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Offline Players send me /whisper but I cannot reply back!?

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Hear me out please, I actually think solution 2 is the better option. While solution 1 would work on people who stay in offline mode for extended periods of time regardless, it does not work on people who will actually change their status for the sake of trolling. Solution 2 on the other hand actually gives those who are non-abusive of the status a new ability, holding a whisper conversation while appearing offline to friends, followers, and guild members.


Now I know this will result in still getting unwanted whispers but hear me out once again, we already have a solution to stopping whispers and that is changing the chat settings to not show whispers. Yes, the troll can do this too but doing so results in them being unable to see their own whisper as well, intruding on their ability to admire their handiwork which solution 1 alone could not. Meanwhile, if you turn off whispers on your own side, the troll's whispers disappear from the chat box as well, giving you space to simply move on and not feed them.

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14 hours ago, DaFishBob.6518 said:

Hear me out please, I actually think solution 2 is the better option. While solution 1 would work on people who stay in offline mode for extended periods of time regardless, it does not work on people who will actually change their status for the sake of trolling. Solution 2 on the other hand actually gives those who are non-abusive of the status a new ability, holding a whisper conversation while appearing offline to friends, followers, and guild members.

At least in that case it's the trolling person who has to jump over the hurdles, juggling their status instead of playing the game. And if by chance anyone really actually would go out of their way to still do that, then there's still an option to block.
From my understanding option 2 nullifies the purpose of the invisible status.

14 hours ago, DaFishBob.6518 said:

Now I know this will result in still getting unwanted whispers but hear me out once again, we already have a solution to stopping whispers and that is changing the chat settings to not show whispers. Yes, the troll can do this too but doing so results in them being unable to see their own whisper as well, intruding on their ability to admire their handiwork which solution 1 alone could not. Meanwhile, if you turn off whispers on your own side, the troll's whispers disappear from the chat box as well, giving you space to simply move on and not feed them.

The idea about "not seeing whispers at all because you turned them off from showing in chat box" is probably the worst of every other available option, since now in order to stop whispers from one person, you... turn off messages from literally everyone in the game?

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2 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

At least in that case it's the trolling person who has to jump over the hurdles, juggling their status instead of playing the game. (They jump the hurdles to achieve the following result: sending whispers without having to be subjected to whispers. Solution 2 means they can't do that at all. You'll be able to send off a response regardless of their status without an annoying red message saying you can't send a whisper to someone who is (clearly not) "off line".) And if by chance anyone really actually would go out of their way to still do that, then there's still an option to block (Agree!).
From my understanding option 2 nullifies the purpose of the invisible status (But is that the only purpose of invisible status? You still get to log in and out in peace from anyone with you on some kind of list such as friend, follower or guild member, and as I point out, you can right now turn off whispers from showing in chat box so that utility is not lost from solution 2).

The idea about "not seeing whispers at all because you turned them off from showing in chat box" is probably the worst of every other available option, since now in order to stop whispers from one person, you... turn off messages (But that's how it is when you go invisible now, so I don't understand the objection here) from literally everyone in the game? (And this is where the current block list comes in if you want to target a specific person)

I can't see your point and so you got a confused reaction for this. Do you just like having invisible be an all encompassing solution to not being bothered by other players? Because if not that then...


Making a goal more difficult to achieve is not more effective than making it impossible to achieve.

I believe invisible status still maintains some utility on it's own, it's just not forcefully coupled with blanket whisper blocking as well in solution 2. That kind of thing is already available through chat box filtering.

And yes block list is still a thing, and a good thing to have at that.

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21 minutes ago, DaFishBob.6518 said:

Do you just like having invisible be an all encompassing solution to not being bothered by other players? Because if not that then...

What else is it supposed to be? That's exactly what its purpose is, isn't it? And option 2 goes against that. What part of what I said is not understandable exactly?

Edited by Sobx.1758
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The key part to all of this is to not respond to trolls. They are immature and lack the ability to just enjoy the game. They think they are superior to others and like to flaunt it when they are anonymous. They win a match and they get all giddy inside and have to say something demeaning  to make themselves feel more important instead of just saying good fight. 


So no options are needed: Just Report(if it was a harassing comment or derogatory) and Block them - problem solved. Eventually they will be talking to themselves and quit the game finally once no one responds.

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5 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

What else is it supposed to be? That's exactly what its purpose is, isn't it? And option 2 goes against that. What part of what I said is not understandable exactly?

Just a difference in opinion on what the invisible status has to have to justify it's existence. I'm of the opinion that simply having it be an option to go invisible on social lists is enough, you believe it has to be coupled with disabling whispers. It feels a bit redundant to me since we can already disable whispers through the chat options but I suppose the convenient package of the invisible status is important enough for some people. Either way the imbalance of how the status makes a one way street in conversation ought to be addressed.

Confused reaction removed.

Edited by DaFishBob.6518
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