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HoT backpack collections

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I am replaying HoT for skins/weapons/collections/things to do. There is a bug stopping progress on the first level of the HoT backpack collections. I currently have Agent's Pack and Crusader's Pack active. I forget which I started first but one was "first" (Scholar's Pack was finished years ago) and had more progress as I took my alts up through HoT and ultimately both were at 7/8. I took an alt through the final step of HoT and while I saw the strap on the story completion screen, I didn't get credit for either collection.

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I don't believe so but it is possible - I've carried 7 alts through the most of the story in the past 2 weeks or so to work on getting the chak weapons. Out of curiosity I took an alt I knew that I picked the one for Crusader's and got it on that one as it was the one that unlocked the skin. I am fairly certain I've split the difference between the two backpacks that I had not completed the collections.

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