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Warrior Balance Changes


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I also wanted to add that Heat of the Soul is seeming to be a great change and a much better way to introduce a quickness build to warrior. It’s in keeping with the theme and aggressive play style of warrior and berserker, and rewards offensive output with more offensive boons.

As for Alacrity on blade, I’m not sure how well that’s going to work out. It seems like Immortal Dragon would’ve been a better place for Alac imo. 

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2 minutes ago, oscuro.9720 said:

I also wanted to add that Heat of the Soul is seeming to be a great change and a much better way to introduce a quickness build to warrior. It’s in keeping with the theme and aggressive play style of warrior and berserker, and rewards offensive output with more offensive boons.

As for Alacrity on blade, I’m not sure how well that’s going to work out. It seems like Immortal Dragon would’ve been a better place for Alac imo. 

All we can hope for is that Quickness Duration on Heart of the Soul is not dog kitten.

Edited by DanAlcedo.3281
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Of the skills and traits I regularly use or consider, I like a lot of the changes... and none of the few I don't like are deal breakers. 

That said, I don't enjoy using GS... but even so, that Arc Divider change seems a bit painful looking at it from the outside... faster is awesome, but... well, warriors are so much about pressure, often mixed with burst, and I'm concerned the change undercuts that dynamic.  If burst skills aren't gunna ya' know burst, then remove the CDs or make 'em unblockable or make secondary effects on attack instead of on hit.... or something to at least leverage needed pressure.


Edited by EphemeralWallaby.7643
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So, they didn't clarify how exactly Heat the Soul will function when providing quickness on bursts, right?

It seems like either we'll just be running decapitate spam as the only viable way to provide quickness on the build, or it will have an internal cd.

Maybe I'm missing something, but it seems super volatile either way. I'm very curious how it will actually work so I can get a feel for what a quickness berserker build will look like. Will it be burst spamming, or will it be dps berserker, but you swapped a trait and maybe bumped up your concentration?

Would greatly appreciate some developer clarification on this to better wrap my head around the change. I have no clue how to feel about it with the information we have so far.

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They won't add that Signets' passives keep working when the Signets are on cooldown.

The Rifle and offhand Dagger changes are negligible to me at best. Where's the much needed damage increase?

No changes to other weapons that aren't just replacements of cooldown reduction traits. Torch doesn't even get its traited cooldown reduction on the baseline.

Nothing I care for gets buffed. All that changes for me is that my occasional Berserker play will use Blood Reaction instead of Heat the Soul (which they ought to rename, as it no longer will warm any kind of souls).

Good thing I already know better than to expect or hope for anything of worth.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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7 hours ago, Napo.1230 said:

"Winds of Disenchantment: Lowered the duration from 5 seconds to 4 seconds in WvW only.


Break Enchantments: Increased the number of boons removed from 2 to 4 in PvE only. Reduced the number of boons removed from 2 to 1 in WvW only."




Baffled...... SB already is useless in zerg Vs zerg why even bother giving us boon removal at this point

entire patch is full of nerfs to boon rip in WvW, and buffs to boons. considering how many boons people have now break enchantment is gonna just get rid of swiftness after the patch. spellbreaker kekw the class is getting harder and harder to justify playing at all

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7 hours ago, Bunbury.8472 said:

the class is getting harder and harder to justify playing at all

You still try to justify playing Warrior, other than simply arguing that it's fun to you?

For me, there's nothing else left.

And even the fun slowly gets drained out of the profession with the current direction of the game that accommodates the powercreep all other professions get.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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Honestly at this point I rather anet just give us a f3 called adrenaline needle surge that is a carbon copy of harbinger's elite elixir that provides all boons with a base 15second all boon duration with the f3 being on a 10 second cooldown. That gives full adrenaline that lets you fire off multiple bursts while regenerating adrenaline rapidly  like a rangers LB rapid fire with quickness and if people say we must be in combat we can inflict self bleed on use just like the one necromancer skill that gives them might and locks them in combat. Then bam! instant combat instant adrenaline. Balanced as all things should be. 

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So Flaming Flurry is going to get a lot better. Currently 8*2=16 ticks of burning and after the update it will be 6*5=30 ticks of burning. And with a shorter channeling time on top. Is it actually going to be a good skill?

The new Arc Divider might have a shorter aftercast which means less weapon stowing, which would be cool I guess?

Bloody Roar going down from 25% to 20%. I personally haven't seen power Berserkers in my groups lately, I don't think that they are currently OP, so this one might be a swing and a miss.
(Bonus points if they manage to make the trait go from multiplicative to additive again, that's an easy way to mess things up.)

And of course the spectre of Warrior having only 1 profession mechanic rears it's ugly head again. Quickness on burst skill and alacrity on Dragon Slash, naturally - how else is it going to work on Warrior? Main problem here: If there are no enemies around, how is a Warrior going to give their group quickness/ alacrity?
Renegade's Orders from Above is the gold standard for alacrity access. You want alacrity? Then press the alacrity button, it does nothing else. It is always available, no matter which weapon or legendary stance you are on and it works in and out of combat.
That is the level of quality that should be expected for all alacrity/ quickness support builds.

13 hours ago, UpsHigh.5724 said:

I like [Daring Dragon]. [Immortal Dragon] is a better place for alacrity... DD is unique and literally no one uses ID b/c it is redundant with the protectionist gives.

Why not put it there...?

Because Daring Dragon reduces the amount of damage you can deal with Dragonslash, since it caps the charge level at 5. The devs chose this trait because they want the Alacrity support/ DPS hybrid build to deal notably less damage then the pure DPS Bladesworn. Considering that, they made a pretty good choice.

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8 minutes ago, Katary.7096 said:

Main problem here: If there are no enemies around, how is a Warrior going to give their group quickness/ alacrity?

There is another fundamental issue that Warrior suffers from: You can't use Bursts right away, because you have to build up the Adrenaline/Flow first, which drains out of combat.

This means, Warrior is literally unable to provide the Quickness/Alacrity at the start of combat.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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35 minutes ago, Fueki.4753 said:

There is another fundamental issue that Warrior suffers from: You can't use Bursts right away, because you have to build up the Adrenaline/Flow first, which drains out of combat.

This means, Warrior is literally unable to provide the Quickness/Alacrity at the start of combat.

We need a change that adrenaline should never drains out, if class can start the fight will all their tool ready why not warrior.

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I might get confused but to me this Balance patch is actually decent.

New/Old Arc divider seems decent no after cast, faster Animation, no 3 hits where you need to praise god that everyone Hit and crit Hit and of course it will flow better in the instanced PvE rotation while dealing Same ammount of DPS. 


CD reduction traits.... okay i mean they do it to every class so we get it too (slight Nerf to strength spell here tho)


On that new boon application traits we might need to see here but i have a somewhat good Feeling. (Dps loss for some boon share is also good Design in my opinion)


Overall very Solid thingy ^^

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I'm finding it really weird that Berserker is the quickness support espec instead of Spellbreaker. Especially since it seems like Arena Net does not intend to release any more elite specs, at least for the foreseeable future. It leaves warrior as a whole in a dead-end for a full-support spec.

I love where SpellBreaker is right now. I think it's my favorite warrior build in the game's history, and I don't particularly want to play it as quickness support. But I still think SpellBreaker would have made the most sense as the spec that can do a support build.
It already has a 'supportive' theme. And mechanically there's a lot of room for support skills. Meditation skills, which are pretty lackluster across the board, could use a rework anyways. And as a utility category they are well suited to support. Full Counter could easily have a Grand Master trait that modifies it into a supportive/quickness role. Plus it already synergies well with Martial Cadence to offer further support.

On the other hand, thematically Berserker just makes more sense as the pure DPS spec. Mechanically it's already split between condi and power. Rage skill don't offer any support, and the spec mechanic doesn't offer any either, nor is it suited to do so. So it's a complete dead end as a support spec outside of quickness DPS.

There's a bit of room in BladeSworn for support, electric Fence gives us a reliable projectile blocking at least (I know... low bar). And you can feasibly take warhorn on your weapon set I guess? But Dragon Trigger is so restrictive. It doesn't offer the flexibility that support builds need in order to respond to things.


An example of a Full Counter support Grand Master trait:

Counter Reversion
Reuse your enemies' shattered magics to evade attacks and provide quickness to allies. 1/2 sec of evasion, 5 sec of quickness. 
Triggers all Burst and Full Counter traits immediately on use. 
(No longer channeled, does not require being hit first, no longer deals damage)

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3 hours ago, Fueki.4753 said:

There is another fundamental issue that Warrior suffers from: You can't use Bursts right away, because you have to build up the Adrenaline/Flow first, which drains out of combat.

This means, Warrior is literally unable to provide the Quickness/Alacrity at the start of combat.

Yup. And that is why I oppose these changes. You ALREADY had reliable quickness via banners, but nope. Now, it can only grant boons in combat lmao! I just...(shakes head)....lmao...

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6 minutes ago, Myror.7521 said:

@JTGuevara.9018 I mean your right but in the end .... why would we need quickness outside of a fight anyways? xd

It's not just quickness it's also the alac, and the fact that for either of them to work you'll have to actually hit the enemy vs other professions can just do it. Same goes for soldier's comfort and martial cadence granting stability which just looking now looks like in other modes martial cadence won't do anything at all, or maybe still quickness (which is weird)?  So if the enemy blocks/blinds you you're screwed over more than other professions.


After thinking I'm not sure what to think about martial Cadence I mean right now quickness is literally all it does.


On 6/8/2023 at 4:12 PM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:
  • Martial Cadence: This trait will now grant stability instead of quickness in PvE only.
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36 minutes ago, Myror.7521 said:

@JTGuevara.9018 I mean your right but in the end .... why would we need quickness outside of a fight anyways? xd

What about the first few seconds of combat? Or pre-combat buffing phases? Neither of these situations allow for Warrior to provide boons, because Warrior is required to build up Adrenaline first.

And when there are intermission phases with no enemies to hit (like the Storm phase in Sunqua Peak, if I remember correctly), boons provided by Warrior drop off.

There are a quite some situations when Warrior's Bursts simply are inferior to how other professions provide Alacrity and Quickness.

And even if it somehow works, what else does Warrior bring to the table that other builds of the same role don't provide better?

Edited by Fueki.4753
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@Fueki.4753 hmm yea fair point. I mean im simply find it better to let professions gain boons. Tho i gues in this way there where no other way to deal with it sadly. But still it will be better than just that banner build that we use now. Also i want the to complete rework banners (and its traitline) just to make finaly something like heal/supp warr variable. Never give up xD!

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