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[video] Epic 1vx wvw solo roaming on soulbeast '' A new start'' Vol. 1

kiritsugu emeya.3962

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You are one smooth operater there kirit (lol making bear bow look dope as hell). That 1v6 was smooth, great positioning, great skill management, you know how to keep a clear head.

My only criticism is calm down with the transitions yo! Too much takes away from the other wise fantastic fights. Shooter preference I suppose but it just kinda got a bit irritating as the video dragged on, especially at the HCM fight gw2 is already a bit much to watch and too many transitions makes it harder to see.

I'd be interested if you guys did some small zerg busting

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@Eleazar.9478 said:You are one smooth operater there kirit (lol making bear bow look dope as hell). That 1v6 was smooth, great positioning, great skill management, you know how to keep a clear head.

My only criticism is calm down with the transitions yo! Too much takes away from the other wise fantastic fights. Shooter preference I suppose but it just kinda got a bit irritating as the video dragged on, especially at the HCM fight gw2 is already a bit much to watch and too many transitions makes it harder to see.

I'd be interested if you guys did some small zerg busting

thanks man i really appreciate your comment. I admit did think that my transitions were way too much for the viewer, ill try to make it much simpler with the next vid.

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@ZhouX.8742 said:interesting video editing but no body good plays this game anymore so making videos is rather pointless now. its basically an achievement point grind simulator with running the same raids over and over

wvw/pvp = dead game modes unfortunately

you are right and wrong, alot ppl still play the game, this video will still be for the new players who are trying to get into wvw and for old players. but pvp is pretty much dead, (when it gets taken over by bots).

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Lots of nice fight. I think I crossed path with you many times last season spvp and if it's not you, it's someone close to your name ! You're a good ranger.

Seeing you actively play with smokescale and bear as a backup makes me wish even more for a pet swap in BeastMode :(.

Video is a little too fast, but good one nonetheless ! Thank you !

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@Krispera.5087 said:Lots of nice fight. I think I crossed path with you many times last season spvp and if it's not you, it's someone close to your name ! You're a good ranger.

Seeing you actively play with smokescale and bear as a backup makes me wish even more for a pet swap in BeastMode :(.

Video is a little too fast, but good one nonetheless ! Thank you !

thanks man, about pet swapping in beast mode. im pretty sure the balance team are thinking about it and maybe tryng it out, it should have a shitton of buggs tho. and ill try with next montage to make the fights abit slower.

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@kiritsugu emeya.3962 said:

@ZhouX.8742 said:interesting video editing but no body good plays this game anymore so making videos is rather pointless now. its basically an achievement point grind simulator with running the same raids over and over

wvw/pvp = dead game modes unfortunately

you are right and wrong, alot ppl still play the game, this video will still be for the new players who are trying to get into wvw and for old players. but pvp is pretty much dead, (when it gets taken over by bots).

pve has been alive of course due to raiding and pof, but its basically on farm mode at this point and even that population has been slowly declining... new raid zone does come out soon so itll bring back players somewhat for that but then theyll most likely quit. a new fractal has just been released as well sure people will try this out. pve is by far it's biggest player base at the moment

wvw on the other hand you couldn't be more wrong..

roaming is practically dead and has been in sharp decline for a while, gvg's hardly exist anymore and those haven't evolved much at all due to strict strategies due to class balance (cough scourge), desert hasnt been updated in 2 years? still the same maps beyond that. eotm provides nothing... nothing really new aside from loot objectives have been added. no actual content.

they also had to make it to where they force you in wvw to get your gift of battle now instead of just buying and leaving like before.

not to mention as well as the only way they were able to entice players to still do farming is for karma and track rewards + loot boxes and of course the shiny chest piece armor - this is not balance and people are not there because they like it - they just do it because it provides good loot and rewards. this is called artifically keeping a game mode populated.

if that is your idea of wvw still being alive, so be it.

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@ZhouX.8742 said:wvw on the other hand you couldn't be more wrong..roaming is practically dead and has been in sharp decline for a while, gvg's hardly exist anymore and those haven't evolved much at all due to strict strategies due to class balance (cough scourge), desert hasnt been updated in 2 years? still the same maps beyond that. eotm provides nothing... nothing really new aside from loot objectives have been added. no actual content.

Lol ... are you joking ? I don't know on what server do you play, but on Seafarer's Rest (EU) we play everyday at least 4 hours in weekday and more than 10hours /day in weekend and we have fights all the time. Usual we are roaming like 4-11 ppl, and like I said we have a lots of fights, even our server don't win anymore and is not on 1st place like it was before for so many months ... in roaming we have more fun than ever. Roaming is not dead and I don't think will be in next period of time.You have right regarding GvG ... I didn't see many in last months ... but cmon wvw is not only GvG, in fact wvw means more zerg and roaming and we have both of them everyday.

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@Dragonzhunter.8506 said:

@ZhouX.8742 said:wvw on the other hand you couldn't be more wrong..roaming is practically dead and has been in sharp decline for a while, gvg's hardly exist anymore and those haven't evolved much at all due to strict strategies due to class balance (cough scourge), desert hasnt been updated in 2 years? still the same maps beyond that. eotm provides nothing... nothing really new aside from loot objectives have been added. no actual content.

Lol ... are you joking ? I don't know on what server do you play, but on Seafarer's Rest (EU) we play everyday at least 4 hours in weekday and more than 10hours /day in weekend and we have fights all the time. Usual we are roaming like 4-11 ppl, and like I said we have a lots of fights, even our server don't win anymore and is not on 1st place like it was before for so many months ... in roaming we have more fun than ever. Roaming is not dead and I don't think will be in next period of time.You have right regarding GvG ... I didn't see many in last months ... but cmon wvw is not only GvG, in fact wvw means more zerg and roaming and we have both of them everyday.

Maybe EU, but NA is close to dead. WvW is basically just a loot farm now, there are no actual enjoyable roam fights anymore and most good roamers quit the game a long time ago, you'll find stragglers but most are just trying to get back to the keep/castle loot farm rotation zerg. That's fine though, an entire game mode literally only being used as a method of farming keeps / towers over and over is fine with me, it's loot after all - but you won't find many quality fights anymore and there is no actual competitive aspect to WvW as of right now. Most decent players just play PvP and now that they killed that off in favor of PvE and raiding , most quit entirely or just do PvE raids now.

But yea, this is NA , EU might be different.

But ask yourself this, the population before 2014 vs now. Have they done a good job at all keeping people in WvW vs how it is today? Or have the changes they've done only further drive people away from the game mode as a whole and did almost nothing bring new players into it outside of needing to farm for legendary item components or the chest piece or material/money farming the same keeps and towers over and over without actual strategy of playing a competitive point game? The answer will most likely be a strong no on both regions.

The population has dwindled so much with little incentive to bring new players or their older players back that you can't actually have a full server wide range of fighting for PPT , you'll see maybe 2-3 servers doing that on NA and even then they don't truly care, most people just flock to the server that will give them the easiest way to get skins, items , etc.

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@jester iv.2618 said:kitten dude, its just rare to see a soulbeast 1v5, that was sick, you are with no doubt a skilled ranger my friend, wanna ask you tho, I still don't get why you chose bear over gazzelle or siamoth.

He has Smokescale for dps/evade/kick ... bear is for defensive:invulnerability 3 sec, big heal (even has 40sec CD) and regeneration, also when he is not in beastmode Bear F2 removes every 25 s 2 conditions

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@jester iv.2618 said:kitten dude, its just rare to see a soulbeast 1v5, that was sick, you are with no doubt a skilled ranger my friend, wanna ask you tho, I still don't get why you chose bear over gazzelle or siamoth.

im gonna ask u this, would i have been able to survive that fight with gazzele or siamoth? i mean i got a clip me kiting like 10 guys with heavy condi for over 7 min ill make sure to put that at the start of the my next vid...

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@Justine.6351 said:Longbow20k HP2700 ArmorDurability Runes

A ranged stealth bunker. And here I thought it wouldn't be another druid vid.

my thoughts exactly.. i mean.. how boring can you really get?

SoS..using a purely heal-based petLiterally the most commonly used rune among all "roaming" builds: durability.

At that point you might as well be using druid but with more offensive runes.I mean the way you just facetank the warrior for example with SoS... cmon man.

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@Colly.4073 said:Yes it's a tanky build but you need one these days to roam in WvW because your more likely to run into groups of 5+ than solo's. Tanky or not he knows how to play the class well.

That's the mentality that ruins small scale, running tanky runaway kite builds. Idk why people have the mentality that they must always survive a 1vX encounter at any cost.

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@Justine.6351 said:

@Colly.4073 said:Yes it's a tanky build but you need one these days to roam in WvW because your more likely to run into groups of 5+ than solo's. Tanky or not he knows how to play the class well.

That's the mentality that ruins small scale, running tanky runaway kite builds. Idk why people have the mentality that they must always survive a 1vX encounter at any cost.

Because usual these days your group of 3-5 friends will face many times 6-10-15 enemies. And in those fights you must have a lot of survivability gear/skills/utilities and support for and from your group. In WvW now is not like before 1vs 1 or 1 v 2 ... in most of the encounters you will be 1 vs 5 or 3-5 vs 10. This is it, you can't change it, not now. Maybe in the future things will be different. You can play berserk if you want, but 90% of time you will run from those groups of 6-15 enemies or you will run all maps hoping you will find someone for dueling.

So, it's up to you what do you want from or to be in WvW. I have a lot of fun with marauder gear+durability and surv/nature/soulbeast. I can kill 1 vs 1 also I can survive beside my other 3-5 friends vs 6-10 enemies a lot of time.

PS: I don't like to roam alone, I have more fun with my friends.

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@Justine.6351 said:

@Colly.4073 said:Yes it's a tanky build but you need one these days to roam in WvW because your more likely to run into groups of 5+ than solo's. Tanky or not he knows how to play the class well.

That's the mentality that ruins small scale, running tanky runaway kite builds. Idk why people have the mentality that they must always survive a 1vX encounter at any cost.

It's not a survive any 1vx encounter at any cost mentality, at least not from my point of view. If i leave my keep and head out to capture enemy camps etc.. i don't want to be re-spawning 5 minutes later because i ran into a group of 5 heading towards my third. I don't run such a tanky build but i also don't run Glass either.

And with the regards to it being a tanky run away kite build, Not everyone roams just to bump into the odd 1v1/2 and showcase here how good they are for the sake of small scale fights. Some people roam to take camps and and contribute and you want to be able to survive if 1/2/3 people show up while your doing it.

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@bigo.9037 said:

@Justine.6351 said:Longbow20k HP2700 ArmorDurability Runes

A ranged stealth bunker. And here I thought it wouldn't be another druid vid.

my thoughts exactly.. i mean.. how boring can you really get?

SoS..using a purely heal-based petLiterally the most commonly used rune among all "roaming" builds: durability.

At that point you might as well be using druid but with more offensive runes.I mean the way you just facetank the warrior for example with SoS... cmon man.

@"Justine.6351" i use both lb and gs like any other ranger so "Longbow" dont get why u said that / when merged with the pet im at 20k health and without the pet im at 18k health/ and about my armor guess i messed up with the build ^^ my real toughness is only 1332 thats with 1 knights amulet and +180 toughness from Sos ending up with 1512toughness -2620 armor (ill correct it in the description). stealth bunker????? like 0_o should i not stealth... im bunker because my armor is 2620? ok

@"bigo.9037" boring... umm ok / sos ... like all ranger roamers ik use it, i use it for its passive, soulbeast is already a full yolo spec with good damaging traits i dont need to add more dmg but i need to find more ways to sustain it, i watched your last vid and your other vids, my dmg is the same as yours -- and in your post u talk about how (imo its kinda like admitting you cant win without a "reset" button.) im not admitting that i cant, its a panic button(notice how i dont use it in most of the fights), dont need to explain further. / i use the bear for the condi purpose only. without bear i couldn't have won that 1v6 fight or any heavily outnumbered fight with both condi and power, u focus on 1v2 fights, any ranger with enough skills can do that, what i focus on is 1v1s and 1vx fights v both condi and power at once.and one more thing u talk about how sos is useless skill because its only for 6s and its cd is 60s, what about u ^^i found your build in the comment section : http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQJATRnUqA1CiN8CmsActglJB7JIcB+Y592fbxtJA0AmAlI93A-jVyHQBrRXAAOCAISVl2pWxK2fgJKB/2DAoHK/+4lAgUAVp0C-w-- u are using Eternal bound bro... (reseting fights ayyy ;)imma end it there :)

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