about energy for revenant, got to manage it well 😉 

Small edit: you can give yourself/allies high uptime on resistance, which other supports are kind of missing and helps really well

Edited by arazoth.7290
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For me it's Mallyx's healing skill, though it's pedantic. In Guildwars I, Mallyx's entire mechanic/gimmic was becoming stronger the more debuffs you put on them, with the demon's healing ability consuming all debuffs; the more debuffs consumed, the more it healed. So it should really work more like the heal for Jalis.

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