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Accepting the fact that I will never obtain a skyscale.

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1 minute ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Then keep playing story and pvp, at which part of these you need skyscale to keep enjoying what you're enjoying?

That's... just wrong.

I think he meant the amount of time gate + the worth of the item time gated is worse. the pay off is way less in gw2 for time gated content. Compared to Eve where the time gated stuff actually benefits you and is more of an upgrade to his ship as a whole.

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2 minutes ago, OldManWhat.5083 said:

I think he meant the amount of time gate + the worth of the item time gated is worse. the pay off is way less in gw2 for time gated content.

The timegates in eve are easly higher than anything for skyscale. And if you/they think skyscale isn't worth the effort then... what's the problem? Just don't get it and play what you want. Speaking of which, you missed the first question of my previous post.

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35 minutes ago, SlayerXX.7138 said:

These people are MMO-brained. The official forum is a particular dedicated sub section of the player base. Their concept of time is far removed from the average gamer. In the time it takes to get the skyscale you could start and finish whole games. If you have to buy the Living world you can just buy an actual game and play that instead of hours of fetch quest "content". You could buy Portal 1 + 2 when they are on sale and play 2 great games in the time and money it takes to get this 1 mount.

Yeah because it is a gigantic time sink devoid of content or enjoyment. It is like an addict waking up in their own puke realizing something did go very wrong. GW 2 is a good game, but some parts are just mindless time wasting trash. Keep playing the good part and be done with it. 

when I'm out leveling a new character for my weekly key I see people on their dragon and its kind of of a letdown knowing there is no content that will keep my attention long enough for me to get a sky scale.

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8 minutes ago, OldManWhat.5083 said:

I understand where you are coming from, but my argument is this. I recently got The Ascension wings from doing something I enjoy which is pvp. I love doing the story in games but doing the story doesn't reward the sky scale. And having the legendary wings don't make me fly around and make the game easier in any way. on the other hand, getting the sky scale will actually turn people off the game. the sky scale actually killed the small guild I was a part of. I understand that it may not have been hard for you but if gw2 wants to keep new players around they need to realize that most people aren't going to settle for these kinds of requirements. especially when the requirements aren't fun to do at all. One of them went back to Eve online because they said its less of a time gated game and that's saying something...

I understand some of this, but again you say most people. But, most people actually didn’t get put off by it and have the skyscale. Plus the game is thriving from new players right now.

So yes, some of your acquaintances have left. I get that’s a sad situation to be in. But the implementation as far as all data is showing that we have access to, is actually not creating a barrier which prevents them going further and leaving the game.

But again, we come back round to what actually is the obstacle? This is designed for players with little time and can chip away slowly without heavy tasks. What is it that is the obstacle? If it’s just a time thing, well like I said, you can do it in small stages. You don’t lose progress even if you tick one thing from a collection every day. With the JP skips and the improved currency rewards they added, the difficulty stuff went (and if it was hard I wouldn’t be able to do it - I’m not skilled)

So if time is not the obstacle, if difficulty isn’t the obstacle, what is? If you want them to just give it as a story reward, I’m afraid that isn’t feasible for this type of mount. Some things just have to be earned for an mmo to be sustainable

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     I used to think that way until I actually tried getting it, and it turns out it wasn't that bad. The longest part if you want to save money is getting the charged quartz for it if not on events that give it out. But overall the skyscale is easy compared to getting legendries which I just now finally started after years. Heck, the time it takes for me to get Diamond each week in WvW is longer than what it takes for most parts of the skyscale collection. 

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14 minutes ago, Randulf.7614 said:

What is it that is the obstacle? If it’s just a time thing, well like I said, you can do it in small stages.

Its not fun, challenging or engaging for the average person.

6 minutes ago, Randulf.7614 said:

But the implementation as far as all data is showing that we have access to, is actually not creating a barrier which prevents them going further and leaving the game.

Which data? Most new players gathered from the steam release probably are not at the Skyscle point in their account journey. GW 2 Efficiency says 41% have skyscale, but that is a sub section of the player base that has an average of 2000+ game hours. I guess for Anet it is a nice metric. Whoever does skyscale without quitting is trapped in here till the server shutdown. 

Has anyone in here, who defends the skyscale requirements, played a decent game in the last decade?

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9 minutes ago, SlayerXX.7138 said:

Its not fun, challenging or engaging for the average person.

You're not deciding "what's what" for the "average person", so stop making baseless "statistics" in order to push your own opinion.

9 minutes ago, SlayerXX.7138 said:

Most new players gathered from the steam release probably are not at the Skyscle point in their account journey. GW 2 Efficiency says 41% have skyscale, but that is a sub section of the player base that has an average of 2000+ game hours.

And are the players not having the skyscale somehow locked from playing the game? Can't progress something? Can't play what they want to keep playing?

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I did skyscale when it first came out. Took me 3 weeks to finish. At the time I played the living world as the episodes came out. By the time skyscale came out, I had most of the currency already. Each collection I remember clearly marked in the map where you should go to finish it. Between steps was time gated daily so you had a sense of progression, but couldn’t grind it all at once. While it was a long collection, it was nowhere near hard as some people put it. Just set a goal each day, do one or two steps at a time, and just enjoy the journey. If you don’t expect to have it tomorrow, it is a great side quest to do a little at a time when you have nothing else to do. Don’t feel discouraged. You can do it if you put your mind to it! I think at most I spent like 30-35g, so not at all hard on thr bank. 

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Oh this again.
"Skyscale is too hard to get" thread.

I thought we were done with this when the following has been done (or advised) to make this less of an annoyance:

  • The timegate is minimal; down to 2 hours.  2 hours you can spend collecting map currencies you'll need.
  • There are more methods to acquire map currency now that  also progresses legendary trinket. (See the Return To...  series of achievements.)
  • Jumping puzzles are bypassed via friendly mesmers, thieves, or persons with the portal device.

Just do it or don't, at this point.  Your feedback isn't any different than what that (I presume merged) feedback thread that was going around a while ago about the skyscale.

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Getting your Skyscale is far less time consuming and infinitely less costly than obtaining any legendary item other than the rainbow amulet.  
Just do the return to achievements for materials, watch a guide or use an add on for the collections, and it won’t be difficult at all.  

I have a family and a full time job.  It’s not hard to get your Skyscale.  Just don’t expect it in one day and enjoy the journey.  

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2 hours ago, OldManWhat.5083 said:

it is a good thing you don't work for anet then. This may be fine for you, but most new players see these requirements and they won't even touch guild wars 2. Even after some players get the sky scale, they are completely done with playing gw2 from the example I gave in the first section. This is the point I'm making. I understand YOU like the requirements, and YOU don't think it's that much but for most people who have jobs, families and who are casual players the requirements for getting this mount are staggering.

Worked a full time job, had a kid, played an hour or two a day and have a skyscale.  That's the definition of casual.  Baby steps, it gets done gradually.   Not sure what games you played before but this is cute compared to some of the old, true grinds in WoW.  It plays along naturally enough in the storyline (or did upon release).   

If you lost friends because of this, they probably need to reevaluate their priorities.  Everything is not handed to you in games any more than it is in life.  Maybe it's not for everyone.  I don't raid in GW2.  I will not have the legendary armor from raiding because of that.  I don't complain that I don't have time to raid and therefore should have a handout or quit the game.  And there is always the griffon if you want a flyer but don't want the time investment. So do it or don't, it's not a requirement.  

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13 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

And are the players not having the skyscale somehow locked from playing the game? Can't progress something? Can't play what they want to keep playing?

Not points I made. Neither points I tried to dispute. Someone talked about supposed data that makes clear nobody is quitting the game over skyscale or at least it has no negative effect. People do quit games because thy stop having fun with it, not only because the can't progress I hope you do understand that. I just asked for said data and put numbers about ownership in threat. Please don't derail the discussion.

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I have 3 accts and each acct has the Skyscale. Once you hit 80 and unlock path of fire expansion you just need to look on youtube for skyscale guide. Ayin Maiden has the best guide she covers every step of getting the skyscale you literally just watch and do as she does..  The first acct took about 2 weeks the other 2 accts only took a week each.  Main thing is to have the gold you will need so save up gold and watch her videos and you too will be flying the skies of GW2.


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3 hours ago, OldManWhat.5083 said:

LThe sky scale looks really cool, but I'd rather spend my time playing guild wars 2 instead of grinding for a new way to move around the world. 

Playing GW2 will net you Skyscale if you plan on it.  Don't rush it. It's meant to be grindy, like doing Legendaries.

Don't play GW2 daily just for Skyscale. Play GW2 contents you like, then do a Skyscale quest 1 day at a time. If you get bummed, skip a day. It's not going anywhere, so what's the rush?

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4 minutes ago, SlayerXX.7138 said:

Not points I made. Neither points I tried to dispute. Someone talked about supposed data that makes clear nobody is quitting the game over skyscale or at least it has no negative effect. People do quit games because thy stop having fun with it, not only because the can't progress I hope you do understand that. I just asked for said data and put numbers about ownership in threat. Please don't derail the discussion.

If people stop having fun with the game, it's not because of skyscale though, it's because they stopped having fun with the game.

It's not a derail, it's a direct response to what you wrote, including the part where you tried putting your own opinion on "what the average player" is.

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10 minutes ago, Epsilon Indi.2031 said:

"Skyscale is too hard boring/long to get" thread.

If you complain about repeated threats at least get that part right.:)

1 minute ago, Sobx.1758 said:

If people stop having fun with the game, it's not because of skyscale though

The 3 Guild mates of OP tell a different story.

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5 minutes ago, SlayerXX.7138 said:

The 3 Guild mates of OP tell a different story.

I'm sure people quitting games confess directly to OP to tell him their specific reasoning, weirdly coinciding what he wants now, but despite that bond and shared desire OP didn't try to get the same thing with those guildmates.
OP also said it has bigger timegates than eve and... you know... just no. Overally the title uses the word "accepting", but this is clearly bargaining while saying whatever they want in a rather obvious attempt to reach what they want.

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2 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

That's funny, because I was the opposite. Going along the second time while my son got his confirmed for me how attainable it is. He did have the advantage of the currencies from the Return Achievements, which I didn't when I got mine, but he was able to do it at a time when he only played a couple hours a week. He even insisted on doing all the jumping puzzles completely, whereas I cheesed a bunch of them with the griffon.

For mine, they just didn't like doing collections. They would literally stop doing it and just play on maps that allowed them to borrow the mount. They burned out after finishing a collection only to unlock another big collection. "Daddy why is there another collection? We just want to play with the dragon!" 

I'm all for difficult to achieve titles or earning exclusive skins. Gating a fun mechanic like mount flight behind a grind wall is silly and poor marketing frankly. Make the fun mechanics easy to obtain via playing the story and do big collections, like the sky scale one, for earning flashy "look at what I achieved" skins or titles. Or sell skins in the gem store by putting the mount in more people's hands in the first place.

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The skyscale does take time to get heck the first one I cussed a lot and each time I thought I was finally done nope was more to do to get it and once I finally had the skyscale I said I will never do that again but the mount is just so cool to ride and it helps getting around game so much that I did it 2 more times did not cuss much the last two since I new what I had to do and new it would take some time. Heck I even cried a couple times doing it the first time cause I got pretty stressed until I found Ayin Maidens guides which helped sooo much.

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3 minutes ago, Epsilon Indi.2031 said:

would "Skyscale is too [insert negative adjective here]" thread. be better for you?

[insert negative adjective here] is longer then boring/long so no.:) Nobody is complaining that clicking scales is just too hard.I guess I seem to remember a disabled person did struggle with the catch ball minigame, but that did seem like an outlier to me.¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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11 minutes ago, Super Hayes.6890 said:

"Daddy why is there another collection? We just want to play with the dragon!" 

The game is PEGI 12 btw. But if your children struggle with something, you can probably just unlock it for them 🤷‍♂️

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1 hour ago, leila.7962 said:

People who were playing the game since the beginning didn't have this burn out that you described.. they had like long gaps of time to do things slowly as they were being released. Now, if you are a fairly new player, it can be overwhelming... so much to do to catch up with 10 years of updates.

This comment is bang-on... and marry that with the comment that says roughly 40% of users on GWEfficiency have the skyscale (I'm not bothering to fact-check) and that means you're looking at... 160k Skyscales flying around?!!... The point is, it is arguably the most visible shiny in the game... new players see it and want it immediately, but as an optional end-game collection-based reward... it takes a little bit of time to get it... I'm not going to defend the grindy process; it is indeed a little repetitive, but that's GW2 in general, and as has been mentioned, there are short-cuts to mitigate the process.  I get that it isn't for everyone, but comparatively speaking, it's really not bad... and while frankly to not have the Skyscale (or Griffon) may not be required, the convenience at least for PVE players is well worth the investment... Slow and steady, my man...  

Hang in there and best of luck to you!

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9 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

I'm sure people quitting games confess directly to OP to tell him their specific reasoning, weirdly coinciding what he wants now, but despite that bond and shared desire OP didn't try to get the same thing with those guildmates.

Why not? You sound a little paranoid. Why shouldn't they announce in guildchat or discord that they take a break or quit the game?
There are a lot of reason to not do skyscale together. Less play time? To far behind on the progress of the collection? Collecting scales and producing treats isn't a group activity?

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2 hours ago, Arianth Moonlight.6453 said:

devs changed the way to acquire the turtle because that mount is absolutely worthless. Acquiring the Skyscale is 100 times worse and the only reason they haven't changed the boring grind one bit is because that mount basically replaces all other mounts once you acquire it.

Except they have shortened the timegating as well as made an easy way to get the currency. Two of the biggest complaints about the process.

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