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On Loss sPvP rewards need to be removed

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1 hour ago, Gibson.4036 said:

Quoting because this kind of thing is so much better than "no reward for losses". People already give up too early for stupidly little reason. They need incentive to keep playing and at least trying to pull a close game and get credit for participating.

Agreed. It would be hella unfair (and extremely frustrating) if you try really hard--and maybe even play really well-- but your team loses and you get absolutely nothing to show for it. That certainly wouldn't motivate me to try harder.

For instance, imagine you're down 200-300, your team just wiped, and the other team is in the process of getting a triple cap. A comeback is still totally possible, but experience tells me that there's probably an 80-90% likelihood of losing at this point.  If you tell me, "you can keep playing, but if you lose, you get nothing," I would be much more likely to say screw it and sit in spawn. What's the point of putting in the effort when you're unlikely to get anything out of it?

On the other hand, if I could still earn a lot of rewards and maybe even salvage my rating, I'd be a lot more motivated to keep trying, even if the game were out of reach. That's a lot healthier for the game mode, imo.

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On 5/30/2023 at 10:09 AM, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

The guy just told you if he queued and got nothing for his time he wouldn't play. What is the point of an adjustment bent on removing the bots/afkers if you also discourage the people who would otherwise actually play the game mode, especially if the population is so low that queues have a 50/50 shot at being a wash? 

The solution needs to be more nuanced than this. See above.

They stated they have gripes and feels bad because of losses caused by afkers and bots so removing large portion of feels bad losses you would have a larger portion of games with people participating in the game mode which would potentially lead to more wins and competitive games. 

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On 5/31/2023 at 1:54 PM, Gibson.4036 said:

They need incentive to keep playing and at least trying to pull a close game and get credit for participating.

Its a good system that @CalmTheStorm.2364 came up with because it doesn't reward people for just participating and being there. It gives credit to the people that actively try to pull a close game; even in the face of a loss, and does away with the participation award.

Nobody deserves a reward for doing absolutely nothing in competitive. That is a terrible example to set in the competitive mode and participation awards belong in Unranked. They always will. I think that is an important distinction to make if we ever want to hope for such a reward system to exist in Ranked. A single moment of leniency is akin to a lifetime of betrayal. 🙏

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I disagree, probably it'll end with players leaving the pvp for good, instead i suggest to make the reward progressive with the score, for exemple if 500 points reward is10 pips lets get one pips every 50 points so if you loose 450-500 it's like 9 pips for the losing team so players will be motivated to play till the end of the match. I'm more for positive and cooperative approach that's the anet way to do things usually in pve why not in pvp?

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That is what I'd prefer - thing Pierro mentioned. Would still encourage to play even when losing. If you remove the on loss rewards it can encourage to even play less when the loss is ensured. (Getting pwnd hard from the beginning and losing motivation thinking that the others are far stronger.) With a system giving more than just the additional pips for a "close win" it can be more encouraging to fight back.

Give the winning team 10 pips (+ bonus pips for top stats). Losing team not only the small amount + additional ones for close loss (480 vs 500 or so) and the top stats ... but instead more with a different scaling.

Give 7 or so ... if there is a gap smaller than 50 (451 to 500 or so) ... - for both teams. (Winning team then 7 as well only.) To avoid trading and manipulation. (Winning team getting the win for rating increase but letting the others get closer to get more pips - should be discouraged.)

Then between 0 and that somewhat of a scaling between the current amount we get now (2 or 3 or so?) and 6 ... 6 if you have more points - to encourage to still play better and not drop early.

Checking the wiki it actually says (i never pay that much attention to it ingame lol - needed to check the wiki) you get 3 +2 for near victory bonus. So it is between 3 and 5 already - when losing. The additional 2  very hard to reach. There would be room to start this at 2 maybe ... increating to up to 6 if getting closer but in different tiers. Not just 3 ... and in rare cases (when you are very close) 2 more. Unless you can safely get the +2 (near victory) it does not make really sense to try too hard. Encouraging to drop early.

When you are good enough to get the +2 ... you probably also are already motivated to still try to get the win. Some changes would make sense here imo. Would be okay as long as the winners still got a few more. Being able to get 9 with a 450 vs 500 when the tinner only gets 10 (like Pierro suggested) would be a bit tooo extreme though. In my opinion.

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On 5/28/2023 at 8:46 PM, CalmTheStorm.2364 said:

Here's an idea for you all:

0 pips for loss

6 pips for close loss

10 pips for win

1 pip per stat category if you get at least 20% of your team's value (i.e., you "pull your weight" in that category).

1 additional pip per category if you got top stats in that category.

I would go further in that 2 pips per 100 points your team has. That way there is always an incentive to do something now matter how far behind your team is. It also would mean in Legacy of the Foefire, your team is above 450 points and you kill the lord and end on over 600 points there would be an extra reward for that.

To counteract anyone AFKing while their team gets 100 or 200 points and still getting a reward I would just say no rewards for players that don't meet some minimum participation requirement in at least 1 of the stats.

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