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Accepting the fact that I will never obtain a skyscale.

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10 hours ago, sokeenoppa.5384 said:

I mean game is pegi12 so 🤷‍♀️

This was already stated lol. Trust me, they've been playing since 6, a kid's perspective can be very eye opening. They are right, the process should be fun. That is why games exist 🤷‍♂️

Guild Wars gets a lot of things right but this particular collection misses the mark mostly because of excessive collections. I love the idea of raising my own mount and parts of this are fun. But two back to back "Easter Egg Hunts" really kicks it off wrong. The parts where you actually interact with your skyscale are what we need more of. Less of the "get to this point and click on this item." "Good, now do it 20 times to earn the opportunity to do it again 20 more times." Sorry, that isn't fun and could be replaced with anything else.

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On 5/26/2023 at 2:02 PM, OldManWhat.5083 said:

Let me first start this off by saying if you have a sky scale you are really cool, and good job! But do you think the developers overestimated how much time and effort a player would want to put in before getting completely burned out and/or frustrated with the game entirely? One look at the requirements and it makes me not only never want a sky scale but makes me want to quit the game altogether thinking to myself "This is what I have to do to unlock flying a dragon?". I know 3 people (including my guild leader) who just recently got their sky scale but are now playing other games because right after getting their dragon they needed a break from guild wars 2. I just got The Ascension wings after playing on and off since launch and I'm happy with them. The sky scale looks really cool, but I'd rather spend my time playing guild wars 2 instead of grinding for a new way to move around the world. To be honest not having one makes me not want to PvE at all in the open world. I hope I don't get flamed for my opinion because I really love GW2 more than any other MMO. I just wish getting a sky scale flowed naturally within gameplay progression. 

Do you have a Griffon yet?

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8 hours ago, JTGuevara.9018 said:

You mean like the roller beetle, which is a more straight-forward method of the same thing! At least with the roller beetle, it is confined to one map, where you just need map currency and map-specific collection items. The same should have been done with skyscale of which, I'm sorry, NOTHING justifies the grind-and-a-half on the basic selling point of: 'It looks cool and it flies!' It's just a mount like any other. The griffon was bad enough.

In other words: 'I got mine!' This is the argument? Let's do better here.

If you don't like the requirement, don't do it. But don't whine that you didn't get the reward for the thing your refuse to do.

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6 hours ago, Super Hayes.6890 said:

This was already stated lol. Trust me, they've been playing since 6, a kid's perspective can be very eye opening. They are right, the process should be fun. That is why games exist 🤷‍♂️

Guild Wars gets a lot of things right but this particular collection misses the mark mostly because of excessive collections. I love the idea of raising my own mount and parts of this are fun. But two back to back "Easter Egg Hunts" really kicks it off wrong. The parts where you actually interact with your skyscale are what we need more of. Less of the "get to this point and click on this item." "Good, now do it 20 times to earn the opportunity to do it again 20 more times." Sorry, that isn't fun and could be replaced with anything else.

Well what can i say.. i loved the collection and so did most ppl i know and play with 🙂

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Few days ago I was in the Desolation, to get rid of those tokens for the finisher that sat in my inventory for 4 years, and there was a new player that was there because he wanted to unlock a flying mount (the griffon) and someone told him to go farm gold there.

He asked some advice (he only had 15 gold), a lot of people replied, with suggestions: "farm fractals t4" (to a new player), "go to Silverwastes", "better to buy LW4 and start the collection for the skyscale", and in the end he was more confused than before and just said "poe was easier..."

I felt sorry for him, and I remembered when the game asked me 250 gold for the griffon and it seemed an insane request at that time (veterans often forget that after years we get increased gold from mobs and we have higher MF). But while the griffon is a niche mount nowadays, I think that ArenaNet did a good job with the Skyscale: it's grinding, as a legendary item should be, but not expensive. They nerfed the achievements a couple of times, to be sure that everyone that reached that point (when you have to play with the baby drake) won't be blocked there, and you can even bypass most of the requirements with that spicy sausage (forgot the name). It takes a bit, but it's not difficult. Gold is not a wall, so sooner or later you will get it. And when you do, you'll be probably happier than if the game simply asked you 60 gold, like for the Jackal.

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On 5/26/2023 at 8:02 PM, OldManWhat.5083 said:

But do you think the developers overestimated how much time and effort a player would want to put in before getting completely burned out and/or frustrated with the game entirely?

No. If your are getting burned out, it is because of your playstyle, not because the devs did something.


On 5/26/2023 at 8:02 PM, OldManWhat.5083 said:

Accepting the fact that I will never obtain a skyscale

I have accepted the fact, that I never will get the PvP legendary armor and backpiece (because I don't like/play sPvP anymore), but I don't post/complain in the forum, that it is too hard to get it.

So, why do you complain in the forum if you have accepted the fact that you never will obtain a skyscale?


On 5/26/2023 at 8:13 PM, OldManWhat.5083 said:

I leveled from 1 - 80 did all the expansions and i'm working on the episodes between and I'm not even close to getting it. it doesn't flow well at all inside the natural gameplay progression. 

And maybe this is one of the reasons why you feel burned out about this. Because you did not play in the "natural game progression".

GW2 has a lot of content that was released over the time of 10 years. If you try to do too much of this content in too short time, you (and probably everyone else) will get burned out. 

The Skyscale was released in Episode 6 of Living World Season 4.  It was the final episode of Season 4 and was intended for players that already played all of season 4. Because of this, players had already a lot of (unspend) map-currencies of the season 4 maps.

I played a lot in the season 4 maps and had fun with it, because of this I did not have to "grind" for those currencies because I had plenty, and it felt quite easy for me to get the skyscale. My only complaint back in the days was about the time gates (the time gates were reduced later on in a game update).

When I did the skyscale on two alt accounts , which did not have a lot of the map currencies, a year later, it took around 3 weeks to get all the required map currenices, mostly from playing the daily hearts/events. And it was fun to revisit the season 4 maps for this. For me there was no grind because I had fun playing in season 4 maps, again.

Could the skyscale be released as part of the story like the roller beetle? Or given for free like the Springer or Raptor? Sure, in theory. Springer and Raptor were part of the early/beginning PoF main-story  and the roller beetle was released in mid-season (Episode 3), they served a different purpose. The skyscale was released as the final item of season 4, to give those players a journey that already had played all of season 4.

If you play the season 4 story and the season 4 maps for "a few weeks" you should get enough map currency for the skyskale. If you don't have fun playing in season 4 maps and don't want to play there, then, of course, you should accept (without complaining) that you will not get the skyscale.

Edited by Zok.4956
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On 5/26/2023 at 8:02 PM, OldManWhat.5083 said:

I know 3 people (including my guild leader) who just recently got their sky scale but are now playing other games because right after getting their dragon they needed a break from guild wars 2.

This is what I don't understand: You and your guild leader (and prob. others in the guild) are not playing together to get the skyskale?

I can understand, that a lot in GW2 could sometimes be overwhelming for new player, at first. But you are in a guild. If you play together with your guild mates, take your time and help each other, the skyskale-journey could not even become a lot easier, it could also be a very fun guild experience that bonds you and your guild mates together.

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On 5/26/2023 at 8:31 PM, Super Hayes.6890 said:

Lecture me all you want about how it's fine but know that you would sing a different tune if you had to explain it to your 10 year old who, after a week of gaming, still can't have daddy's cool mount.

That is easy. And I did.

The explanation is the same as when your 10-year-old wants his dad's cool-looking legendary greatsword after a week of gaming.

10-year-olds have the short attention span and impatience of 10-year-olds. Nothing wrong with that. 😉 That doesn't mean they should get everything right away.

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5 hours ago, Zok.4956 said:

And maybe this is one of the reasons why you feel burned out about this. Because you did not play in the "natural game progression".

So for new players, the 'natural game progression' is to play an expansion, stop, farm it for a month, then go through each living world season farming those for a month each, etc? I have to believe you see the issue with that.

I think when you say 'natural', you mean 'original'. Which is fine, for vets and some new players. But a lot of people simply go through content as it's presented. Hell, if someone isn't reading guides/forums, they wouldn't have a clue on how to get most mounts. They'd simply see high level players using them and think 'oh, i guess that comes later in the story'. When they do realize that they should have been working on the collectathons, they have a decent grind ahead of them in content they thought they were finished with. I can easily see why people would get frustrated by that, especially when they see time gates.

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Natural game progression is a totally different concept between long-time veterans vs. new players/returners. 

New players/returners need catch-up mechanics that’s why every MMOs has catch-up mechanics. They cannot be expected to also spend 10 years “naturally” to get Skyscale.  They see people using Skyscale and they want to get it too. Which goes to original point that new players are getting burnt out grinding to get Skyscale before even playing the expansions. 

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11 minutes ago, DexterousGecko.6328 said:

So for new players, the 'natural game progression' is to play an expansion, stop, farm it for a month, then go through each living world season farming those for a month each, etc? I have to believe you see the issue with that.

Well, I did not invent the "natural" wording, I just re-used it to match with my response.

If we are talking about story and open world, the "natural" progression would be the chronological order of the releases and the story. Which is: Core, S1, S2, HoT, S3, PoF, S4, IBS(S5), EoD, S6(only two episodes).

If you want to play only parts of the content, or play in a different order, or burn through the content as fast as possible, or if you want to take your time, that is completely up to you. Do what you want and have fun doing it.

But don't blame the developers if you burned out after burning through the content or if you missed something (i.e. in the story) playing the content in a different order.

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Honestly what is the actual gate to the skyscale?

All steps can be done at your own pace, there are no meta you have line up for an hour in advance like the new halo armor. 

Yes there are alot of steps, but none of the steps expire so you have to start from scratch. 

I do not understand the complaint.

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14 minutes ago, Hycinthus.6483 said:

New players/returners need catch-up mechanics that’s why every MMOs has catch-up mechanics. 

GW2 does have several catch-up mechanics.

There is a level 80 scroll, so players can play in expansions maps from the start without leveling, with EoD players get Raptor and Springer mount without having to buy PoF because the maps are made also for those. etc. etc. So everything that is required to play the new maps is there as a catch-up mechanics.

But you don't need the Skyscale for the new content (EoD, S6), so there is no need for catch-up mechanics.

And yet, with the added "return-to" achievements, there is even a catch-up-mechanic for old map currencies, so one could see the "return to" achievements also as some form of catch-up mechanics for the skyscale.


18 minutes ago, Hycinthus.6483 said:

They cannot be expected to also spend 10 years “naturally” to get Skyscale.  They see people using Skyscale and they want to get it too.

Players also see people with full legendary armor, trinkets, ... and want to get it too. But it is not healthy for the game to give all items immediately to players. Because these non-mandatory (for playing all content) skins and "convenience" items are part of the progression system in GW2.

Skyscale too, is a non-mandatory convenience item.

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7 hours ago, Zok.4956 said:

Because of this, players had already a lot of (unspend) map-currencies of the season 4 maps.

This is, honestly, nonsense.

Each map had enough currency sink on its own that literally everyone I knew started to grind out hearts and character completions just to get all the currency you needed as fast as possible. Those who were unwilling to grind like me just resigned themselves to just buy the daily 5 in DF and wait for currency to stack up.

And the 3 collections that lead you to collect items with in part poorly written location descriptions ARE just annoying. Especially after Gorrik tells you that it was just a waste of time. It would be fine if each of the collection had only a third of the items or there was only one to begin with but this type of content becomes really stale and annoying and at some point you just resign and lookup item locations in the wiki.

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28 minutes ago, Zok.4956 said:

Players also see people with full legendary armor, trinkets, ... and want to get it too. But it is not healthy for the game to give all items immediately to players. Because these non-mandatory (for playing all content) skins and "convenience" items are part of the progression system in GW2.

Me having full legendary doesn't effect other players gameplay. Me and halve the squad being slightly ahead in metas becomes annoying fast. Gating transportation in a game where halve of OW content seems to be some kind of train is a questionable decision.

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2 hours ago, Shadowmoon.7986 said:

Honestly what is the actual gate to the skyscale?

A lot of time spent on "boring" content.

2 hours ago, Shadowmoon.7986 said:

I do not understand the complaint

Player with 2k+ in game hours(4k+ hours?): " Spending 30-50 hours for a mount is absolutely reasonable."

Edit: A lot of 4k+ playtime players seem to be indeed confused.

Edited by SlayerXX.7138
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18 minutes ago, SlayerXX.7138 said:

Me having full legendary doesn't effect other players gameplay. Me and halve the squad being slightly ahead in metas becomes annoying fast. Gating transportation in a game where halve of OW content seems to be some kind of train is a questionable decision.

About to say exactly the same thing.  Mount is different than gear. Because mount is about mobility, and mobility is a requirement to complete the meta events together, and having enough time to get there before the event is completed by others. This is primarily why new joiners look to get Skyscale first before even doing any expansions because it’s difficult to do things with your veteran friends together when you are not as mobile as they are. 

Edited by Hycinthus.6483
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20 minutes ago, SlayerXX.7138 said:

Me having full legendary doesn't effect other players gameplay. Me and halve the squad being slightly ahead in metas becomes annoying fast. Gating transportation in a game where halve of OW content seems to be some kind of train is a questionable decision.

But the vast majority of those trains go at raptor speed or slower. There's only a couple that zoom all over.

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2 hours ago, Hycinthus.6483 said:

Natural game progression is a totally different concept between long-time veterans vs. new players/returners. 

New players/returners need catch-up mechanics that’s why every MMOs has catch-up mechanics. They cannot be expected to also spend 10 years “naturally” to get Skyscale.  They see people using Skyscale and they want to get it too. Which goes to original point that new players are getting burnt out grinding to get Skyscale before even playing the expansions. 

Check the "return to" achievements, there are your catch-up mechanics. The thing you seem to lack the understanding of is that "catch up mechanic" doesn't mean "I don't want to play the content at all, but still give me all the stuff I want".

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19 minutes ago, Hycinthus.6483 said:

Because mount is about mobility, and mobility is a requirement to complete the meta events together

Skyscale is not a requirement to complete any meta events. If maps require mobilty for meta events the map has the travel-mechanics included and/or Springer/Raptor is totally sufficient for the meta event.


26 minutes ago, Hycinthus.6483 said:

and having enough time to get there before the event is completed by others

Well, for small, short-lived events on remote parts of the map the Skyscale is probably often too slow and looking for faster and more efficient ways to travel the maps is prob. more important and helpful.


30 minutes ago, Hycinthus.6483 said:

This is primarily why new joiners look to get Skyscale first before even doing any expansions

This is primarily why I often see skyscale players arrive at short events that are already over.

I get it, you want it badly. Thats OK, it is a nice and convenient mount. 

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49 minutes ago, Shadowmoon.7986 said:

I do not remember the mount taking 30 hours to unlock let alone 50 hours. 

Of course you don't remember. What are 30 hours anyway. MMO brained:). Resources need to be gathered. Jumping puzzle need to be completed.  Things need to be found and clicked. The fact that nobody even remember their time investment for skyscale speaks Volume's how weak their arguments are.

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44 minutes ago, Shadowmoon.7986 said:

I do not remember the mount taking 30 hours to unlock let alone 50 hours. 

Only considering time actively playing, it's unlikely to spend that much time on the Skyscale.

But if you include the time gates, the Skyscale will easily surpass 50 hours.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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