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[EU] [Fissure of Woe] LF Guild PvE/(WvW/sPvP)

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Looking for people to play with, preferably a guild with players that are on average 30 or older, I'm pushing 40 myself. preferably a smaller but active guild.

I've played GW2 on and off for a few years, but initially bought it at launch. 
Hopefully  people who do a bit of everything, have a good sense of humor, and have some skin on their nose, I use coarse language and make no excuses about it.
I'm very hard to offend and like to hang around others with the same mentality. I like a good bit of banter.
I like to push myself to perform well when I play, but I don't really care if everyone else is one armed, half blind and feeding their newborn at the same time. I'll happily wipe for hours in good company.

I mostly play from 17-01 CET, weekends usually later. I'm Swedish, but international guilds are preferable.
My main is a Condi Weaver, but most likely open to play what's needed in the right group.

Ideally a group of people who used to play hardcore but got too old. One thing I can't do again is a set raid schedule with mandatory attendance. 
If it works out I'd look to bring my wife into the guild as well. Bonus points if there's women in the guild for her to talk to, but she's used to sausage fests by now.

Preferably 18+ policy but no problems if parents have their kids in the guild (as long as "online interactions not rated" is understood).

Bonus points if guild has no experience with raids and just looking to get started, would be fun.
Happy to join for PvP but am clueless.

Will consider learning in-game instruments.

Forgot to mention, I'll probably forget about the forum post so feel free to email in game.
See ya

Edited by Zerkish.5302
Added note about emailing in game.
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