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PLEASE don't change Arc Divider!


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16 minutes ago, HeliosMagi.9867 said:

That's only for single-target DPS, and that was never the reason to use Arc Divider (that's Decapitate's job.) The reason you use Arc Divider is for the huge radius and multi-hit to obliterate hordes of weak enemies. The whole flow of Power Berserker, or at least how I play it, is camp Axes and spam Decapitate for single targets, and when add phases happen you swap to Greatsword and AoE them down with Arc Divider.

That’s not single target, it’s single hit. It’s still hits multiple (5) enemies. I’m pointing to maximal DPS over a period of time. This is a straight buff in that regard. How you specifically want to use it in open world is up to you. Again, I’m not making any judgements on this, just providing numbers. 

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Arc divider is now more burstier, instead of just a channeling skill with a long cast time. Which allow more time to cast other skills as well


Also anyone who thinks current arc divider is any good in pvp does not pvp lol.

And it will be fine as long as it flows into dps berserker rotation in pve.

And the trash mob shredder or w/e u call it. Its meh, a lot of the damage is actually wasted, now you can actually delete all trash mobs in one hit. Which is a lot more cleaner

Edited by felix.2386
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4 hours ago, HeliosMagi.9867 said:

From the balance patch preview, Anet are planning to completely rework the Greatsword Primal Burst Arc Divider so that it only hits once at a reduced power and faster cast time. So essentially just a slightly stronger version of the base Arcing Slice. This a huge downgrade and removes the ability's main niche as a counter to waves of trash mobs. My favorite thing about Berserker is using Arc Divider to obliterate large groups of trash mobs and you're taking that away from me. It's bad enough this game has a stupid target cap in PvE, now you're taking away one of the few abilities that can get around it. KEEP ARC DIVIDER THE WAY IT IS!

Yes. Keep it.

Looks like Anet doesn't want warriors to play this game. Cool. Just...why...? What did Arc Divider ever do to people in pve? 'Oh these enemies are being cleaved too quickly'?!

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1 hour ago, GamerToad.9248 said:

Arc divider is now worse than gs base F1 .... Why? 

2.5 coeff in pve is right between arcing slice’s above 50% and below 50%. In competitive it’s the equivalent of a below-50% arcing slice. All of this at presumably increased range (like current arc divider). I won’t say it’s better, but it’s definitely not worse. 

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Tbh, i preffer the Arc Divider change, 1 hit like the old berserker, was more satisfying to me, should fix the stow problem for the pve rotation and it's NOT a nerf according to CMC, we will see if that's true outside of paper.

They should give fury generation to Arc Divider aswel.

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I think the change will be a double-edged (great)sword. On the one hand, having it be a single hit means it is much more susceptible to aegis and blind. On the other hand, having it in one hit reduces the opponent's opportunity to react to it (i.e., players often dodge waves 2 and 3 currently). Its damage will also be more consistent because you only need 1 hit to crit instead of all 3 to get max dmg.

Overall, as long as they give it the mid or max range (360 or 480), it should still be decent).

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Great, so competitive wise it falls into same problem as Rupturing Smash, in other words once you get hit by blind (which can happen fairly often due to being melee) or someone vomits aegis (which also happens quite often) you deal no damage.
Cooldown reduction is nice, sure, but I don't really see it making power zerker more competitive in PvP.
It was fun to use it against zergs in WvW at least..
In PvE I guess you will just spam it like decap on axe, except less often due to worse adrenaline generation.
Guess I will have to see but I don't really like this change.

Edited by Greyrat.2378
edit: typo
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@HeliosMagi.9867 ah now I get why you said its worse. Sir I could confirm its Not. It does still hit 5 targeds around yourself. The only difference here is just. Before it hits 3 times, now it hits only once but the damage per second overall is higher cause the cast time is just faster now. Only thing we dont know yet is its AoE radius but i am sure it will be the middle means 360.


edit: oke me facepalm you mean it does hit 5 targeds per hit maybe also different once thats why its better in your eyes. Well thats just a very specific scenario and it will not happen often.

Edited by Myror.7521
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I still stand by the fact that Arc Divider should remain as is. 

The solution is simple, not only does it offer counterplay due to the animation, which is great visually BTW, but it also allows for greater cleave potential. 

How do you make it better without simply converting it into a bigger arcing slice? Just increase the scaling kitten. We have been asking for it so long.

In WvW you also nerfed OH axe so like idk what's the deal here. Unless flurry starts cleaving like crazy idk the concept behind those changes. 

Warriors LIVES off of multihit strikes. It's been said again and again. 

Berserker can use T3 Arcing now after the rework, touching Arc Divider makes no sense. It would if we did not have core burst access, but we do.


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1) The new version should at minimum be the current middle radius if not the current max radius.

2) With resistance on Bloody Roar and from Resilient Roll blind will be less of an issue, but Aegis will be.

Personally, if they were going for usability they should have just reduced the current cast time or removed the atrocious aftercast.

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I absolutely love the way Arc Divider is in the game atm, and I assume how it has always been - 3 massive juicy blasts, cutting through loads of enemies. AND you can also move while spinning, so you can adjust the reach of the 2nd and 3rd wider hits even better.

I totally agree with what my fellow warrior players said above - that the current version is very powerful in both PvP, for aegis/blind/dodgeframe bypass with consecutive hits, and in PvE for cleaving effectively 5+ targets over the full channel.

This skill just FEELS GOOD to use. Its looks very distinct, very in character for the Berserker spec, where you get to just wildly flail you blade around, as a single swing simply does not quell your frenzy, so you get to lash out thrice, making sure you obliterate everyone around. The new version would simply be the Arcing Slice, but now its RED, and maybe hits a bit harder, duh..?

Now, I suspect why the devs are doing this change, same as changing Blazing Flurry to channel faster - so that you're able to slap the target with a burst skill ASAP and give your party quickness via the reworked Heat the Soul trait with no delay at all. But I feel like murdering the whole feel of using an iconic skill is not worth the streamlining.

(Blazing Flurry is, in fact, ALSO a minor victim to this burst optimization, as one of its properties is to destroy enemy projectives while its being channeled. As someone who played a Condi Zerker in PvP, with Sword/Torch as one of my weapon options, I can very much tell you, that I was able to outfight many ranged weapon classes as a full melee build, BECAUSE of that extra long channel time, especially if channeled twice back to back via Blood Reckoning burst reset).

My solution for this trait to work with the old versions of these burst skills would be to have them grant it in 2 parts:
First part - When the burst button is first pressed, and the adrenaline is drained - the latter being the trigger for granting quickness.
Second part - When the Burst Skill channel time has fully played out, kind of how Fire Auras are detonated via the King of Fires trait.
Its literally what's been done for the Tempest's Overloads & alacrity those now grant - you give a little bit of it when starting the animation, and the rest when it fully plays out. Should be able to implement it to warriors aswell.

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13 hours ago, oscuro.9720 said:

2.5 coeff in pve is right between arcing slice’s above 50% and below 50%. In competitive it’s the equivalent of a below-50% arcing slice. All of this at presumably increased range (like current arc divider). I won’t say it’s better, but it’s definitely not worse. 

Arc slice grants fury and adrenal health... i would say its better.

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I'm not the biggest fan of the arc divider change either. The multi-hit part where it feels like each hit is inflicting massive damage is what sells it for me and what sets it apart compared to other skills. This is coming from the perspective of a (casual) PVE player, not a PVP player. 

I understand that it's a bit to easy to counter in PVP and and the single hit version would be better there which is why I think they should just do that change there. I know that they don't want skills in PVP to work all that differently from their PVE counterpart as it can become difficult for PVE/Newer players to know what things do when they do PVP, but I think it would be alright here. The change wouldn't just be a tooltip change with different numbers/effects, it's a massive visual change so players will instantly pick up on it.

Another route they could go to make it feel less clunky is to make greatsword 3 (whirlwind attack) castable during the channel. This would open more ways to use it in PVP and more fun in PVE. 

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@Taionz.1236 rly good Points here Sir. Tho I do not like the state of this Skill actually. It feels a bit clunky to actually Cast it this Long. I would prefer the new animation but made Numbers High enough to make it wurf using in PvE. (I think 2.5 as dmg modifier is a bit too Bad compared to axes 3.0) how ever we will see how it performs in reality. Tho as a Open World standpoint this Skill will be for Sure weaker than before so I get why Open World Gamers would be angry about this change

Edited by Myror.7521
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On 6/9/2023 at 9:44 PM, GamerToad.9248 said:

Arc divider is now worse than gs base F1 .... Why? 

HAHA what, the dps does not change, but now the skill goes on CD quicker, so in the end even results in a DPS increase in a longer fight.

Edited by felix.2386
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@GamerToad.9248 await you not question him this question arent you? xD okay how ezy it is to build Adrenalin on GS while using Berserker. You get Berserk stance (on a now 25 sek CD in PvP), Berserkers Heal, Rage Signet, Signet of Fury, headbutt, maybe passive Adrenalin gain per cleansing ire, plus every single Berserker utility Skill. 

Gues thats everything besides some weapon / trait combs ^^

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1 minute ago, Myror.7521 said:

@GamerToad.9248 await you not question him this question arent you? xD okay how ezy it is to build Adrenalin on GS while using Berserker. You get Berserk stance (on a now 25 sek CD in PvP), Berserkers Heal, Rage Signet, Signet of Fury, headbutt, maybe passive Adrenalin gain per cleansing ire, plus every single Berserker utility Skill. 

Gues thats everything besides some weapon / trait combs ^^

Tell that to snowcrows... the damage is being gutted and gs is bad at building adrenaline.

you can't use signet of rage with headbutt they both are elite skills. 

No gs is not good for building adrenaline... never been and probably will never be.

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