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[NA mainly, EU welcome!] Order of the Apple [HELP] - recruiting players of all types! A guild focussed on helping new and returning players to success.


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Welcome to Order of the Apple!

We're a new guild built with the intention of helping new and returning players find their way in this vast game.

I feel the best way to introduce you to what we do is by introducing myself. I'm Xeladen, a player who returned to this game months ago after being gone for seven years. When I returned, the amount of content was VAST, and to be blunt, a little overwhelming. I didn't know where to start, and wasn't even sure how to go about gearing my level 80 character. After playing for a while, and making some friends, I started getting comfortable asking questions. Letting it be known how little I knew. This mindset opened me up to a lot of learning opportunities including fractal trainings, strikes, hero point trains, and more!

With that being said, I wanted to build a place for players to be able to ask those questions. To build their statics for fractals and strikes. To find friends in a sea of players.

That's where the idea for Order of the Apple began. We want to build onto the mentoring system of the game, and provide players a place to experience content with people who are interested in teaching.

So, I ask:

  • Are you a new or returning player wanting some guidance?
  • Are you a long time player who wants to teach?
  • Are you burnt out looking for a friendly guild, and just want some friends?

Then give us a try!

Our guild hall is fresh, we're level two. I won't lie and act like I fully know what I'm doing running a guild, but that's where you come in. Help me help you. Learn content alongside me.

Let's make some friends, and build the best learners guild we can.


Message on the forum or send a mail for an invite! I look forward to meeting you.


Edit: To give some perspective, we're now up to 9 members. Still very small but we did all of our guild missions and we're making some progress!

Edited by Xeladen.9670
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14 hours ago, Tsaigos.7681 said:

Do you guys use VC relatively often? Or is it more type talking?

It's pretty mixed. There's only eight of us currently, but I try to hang out in VC whenever possible. The officer doesn't use mic. Whatever you're comfortable with works.

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15 hours ago, fcjester.9310 said:

I would really be interested in joining! i wont lie i bought the first two expansions and have no idea what im doing but would love to have a community to play and talk too


12 hours ago, Quinraylo.5028 said:

I been playing months and i don't have a guild at all would be nice to make friends and able to ask for help . 

Invites sent to both of you!

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23 hours ago, Rustyoledragon.2736 said:

I am interested in becoming a part of this Xeladen. In a similar situation. Returning player from years ago.


22 hours ago, Leander X Hero.7026 said:


I'd like to join if you you'd have me.


I'm a returning player and would love to get back to playing GW2. It's been quite a while, since last I played.



22 hours ago, ManyForty.2819 said:

I’m a returning playing looking for a new home I would love to join.


9 hours ago, CaptMike.6175 said:

Hi.  I've been looking for a guild.  I'm a new(ish) player who would love to join a band of friends.



Invites sent, glad to have you all!

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  • Xeladen.9670 changed the title to [NA mainly, EU welcome!] Order of the Apple [HELP] - recruiting players of all types! A guild focussed on helping new and returning players to success.

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