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The impact of nerfing scrapper super speed a second time.


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Does Anet get that nerfing super speed doesn't only affect the ability to kite... but all the related traits as well.  I mean these guys just introduced a trait which heals you when you have super speed and they have another trait which does 5% damage when you have super speed.... but they didn't adjust either of these things?


What's worse both of those are in the same tier ... scraper second tier.  So you your particularly limited when you consider trying to switch to a different trait in the same tier without also taking the hit from the loss of super speed. 


So essentially you've just made a class that was only competitively viable by going completely glass cannon on all attributes... unable to run-away, and do less damage when it does try to attack because people complained about grenades damage and stealth.


Does any real thought go into this?

Edited by shion.2084
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1 hour ago, dead.7638 said:

The stealth, nade set up is hard to counter on some classes.   It’s a one shot mechanic that’s meme at its best and it’s effective.   Careful what you wish for.   

I don't use it, nor do I want it.  Why would you think otherwise?

What I am wishing for is that if they nerf the actual issue that made the stealth gank yolo build unviable.   In general that damage coming out of stealth should be debuffed for a period of time (for all classes).   Also that damage occurring immediately after a port, or invuln period should be similarly debuffed.  

What you should NOT do is take a class which can only do competitive damage at full yolo traits, expect it to have to kite to live, Give it no port, no great mobility skill or invuln in the competitive build, and then take away its super speed.

If you are dumb enough to lower the superspeed, then you should at least compensate for the fact that now your glass noodle glass has actually less damage as well because that was tied to super speed, and it's sustain options were also treated to be related to super speed.

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Hard to agree with you, engi overall is in a decent state, however, I do get that it’s not what it used to be.   Unless I’m missing something about traits that boost dmg from having super speed.   I don’t see how it lowers your dps.   Adapting to the balance updates is always a chore when you know a class so well.   And I get that it may feel like it’s missing something after a nerf.   But on average there is always a engi per team if not more, so it can’t be suffering too bad from my perspective.   I do not claim to know the class.   Just my thoughts.

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31 minutes ago, dead.7638 said:

Hard to agree with you, engi overall is in a decent state, however, I do get that it’s not what it used to be.   Unless I’m missing something about traits that boost dmg from having super speed.   I don’t see how it lowers your dps.   Adapting to the balance updates is always a chore when you know a class so well.   And I get that it may feel like it’s missing something after a nerf.   But on average there is always a engi per team if not more, so it can’t be suffering too bad from my perspective.   I do not claim to know the class.   Just my thoughts.

Only scrapper was nerfed, not engi overall.

Yes as I mention, the competitive builds take trait that gives extra damage when you have super speed.   So having less superspeed means having less damage.   Also there is a trait that gives you more healing when you have superspeed, so having less superspeed means less healing.  


Note that this is the second patch in a row where superspeed was reduced, and the core unhealthy aspect had been stealth gank builds.

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51 minutes ago, dead.7638 said:

Hard to agree with you, engi overall is in a decent state, however, I do get that it’s not what it used to be.   Unless I’m missing something about traits that boost dmg from having super speed.   I don’t see how it lowers your dps.   Adapting to the balance updates is always a chore when you know a class so well.   And I get that it may feel like it’s missing something after a nerf.   But on average there is always a engi per team if not more, so it can’t be suffering too bad from my perspective.   I do not claim to know the class.   Just my thoughts.

Why even post when you literally admit you don't know what you're talking about. Great quality shitpost brother. Filled with fallacies btw.

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The issue I have with the A net balance team is (as it was pointed out here) they will often nerf one thing without overlooking the effects it has on other traits or abilities - which can lead to a 'domino' effect

Using scraper as an example - nerfing superspeed renders a lot of other traits useless, for example; Damage damper (which was better than the rework, but oh well) which is now known as Rapid Regen was already crap, to put it mildly -- but now thanks to this it is even worse. I honestly think they should of left this trait alone as damage damper was unique, but there you go.

They will also do daft things like nerf the Gyro -- when using it as DPS was always the trade off,  save it for res or use it for dps; why was it nerfed? No idea, and further highlights my believe that they have no idea what they are doing.



Edited by TomUjain.8206
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I feel engi in pvp got hit harder with nerfs compared to maybe a bigger problem that was speed runes in wvw.   And it was busted af.   However, wvw builds still have stat selection/sigil/better runes/ and food.   This is maybe the intention behind the nerf.   From what I could read the nerf was to the duration.

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On 4/20/2023 at 1:54 PM, shion.2084 said:

ummm they don't call them nurfs... the term is nerf.  Etymology for the word comes from the nerf toys which would take hard things and make them soft and squishy


Yes thats how it started mate then gamers upgraded as nerf guns are still fun. So it become

n "now"

u " you"

r "really"

f "f'ing"

s " s h í t "


But it started with the r meaning are but peeps switched it to really as in unplayable 

Edited by Goldilock.2584
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1 hour ago, Khalisto.5780 said:

Good luck with that, when I was arguing about how to nerf cata without destroying core ele (even more) I was just getting confused emotes.


Most ppl dont want reasonable nerfs, they just want build x out of their games.

Anet just listen the loud crowd "buah buah kill this please T_T" and no the actual playerbase from a class.


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Remember when I told you they would keep nerffing scrapper when I quit a couple months ago.  They still haven't nerffed grenade scrapper lmao, just every other form of scrapper.   I'm really glad I don't waste my time on this game anymore. .  They gave up balancing the game and just make changes to appease the whiners now.  They have so little interest in balancing it that they don't take more than 5 minutes to actually think about their changes.    They just have some little numberical data that show specs overperforming so they can throw out random changes with the least amount of effort.  That's why the game is trash and nobody plays it anymore

Edited by Kstyle.5829
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