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[NA] [PvX] The Meow House [CAT] wants you!!! Yes, you! Casual/New/Veteran ADULT players all wanted!


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Hi, I am a new player, just a few days in new and trying to find my way. I play most games solo, but I am quickly learning this is one game that is probably better (and easier to learn) with friends who know their way about. So I am looking for a nice group of people to learn from, play with and help out how and where I can. 

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I'm a returning player(even though have been playing off and on for awhile now) but haven't really ever had a guild to associate with which is probably why I miss out on quite a bit of things in-game. So I'd be interested in joining. My anxiety has kept me from doing a lot of things in-game (Like raids and fractals mostly due to how established a lot of people are and not wanting to feel like I slow anyone down so I've just avoided it) so I'd really like to try to get out of my shell and try to play with others, if they are patient with me learning things. 😛 

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