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What's effective vs thiefes in wvw?


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5 hours ago, Lucy.3728 said:

Do you mean with soldier's equipment (power, vita, toughness) or celestial (bit of everything)?

Something like that: https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Spellbreaker_-_Support_Spellbreaker ? (with greatsword as second for better mobility)

No it's a core warrior with full Nomad's everything, shield obviously and warhorn on the second set. I think Dolyak runes (I forget.) I think I explored elite specs but nothing maxed out regeneration and healing as much as I was getting on core, especially with warhorn AoE heals. I originally used the healing signet but I think they actually nerfed it since then so you can't get perpetual regen, so I replaced it with the skill that heals you while you take damage. Now please keep in mind I'm not saying this is a good roaming build other than for trolling, although it is really fun always being the last one standing in a group wipe lol

Edited by Elricht Kaltwind.8796
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On 4/25/2023 at 9:57 AM, Lucy.3728 said:

Do you mean with soldier's equipment (power, vita, toughness) or celestial (bit of everything)?

Something like that: https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Spellbreaker_-_Support_Spellbreaker ? (with greatsword as second for better mobility)

In the long run I wouldn't go warrior if you're looking to counter thieves. Generally speaking, thief counters all warrior builds if you put a skilled player behind the wheel. 


Your best shot is power ranger (soulbeast), willbender (guardian), and being a thief yourself. 

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Define "effective"!

1. If you are talking about builds that can kill a thief, then it's only a oneshot build. In any other case the thief will just reset the fight once you dealt a certain amount of damage.

2. If you are talking about builds that a thief can not kill: Either high burst builds that can destroy 75% of his health bar in one second each time he engages (which means forcing him to reset immediately) or simply a bunker he can't outdamage.

Regarding 1. not every class has the options for such builds

Regarding 2: every class can build in such a way (but often these builds are bad against every other class)

That sums up, why everyone hates thieves. The class is just a stupid misplacement in the game with mechanics that follow their own rules.

Edited by KrHome.1920
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7 hours ago, KrHome.1920 said:

Define "effective"!

Either killing or escaping successfully.

I usually play rev in wvw (renegade or herald, depending on the team situation) and sometimes it happens I have to go from a to b alone or with someone else, like when resupplying or going to the squad from a wp. And sometimes there are 1-3 enemies farming the single ppl and at least 1 thief is among them (had 3 thieves once too).


I survive a while but that's play for time, when the thief gets to much dmg he hides and ports away just to return like 5 seconds later and it starts again and I'm not getting anywhere. That's frustrating. Herald doesn't have the mobility to escape. Thief jumps faster and further.

I don't know whether rev has the possibility to kill a thief (unless the really incompetent ones, but they are not the topic). Maybe a shiro/mallyx combination, but I guess it lacks burst damage. When I play renegade I wear mainly celestial with bit condi, as herald I wear either marauder or full berserker.


I know I can escape a thief as thief, but I like team playing in wvw and a thief is useless in that regard and tbh thief is the only class I can't warm up with in any mode and I tried every spec, it's only useful to me for Halloween labyrinth.

The class is an absurdity in WvW.

Other classes I'd play in wvw: warrior, necro, ranger (though latter has no value in organised squads I know).

No ele, no thief, no guard.

Edited by Lucy.3728
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Have you tried the target painters and target painter traps sold by the traps and tricks merchants?  Most issues seem to stem from thieves utilizing stealth.


There are aura-creating runes that activate on combat start which would be helpful, too, but that's where I'd start.



Edited by EphemeralWallaby.7643
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On 4/29/2023 at 9:13 PM, EphemeralWallaby.7643 said:

Have you tried the target painters and target painter traps sold by the traps and tricks merchants?  Most issues seem to stem from thieves utilizing stealth.


There are aura-creating runes that activate on combat start which would be helpful, too, but that's where I'd start.



Telling people to use traps is a trap used by thieves in order to waste peoples time and resources.

Edited by Dawdler.8521
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   Some Ranger builds (both power and condi) have chances, some bunker/brusier builds (Druids, Weavers, Catalyst) can. Some very high burst builds (Virtuoso) with good defense...

  But well played, if a Thief has the sense that can't win a fight (or is very risky) ausually can disengage, so  theoretically the most you can get is a draw.

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