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More flexible Raids


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@Irokou.3215 said:I feel that the design philosophy pertaining to raids is one relating to challenge, removing said challenge renders the concept of raiding rather pointless. It may as well be delegated to be any other PvE content at that point, as it would no longer have that unique quirk. Not to mention that once players get a sampling of the "easy" route, they rarely go back to challenge as they are rewarded either way.That means the challenge wasn't all that interesting for those players. Why enforce it on them then?

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I'd take the current difficulty as the benchmark for an easy mode if anything and increase the difficulty from there.Your way of thinking is off besides. The game does not focus on raids by any means nor are you forced to raid to be able to acquire the top gear in this game. They are niche content for a niche audience. ArenaNet never intended for the majority of the population to be interested in raids to begin with.

Anyhow, you already mentioned ArenaNet's reply to this question - why bother with another one of these discussions?

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@UnbentMars.9126 said:Devil's Advocate here: adding different difficulty layers will increase the amount of elitism in the game.

We already saw this in WoW with the introduction of Heroic Raids in Wrath of the Lich King, which got even worse when LFR and Mythic were introduced.

I am gonna play devils advocate on your devils advocate: I think the game needs to increase the amount of elitism so that different sources of elitism erupt. But the thing is, creating tiers of difficulty for raids is such a damaging and bad way of doing it. And such an arbitrary system as well.

Build templates that allows you to create, load and share builds will create these different tiers but in a organic fashion. The big problem now is that anyone willling to go into raids whether they are new to the game, veteran but never willing to before, will always be told to check this only website made by this only "famous" guild that are quite proficient at the game while any other player won't necessarily be as proficient or willing as this guild. Anyway that is how I feel personally.

With build templates you would at least unveil how flexible the game can be when it comes to raiding or any other hard content that is deemed difficult. That is another problem as well: so many ways of playing but so much lack of visibility.

In short Mike O brien was right: word of mouth is so much important. And build templates convey that word of mouth in such a useful way. Because at least we won't have to specifically go out of our way outside of the game to see what is effective. We could stay in game, test some stuff and share builds with so much more convenience to unveil so much more.

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