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[NA] [PvX] The Meow House [CAT] wants you!!! Yes, you! Casual/New/Veteran ADULT players all wanted!


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15 hours ago, Tere.4759 said:

Thanks for the invite.  I decided to rep this guild instead of my now defunct guild.  I have a friend who plays as well, part of my now defunct guild.  I'll ask her if she'd like to join.  What is the discord server name?




glad you could join us!!!
the discord name is same as the guild - the links are in the message of the day!

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I'm looking for a guild to play with and learn the ropes, I have 2 level 80 toons that are freshly leveled, I am liking the game but I need people to run dungeons with, to do fractals, and whatever else it takes to gear up and adventure. I am an MMO veteran at 28 YO i've spent the majority of my life playing world of warcraft. I quit that game awhile ago and decided to come back to this game, I had played a tiny bit during the launch in 2012 as someone gifted me the game ( on disc) but i was hooked on wow and never gave this a serious try. 

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