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2 v 2 Revenant Build (sPvP)


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Hey there,

I was simply wondering if you guys had any builds that you were finding success on in this 2 v 2 meta. I have tried tampering with salvation Vindicator, but in 2 v 2 I just feel like I'm constantly out paced by other things in terms of damage and pressure. I feel like I spend most of the match just trying not to die, cycling through my dodges, 3 heals, and poor excuse for condi cleanse rather than asserting dominance. I know this could very just be a l2p issue, in which case I'm open to literally any and all advice. I'm currently running the following:


Salvation 3 - 2 - 2

Invocation 1 - 2 - 1

Vindicator 1 - 2 - 2 


Berserker Amulet / Dolyak Rune (sometimes Divinity, trying to see which I prefer)


GS / Staff (I prefer S/S but have been struggling without the extra sustain from staff)


I've been a thief player for a long time and have recently been playing a lot of axe/axe + mace/shield berserker. However, Vindicator has felt like a true breath of fresh air and is quite possibly my favorite class. I would love help with getting better at it (hell or herald, which I haven't tried yet) in PvP. Thanks!


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Any kind of rev will be weak on 2v2 because cc is everywhere, when focused you waste energy on defense and don't do damage. You don't benefit from shiro that much because arena is small, and you are weak to condi. Condi herald will be better, still not ideal because same cc problem. Best pick might be Rene with dwarf/kalla for maximum stab, but i did not try it yet. 

For your vindi build, if you play mostly as DPS and stay near support, I'd take damage dodge in vindicator, and divinity rune. If you play as bunker on node far from support than what you took, dollyak rune and maybe demolisher amulet. That is for 5v5.

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8 minutes ago, Polar.8634 said:

Any kind of rev will be weak on 2v2 because cc is everywhere, when focused you waste energy on defense and don't do damage. You don't benefit from shiro that much because arena is small, and you are weak to condi. Condi herald will be better, still not ideal because same cc problem. Best pick might be Rene with dwarf/kalla for maximum stab, but i did not try it yet. 

For your vindi build, if you play mostly as DPS and stay near support, I'd take damage dodge in vindicator, and divinity rune. If you play as bunker on node far from support than what you took, dollyak rune and maybe demolisher amulet. That is for 5v5.

Thanks for the response! I'll try to stop letting my ego get bruised in 2 v 2 and just wait for the next 5 v 5 season. 

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  I've been using this (along carrion Firebrand) in the 2 vs 2 season:


  Bunker Herald with Glint + Jalis, demolisher stats and rune of divinity. Is nothing special in damage and you only deliver it at mele range (so very mobile foes and pure ranged ones can be annoying sometimes) but has good sustain and is able to endure punish vs most kinds of challengers. Plenty of damage mitigation, cc, blinds, passive heals, blocks, cleanses...  Most of those tools do benefit both you and your random partner.

   IMO Renegade is worse when focused by mele specs (specially outside the more broad asura map). Power Vindicator and the old power Herald just don't work very well in deathmatch, since their re-sustain is low and they just lack damage, and the hardest fight you're facinf in 2 v 2 are builds with more re-sustain or able to cycle through defense rotations which last longer than the ones from Revs.

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