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June 27th Revenant Balance Preview


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14 hours ago, SunTheBro.4853 said:

Agreed. I think if they changed it to let Elevated Compassion grant Quickness for a lesser cost while in Glint stance it could work. Something like, 4 points of upkeep while in Glint, 6 while in any other.

That would still result in you not being able to use utilities on other legends because of massive energy costs. no more jalis roads. But you can camp ventari bubble and still provide quick so there is that.

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Ok so feel free to correct me but I dont see the problem for qdps herald.

You always upkeep F2 in almosr every legend so that just leaves -4 upkeep. So what you do is upkeep your elite on glinth, impossible odds on shiro, hammers on dwarf, elite on mallyx (if you are condi). I mean who cares if you cant use facet of chaos active? Just use the other 2 that deal dps on cooldown and gg? The only problem with it is the zero effort because its passive but compared to now you give quickness all the time in every legend. And you dont really need the effect of draconic echo which prolongs your facets after activation. You have a alac healer in your subgroup for christs sake. I am pretty sure they give all the other redundant boons anyway. Also you never use shiro utility skills, no mallyx I guess? and the only thing left is jallis road which you can cast once, twice if you stop hammers for a bit. 

The only thing that suffers is heal herald which, funnily enough, some people think would get better. Quite the opposite. The only legend with a terrible upkeep skill is ventari because its useless most of the time (bubble). You cant really burst heal much since its very costly.

But yeah feel free correct me, just giving my two cents based on what I know and read from the notes.


Edited by anbujackson.9564
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Personally loving that people are getting what they wanted and being slapped in the face with worse changes “Herald has to spam facets it’s bad gameplay, boring, and lacks flexibility!!” Anet just made it even more of those things. Enjoy. 

But on a more serious note this does nothing but make the class more braindead while simultaneously reducing the moment to moment flexibility of the class. This is the opposite of what Anet intended but oh well. Boon output on non-quickness boons will suffer somewhat now too. 

Hope the people that asked for this have fun

Edited by LucianTheAngelic.7054
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The more I think about it, the more concerned I am about the quickherald changes.

I know the idea behind it - having to spam facets on cooldown means you can't use them reactively - but I am concerned that having to maintain 6 pips of upkeep at all times is going to have an equally chilling effect of qherald's ability to use skills reactively. And when it comes down to it, using facet consume skills is fun, while a playstyle that is based around legend swapping, activating 6 pips worth of upkeep, and trying to keep other energy use below the threshold where legend swap is available before running out. If I can't use skills reactively either way, I'd rather the build be fun to play.

Something I haven't seen mentioned, too, is the possible effect on qheal heralds, who may be forced to keep the bubble up throughout the period when they're in Ventari stance. Now, there may be times when being able to pulse quickness while keeping the bubble up as long as possible is beneficial, but that's likely to create some bosses where ventariherald is really good and some where it's really bad, and the balance team is trying to pare back that sort of performance variability.

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I don't understand how reducing the healing output to match other heal specs is considered to bring them in line when the cleanses are only about 2/3 of others.  Right now the tradeoff is easy, vindi brings more heals less cleanse, which is acceptable.  Now vindi just brings less cleanse.  So why bring vindi?  Oh, and then you just kick them in the teeth by nerfing their cleanse.

Will have to see actual numbers, but this will cause my guild to drop vindi healers, which is unfortunate.  I liked the direction we were going where I had several options for cleanse support all bringing near equal value.  Sad day.

Edited by Xzygy.1452
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My thoughts:

On 6/9/2023 at 5:04 PM, XxsdgxX.8109 said:


Good changes for the most part. Energy based quickness is for sure much better gameplay than spamming facets on cooldown. It felt incredibly bad having to burn on cd Infuse Light, the strunbreak and Glint CC just to get good quickness uptime.
And I'm glad you even gave Draconic Echo something in compensation for the removal of quickness, nice.
Shield however, still needs attention, it's very bad in every game mode.

Banish Enchantment and Tree Song

I understand the nerf to their reliability but please reduce their energy costs, 30e and 25e is kinda expensive for how much less reliable they will become.

Vindicator healing nerfs

Again, I understand where you are coming from, but you've kind of gutted it by nerfing multiple things by round 50%. Plus the fact that you also nerfed their condition cleanse utility hard.
And the upkeep increase on the Urn is completely unnecessary if you want to keep those nerfs.

A review on Colaescence of Ruin would be nice as well, the skill feels very bad to use. You could just revert the October 01, 2019 functionality change, keep all current damage nerfs and everyone would be happy.

Overall, I still think that Revenant needs more attention, it is clear to me that many other classes here, once again, got way more focus. For instance, the Devastation traitline is very uninspired. I just didn't care about those minuscule buffs to Aggressive Agility and Battle Scars because the traitline itself is boring.

And I was crucified for liking the change.

"Heal Herald not viable anymore!"
What, Heal Herald was already a very strong healer even before getting quickness. In fact, even before Draconic Echo was a thing.
Are people expecting to run this with minimal to no boon duration? Maybe just don't try to use every weapon skill on CD like every other depthless class with no resource managment.
It's very obvious to me that many players became Herald mAiNs after they realized that they could play it like old FB, by spamming everything on cd.
And the fact that this prevents people from only camping Glint. Revenant has always been about swapping legends if you want to keep using as many skills as possible.

Also, why are people calling the new Draconic Echo useless? Is there only one game mode or what?

The rest of the changes were, slightly above average (yeah previous patches have just been bad for Revenant), expect for destroying the utility of Vindicator. Hefty healing nerfs on top of drastically decreasing Tree Song's condi cleanse.
Im not excited at all about Devastation "buffs". Still a very uninspired traitline.

And yeah, no changes to hammer or even shield, again.

Edited by XxsdgxX.8109
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For condition revenant,
I just would like to see some immobilization since they change how torment works without giving more mobility options that don't require you to spend  high energy skills just to catch up and now banish enchantment is on a cooldown we have a bit less access to chill. Either that or give us back confusion on some skills.

If pain absorption could remove 1 damaging condition that would be nice also.

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9 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

The more I think about it, the more concerned I am about the quickherald changes.

I know the idea behind it - having to spam facets on cooldown means you can't use them reactively - but I am concerned that having to maintain 6 pips of upkeep at all times is going to have an equally chilling effect of qherald's ability to use skills reactively. And when it comes down to it, using facet consume skills is fun, while a playstyle that is based around legend swapping, activating 6 pips worth of upkeep, and trying to keep other energy use below the threshold where legend swap is available before running out. If I can't use skills reactively either way, I'd rather the build be fun to play.

Something I haven't seen mentioned, too, is the possible effect on qheal heralds, who may be forced to keep the bubble up throughout the period when they're in Ventari stance. Now, there may be times when being able to pulse quickness while keeping the bubble up as long as possible is beneficial, but that's likely to create some bosses where ventariherald is really good and some where it's really bad, and the balance team is trying to pare back that sort of performance variability.

Yea it's a substantial clunk being shoved into any other build but QuickDPS Herald. I honestly wish they would be more smart about how the Quickness is given by Herald. Previously it wasn't all that great either because you had to Facet spam, meaning you can't use Facets reactively anyway. 

Honestly would it be too broken if we just had Shared Empowerment changed to give Quickness instead? You do have lesser Might output but you can continue coughing out Quickness as long as you provide Boons. Not only that, it gives more value to both Current Draconic Echo and Current Elevated Compassion: 

Heal Herald will pick Elevated Compassion to continue HoT with Boon application.

QDPS Herald will pick Draconic Echoes to facilitate Boon application and Quickness application when they need to swap. 

Edited by Yasai.3549
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11 hours ago, XxsdgxX.8109 said:

"Heal Herald not viable anymore!"
What, Heal Herald was already a very strong healer even before getting quickness. In fact, even before Draconic Echo was a thing.

But only a strong healer, which in PvE brought it into the same realm as healscourge and pre-alac healtempest. The brutal truth in PvE is that outside of the carry potential of healscourge (and sometimes even then) the strongest healing in the game is meaningless if you don't also bring alac or quickness. What people are looking out of the support section of the subsquad is alacrity, quickness, and enough healing to keep up with pressure, and they generally don't want that to take up more than two slots out of the subsquad.

If the rework does make it so that it's not practical to heal while maintaining quickness, then heal herald will be, for most intents and purposes, back to being dead in PvE.

6 hours ago, Yasai.3549 said:

Yea it's a substantial clunk being shoved into any other build but QuickDPS Herald. I honestly wish they would be more smart about how the Quickness is given by Herald. Previously it wasn't all that great either because you had to Facet spam, meaning you can't use Facets reactively anyway. 

Honestly would it be too broken if we just had Shared Empowerment changed to give Quickness instead? You do have lesser Might output but you can continue coughing out Quickness as long as you provide Boons. Not only that, it gives more value to both Current Draconic Echo and Current Elevated Compassion: 

Heal Herald will pick Elevated Compassion to continue HoT with Boon application.

QDPS Herald will pick Draconic Echoes to facilitate Boon application and Quickness application when they need to swap. 

Shared Empowerment would probably end up making it as easy as alacmech: you'd be basically sweating out quickness just for existing. Now, while I guess alacmech exists, quickness is normally considered to be a more valuable boon than alacrity, and alacmech generally still has to be at least doing something to give out that alacrity. I don't think ArenaNet wants to see a build that can generate significant group quickness uptime just by keeping one facet up. In fact, I'd consider it highly likely that part of the reason the threshold for the proposed change is to make sure that you need to at least swap legends occasionally, rather than being able to get away with just setting enough facets to reach the threshold and autoattacking.

Personally, part of me wonders if quickherald was just a mistake from the beginning, and whether they should have put quickness on Vindicator instead. While herald has always been my favourite revenant specialisation, and like all revenant elite specialisations it has supportive components, vindicator feels more like it really wants to be a healer due to Viktor always being half of the elite legend. 

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4 minutes ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

Personally, part of me wonders if quickherald was just a mistake from the beginning, and whether they should have put quickness on Vindicator instead. While herald has always been my favourite revenant specialisation, and like all revenant elite specialisations it has supportive components, vindicator feels more like it really wants to be a healer due to Viktor always being half of the elite legend. 

If I had a say in anything, Vindicator wouldn't even be Vindicator and be a fully DPS oriented Legend and Spec but we have what we have. 

I'll tell you what the real mistake is: trying to homogenize classes into being usable and sacrificing gameplay elements in order to do so. Quick/Alac being treated as "essential boons" is a huge bloody problem because it singlehandedly dictates if a class is worth picking for a raid comp or not. It's ridiculous and I hate it. 

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12 hours ago, Yasai.3549 said:

Honestly would it be too broken if we just had Shared Empowerment changed to give Quickness instead? You do have lesser Might output but you can continue coughing out Quickness as long as you provide Boons. Not only that, it gives more value to both Current Draconic Echo and Current Elevated Compassion: 

Heal Herald will pick Elevated Compassion to continue HoT with Boon application.

QDPS Herald will pick Draconic Echoes to facilitate Boon application and Quickness application when they need to swap. 

Bundled with reduced base duration for the sake of forcing more (say: 20% boon duration) on the gear itself for the sake of bringing down the power level of Power Quick Herald, specifically? I am saying this as someone who enjoys this build quite a lot, while also understanding that it should be corrected downards in sight of the obscene boon output surrounding the current quickness generation. 

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5 hours ago, Yasai.3549 said:

If I had a say in anything, Vindicator wouldn't even be Vindicator and be a fully DPS oriented Legend and Spec but we have what we have. 

I'll tell you what the real mistake is: trying to homogenize classes into being usable and sacrificing gameplay elements in order to do so. Quick/Alac being treated as "essential boons" is a huge bloody problem because it singlehandedly dictates if a class is worth picking for a raid comp or not. It's ridiculous and I hate it. 

If I'd been in charge of designing EoD, Vindicator wouldn't exist either. But that clock can't be turned back, and if Vindicator does exist and Alliance Stance is going to be half support, might as well make that something that's worth using in PvE beyond giving a bit of extra sustain to celestial solo builds.

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My thoughts on this... why is healing vindicator being nerfed in WvW? Do they really think a vindi can change the tide of battle or something? And also the change to quickness on herald? Can they stop stroking Firebrands off for once and give love to other supports that aren't firebrands?

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I think the changes to herald in PVE are really bad for following reasons:

1) In general I have not seen a lot of people complain about herald in PVE. Why force an unnecessary change to make revenant mains mad when revenants have something like a hammer, one of the most underwhelming weapons on a class in the whole of gw2, that could easily use a rework over any change to the class. And literally nobody would complain and only praise you... It feels like this is just a change to show 'you don't neglect revenant', but it doesn't actually contribute to anything. 

2) It destroys quickheal herald reactivity (, and therefore in general for me).  Forcing to swap legends is not what you want on a quickheal herald. The good part was you could camp glint for boons and quickness and when things went south, you changed to ventari for healing. Or when you know a mechanic was coming you could proactively change to jalis for stab etc. So the reactive playstyle meant more versatility. Now it seems like you are forced in unnecessary swaps for upkeep which means less room for actually pressing buttons that help your party. The change that you now heal people only looks like a compensation for not being able to switch to another legend when you want it, which just takes away all the identity of revenant. You want to feel in control over when you swap, and not be a slave to the upkeep. Didn't you guys learned your lessons with the banner slave warrior? Or imagine forcing firebrand to cycle through all tomes in a certain order instead of being able to swap when needed ... 

3) It makes it rather boring to play from the looks of it? Just press the buttons for abilities that drain energy and leave it at that? Seems a lot more boring than how it was. Yeah sure you can now not take glint, but it's not like herald wanted to ditch glint? The thing was glint gave you quickness & the necessary boons, but the versatility came with the choice of the other legend for the upcoming fight. We want glint, we don't want to ditch those boons for no apparent reason, it's what makes herald so fun and wanted in groups. And yeah I know you can still take glint (and it will probably still be the meta build), but it feels like the access to the boons is a lot more unnatural. 

I'm not much of a full theory-crafting guy, so I can't come with hard numbers to prove things and the patch isn't live yet so things might still change, but this is at least what I took away from reading the post. I loved revenant for being able to pull of most roles, and it was definitely not insane tier in both qdps and qheal but this change feels like it's going to be bottom tier again. And not only that, bottom tier with a boring playstyle. I liked herald and had so much fun with it, I just hope they see that this isn't actually helping the class at all. This will just make firebrand the only playable option for quickness again with its more reliable access to boons and actually being able to react to things. 

Edited by Ekko.9854
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Can we just stop with over reactions already? Like do we even have specific quickness numbers? At the end of the day im pretty sure it wont be needed to camp upkeep skills permanently just to give quickness and if the quickness upkeep will suck they will just give us more quickness time in the following patches ... And yes there were people complaining about the current quick herald who didnt want just randomly spam glint utilities for the quickness upkeep because you waste you whole reactive skill on glint itlself that way -.-.. cc wasted, stun break wasted, heal wasted just for the sake of quickness spam.. and instead of complaining "no more glint camping" why people dont wanna other legends give more boons instead and complain about that. Or maybe they could finally add some usefull boons to shield too even if its stability, then its problem solved when you complain about the forced legend swap... Plus we dont even know what we are getting in the next expansions, which is pretty soon..

Edited by soul.9651
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1 hour ago, soul.9651 said:

Can we just stop with over reactions already? Like do we even have specific quickness numbers? At the end of the day im pretty sure it wont be needed to camp upkeep skills permanently just to give quickness and if the quickness upkeep will suck they will just give us more quickness time in the following patches ... And yes there were people complaining about the current quick herald who didnt want just randomly spam glint utilities for the quickness upkeep because you waste you whole reactive skill on glint itlself that way -.-.. cc wasted, stun break wasted, heal wasted just for the sake of quickness spam.. and instead of complaining "no more glint camping" why people dont wanna other legends give more boons instead and complain about that. Or maybe they could finally add some usefull boons to shield too even if its stability, then its problem solved when you complain about the forced legend swap... Plus we dont even know what we are getting in the next expansions, which is pretty soon..

It's not about the quickness numbers at all. Concentration solves that problem regardless. It's about having to camp upkeep skills for no reason. Especially to healherald where you will have to upkeep a random ventari bubble?

Also you don't have to spam glint skills if you manage your concentration right, if you go full harrier you have like an excess 20 sec of quickness which allows you to play reactive for the remaining of the fight (without even saying full harrier is necessary), as long as you just use facet of strength and the fury one of CD and than one of the others that you won't need so you can either play for the stunbreak, heal or cc. People complaining about just spamming abilities just don't play the class right. It's like saying oh I don't like virtuoso/PMech because you just have to just spam everything of CD to deal 20K DPS, well guess what u can hit in the 30's if you what you are doing.

As for QDPS heral, sure u'll need to spam everything, but youre not the general boon provider/healer so that's not expected of you anyway. And if youre expected to do the stab, you go jalis without sacrificing upkeep at all. Now you actually can't just go jalis for road as you are forced to legend swap, and if you need stab and just swapped youre fkd. 

Also I'm actually with you on give the other legends more boons, and that would be a good change to not camp glint. Unfortunately it's not like that and ventari/jalis boons are really just non-existent. So now they just made both QDPS herald and Qheal herald worse and more specifically less fun as youre not that free anymore tbf. 

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1 hour ago, Ekko.9854 said:

It's not about the quickness numbers at all. Concentration solves that problem regardless. It's about having to camp upkeep skills for no reason. Especially to healherald where you will have to upkeep a random ventari bubble?

Also I'm actually with you on give the other legends more boons, and that would be a good change to not camp glint. Unfortunately it's not like that and ventari/jalis boons are really just non-existent. So now they just made both QDPS herald and Qheal herald worse and more specifically less fun as youre not that free anymore tbf. 


Idk you can look at it that way, but spamming glints skills or beeing forced to come back to glint as fast as possible isnt that better either.. the only problem are the other boons themselfs which you give mainly from glint but maybe in the future anet could spread those more to other legends or like i said shield feels pretty dead rn..

Edit: for the second part, this is why i think we should just wait for the next expansion, maybe there will be more opportunities for heal herald, rn its just feels all of this talk "oh thats it, herald is dead" is just a big over reaction.. Maybe it will be less fun after this patch, but it also could be a fundamental change for quick herald so that there would be more possibilities in the future with these builds, because lets be honest, we can say that current heal herald is good, but do you think its that good that there is no more space for any improvements? Its definetely not the best healer out there if we look how much more flexible hfb or healmech is, so i think herald is missing that level of flexibility which could be achieved either with some weapon (shield) improvements plus other legends do need some work aswell oooorrr maybe they will introduce something entirely new in the next expansion too

Edited by soul.9651
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3 hours ago, soul.9651 said:

Can we just stop with over reactions already? Like do we even have specific quickness numbers? At the end of the day im pretty sure it wont be needed to camp upkeep skills permanently just to give quickness and if the quickness upkeep will suck they will just give us more quickness time in the following patches ... And yes there were people complaining about the current quick herald who didnt want just randomly spam glint utilities for the quickness upkeep because you waste you whole reactive skill on glint itlself that way -.-.. cc wasted, stun break wasted, heal wasted just for the sake of quickness spam.. and instead of complaining "no more glint camping" why people dont wanna other legends give more boons instead and complain about that. Or maybe they could finally add some usefull boons to shield too even if its stability, then its problem solved when you complain about the forced legend swap... Plus we dont even know what we are getting in the next expansions, which is pretty soon..

I think one of the devs commented in the Teapot stream that it pulsed 3s of quickness on a 3s interval. So, basically, your leeway is equal to your boon duration percentage.

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8 hours ago, soul.9651 said:

 if the quickness upkeep will suck they will just give us more quickness time in the following patches ...

This is actually one of the issues though. We have ZERO guarantee that it will be adjusted quickly. In reality, if the changes suck, we're looking at 3+ MONTHS to MAYBE fix the issues created with this patch.

Sorry, but I'm really over Anet leaving broken/unfixed kitten in the game for months and years at a time simply because they can't get it right the first 5 times and refuse to fix things quickly.

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On 6/15/2023 at 5:39 PM, soul.9651 said:

Idk you can look at it that way, but spamming glints skills or beeing forced to come back to glint as fast as possible isnt that better either.. the only problem are the other boons themselfs which you give mainly from glint but maybe in the future anet could spread those more to other legends or like i said shield feels pretty dead rn..

Edit: for the second part, this is why i think we should just wait for the next expansion, maybe there will be more opportunities for heal herald, rn its just feels all of this talk "oh thats it, herald is dead" is just a big over reaction.. Maybe it will be less fun after this patch, but it also could be a fundamental change for quick herald so that there would be more possibilities in the future with these builds, because lets be honest, we can say that current heal herald is good, but do you think its that good that there is no more space for any improvements? Its definetely not the best healer out there if we look how much more flexible hfb or healmech is, so i think herald is missing that level of flexibility which could be achieved either with some weapon (shield) improvements plus other legends do need some work aswell oooorrr maybe they will introduce something entirely new in the next expansion too

I think the current heal herald is actually fine, it's the other healers that are meta that are wayyyy overtuned. And youre right about, maybe it will be alright still. But I don't like the 'maybe' while mech and hfb are still insane tier. It's not so hard to see, which we all pointed out as well, that other legends lack the good boons. And than a change like this looks like the worst of both worlds, or at least how it was formulated in the patch notes. Instead of a million other things they could do, they do the one thing seemingly not a lot of people asked for regarding herald ... I'd rather have no update than a bad one, or one that just makes things different for the sake of making things different instead of better

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35 minutes ago, Ekko.9854 said:

I think the current heal herald is actually fine, it's the other healers that are meta that are wayyyy overtuned. And youre right about, maybe it will be alright still. But I don't like the 'maybe' while mech and hfb are still insane tier. It's not so hard to see, which we all pointed out as well, that other legends lack the good boons. And than a change like this looks like the worst of both worlds, or at least how it was formulated in the patch notes. Instead of a million other things they could do, they do the one thing seemingly not a lot of people asked for regarding herald ... I'd rather have no update than a bad one, or one that just makes things different for the sake of making things different instead of better

Idk i just have hope that they will work with other legends now since they chose this path how quickness is applied. Plus how they mentioned that expansion coming out this summer. 

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   I was concerned about Forced Engagement and Aggessive Agility, but the more I play with Salvation outside PvE, the more clear becomes that Salvation > Devastation. So I no longer care how much the Resistance boon will last in the AA trait. The whole Devastation traitline has become a meme which does nothing. 

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14 minutes ago, Buran.3796 said:

   I was concerned about Forced Engagement and Aggessive Agility, but the more I play with Salvation outside PvE, the more clear becomes that Salvation > Devastation. So I no longer care how much the Resistance boon will last in the AA trait. The whole Devastation traitline has become a meme which does nothing. 

So what are you going to run then?

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Regarding the herald quickness changes, I can't help but feel like if they wanted to make energy usage the key to quickness access they should have just made it so that using however much energy (with certain thresholds) while facet of nature is active puts out however much quickness on insert internal cool down. Would add some (maybe unnecessary) resource management, allow for flexibility and reactivity with skills and legends, and fit naturally into whatever role the herald is filling (since you're gonna use that energy anyway). Could even tie nicely into taking charged mists for more breathing room in skill use and boon output. 

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9 hours ago, Buran.3796 said:

   I was concerned about Forced Engagement and Aggessive Agility, but the more I play with Salvation outside PvE, the more clear becomes that Salvation > Devastation. So I no longer care how much the Resistance boon will last in the AA trait. The whole Devastation traitline has become a meme which does nothing. 

Same here, same here.

Everyone is just so used to Revenant being a glass cannon no matter what they run (celestial builds dont count, thats another bad design decision from ANET), where any amount of Condi or CC pressure just shuts the class down hard: 
"Be ready to burn 30-40e and do nothing for several seconds." 
"No 40e available? Too bad, you are dead."

That used to be "ok" I suppose, but not anymore, its the same reason why Power Herald is no longer a thing for sPvP or roaming in WvW, too many conditions and CC everywhere and it just cannot afford the lack of damage from not taking Devastation. No other class has/had this kind of "weak to condis/CC" theme going on (maybe necro with the lack of mobility, but years ago), every class has always had the ability to change their utilities to cover almost any situation within the same build.
And sure, most legends do try to be as versatile as possible, but CMC some dev has been taking care of that by grossly increasing cooldowns and energy costs over the years. Bruh.

For once, the class is not as kitten unforgiving as it usually is with Salvation.
However, I would gladly take a patch that reduced cooldowns and energy costs across the board and then you can do whatever you want with Salvation. (And a Devastation rework, that kitten is boring.)
(And maybe if Retribution wasn't so weak people would actually use it, but its just bad at both damage and sustain.)

Edited by XxsdgxX.8109
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