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[EU] [RAIDS] RNG static is LFM to join our twice weekly runs on Monday & Wednesday CET 20:00-22:00


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To introduce ourselves, [RNG] is a group of friendly people who have years of experience raiding in Guild Wars 2. We play on the European servers. To maintain a welcoming atmosphere, we have some behavior rules on our Discord to keep things pleasant for everyone.

We are looking for people to join us every week on Mondays and Wednesdays, starting at 20:00 CET (UTC +1) and we raid in two hour chunks; four hours total per week. Roughly, we manage to beat about 5-6 wings in the given time period. [RNG] is a static group for a person seeking a more laid back rather than hyper-intense weekly raiding experience.

There is a react-based weekly #sign-up system on Discord for the commanders to have an overview of who is ready to raid. This #sign-up system gets reset after our Wednesday raiding evening and you are expected to sign-up for the next week well in advance (options are also given to indicate you are unavailable or a back-up). We then work out in advance who plays what roles for the week in order to keep things rolling smoothly.

We are currently looking for two or three more players to fill out our roster.

Our preference is to recruit multiclass players, but we have room for a few DPS players (with a flexibility requirement of being able to play condi on condi bosses and power on power bosses). We would like to recruit players with the alternative of being able to play a support DPS boon role or heal boon role, too.

General preferences:

·         Decently experienced in W1-W4

·         Adequate grasp of W5-W7

·         Proficiency in the mechanics and rotations of your chosen class

·         One power, one condi class (optional one boon support role) with which to raid with

·         Willingness to learn new roles, mechanics—experience can always be gained

·         Able to join voice chat on Discord during raids

·         Communicative and comfortable speaking in English

·         Asking questions if something is not clear

·         Punctuality

·         Able to tolerate humour of questionable quality; in general patience with nonsense

·         Representing [RNG] is not required

·         It is a requirement to join all raids on Mondays and Wednesdays for at least a one month trial period

Bonus points:

·         Posting a setup picture on Discord

·         Posting your pet pictures on Discord (we are very fond of pets)

·         ‘Your name is Mark (as requested by our on demand Tommy Wiseau mimic)'

If you feel like you do not exactly match our listed preferences you can still contact to try us out and see if we fit. We are not a training static but we are willing to explain some mechanics if things are not entirely clear.

After having read all this (well done!), if you are still interested or if you have some questions, you can contact us—preferably—on Discord or through the in game mail. (Please note that I rarely have a reason to be on Reddit//forums and am not very good with checking my personal messages here, (think less than once a month).)

Recruiter Information:

·         On Discord: Moonwired#7452

·         GW2 account: Moonwired.5748

We will get back to you as soon as possible if you leave a message.

P.S. NO ECTO GAMBLING ALLOWED! (We have problems.) (We also have an ecto gambling discord bot)


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