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Bladesworn Got the Wrong Kind of Buffs. It Didn't Need More Sustain, It Needs Stability.


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Blade needs reworks in Dragon Slash and Stability in Trigger Guard and/or Dragonscale Defense, not simply more shout/barrier heals. 

Now Blades can run around and virtually never get killed without being outnumbered or pressured with extreme cc. This is not what we needed.

Simply giving back the Stab on Dragonscale Defense would've done a better job of bringing it back into the meta without making it barrier/shout invincible tanks. Seriously that one nerf was way more damaging to the spec than the Shout nerf from last year. Blade can't exist proficiently without having stability access in it's kit. A spellbreaker and Berzerker gets stab access in their kits and yet Blade (the teamfighting brawler) doesn't??


The whole point of Blade was to be a "brawler" type like it was discussed in the philosophy of pvp balance livestream. Brawlers should be able to withstand group fights without getting knocked around like a pinball, and that's still the case even when taking stability skills because Dragon Stance leaves the user super vulnerable. Only now it's made up for more because the shouts and barrier buffs made it not die as easily...

This is not the right direction. It needs to contribute to teamfights by having Stability access in its Dragon Stance! That, with an actual rework and jank cleanup would make this spec healthy and viable, without it being some busted barrier shout god that never dies.


Fix the Tactics traits without just buffing the Shout GM, make Dragon Stance be able to cancel out of, let us store bullets in combat from channeling our Dragon Slash if we want to, fix the awful Dragon Slash bug that prevents us from even moving.. etc.

Once this spec finally has stability then please nerf the barrier and/or shout heals so that two blades can duel without it being a never ending story of dueling, and Spellbreaker can actually look like the real duelist in comparison to the shout spam tank.

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The whole current iteration of bladesworn is dumb. A concept like this (ignoring half of the game mechanics) is either overpowered or useless. The very basic idea of swapping between gunblade/gun+blade modes is fine, but everything else past said idea is just trash. I'd love to see a full rework on the e-spec. 

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16 minutes ago, Bazsi.2734 said:

The whole current iteration of bladesworn is dumb. A concept like this (ignoring half of the game mechanics) is either overpowered or useless. The very basic idea of swapping between gunblade/gun+blade modes is fine, but everything else past said idea is just trash. I'd love to see a full rework on the e-spec. 

You and 3/4 of the warrior forum.

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10 minutes ago, Alabastrum.9361 said:

You could aways run the defense traitline to get stability. Or bring stability in one of the utility slots.

Since you have nore sutstain now the latter should be easy enough. You can even use dolyak signet then you get a discount heal on top.

that's stab on stun, which happens after dragontrigger...

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I dont remember fighting an iteration of bs that wasnt boring. It had stab before, I dont see how having stab now will make it interesting. Make it a team fighter somehow, so I dont have to play against it on a node, that is my only request. Its really boring and unfun 1v1.

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1 hour ago, Alabastrum.9361 said:

You can use it on demand it doesnt require a stun to be broken just activate it right befor somone hits you with a cc.

If you are talking about Stalwart Strength you need to disable someone in order to procc the stab.
Idk how you are supposed to use it on demand as bladesworn unless you land the DT? (which defeats the purpose since you need the stab before using DT, not after, if you don't want to be interrupted)

Edited by Greyrat.2378
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as a returning war main, i hate this spec with a passion.

it is so garbage unfun to play, unfun to fight against in so many ways

i hate how it does literally nothing.

i hate how it spams aegis

i hate how hard to kill it is.

i hate how clunky the gameplay is.

i hate how outside of full charged 3, gunsaber does literally no damage.

i hate how it got less stab access compared to berserker and spellbreaker, even tho it has this big self root.

i hate self root.

i hate how you have to charge up your flow slowly and can not bypass it with signet of fury

i hate how after charging your flow, you still have to charge again, and you also have a cooldown on top of it.

like it requires you to charge 2 energy bar to cast a self root skill that still has a cooldown.

and i hate how inconsistent and buggy dragon slash is.

its just a cockroach that's hard to kill

Edited by felix.2386
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12 hours ago, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

Stab on triggerguard, yes
Stab on DT no. It was obscenely kittening broken and that iteration of BS shouldn't exist in any way, shape or form.

This, and the barrier gen should be reverted.

An unblockable unblindable uninterruptible skill every 8 seconds is just as dumb as this flavor. Triggerguard is the best place for it. 

@felix.2386 's sentiments mirror my own. Bladesworn feels like a prototype of a class, and the fact its so difficult to tune without it falling in the extremes of balance is because of its innate design.  1000% designed from start to finish without the thought that someone might try to use it against another player. 


Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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