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Your personal professions enjoyment tier list


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  • S tier (Fun or not brainlet): Elementalist, Reaper, Holosmith;
  • A tier (Not great, not terrible): Guardian, Herald;
  • B tier (Fun on paper, bad in game, unfinished): Mesmer, Berserker, Weaver, Tempest, Willbender, Warrior, Dragonhunter, Scrapper, Renegade;
  • C tier (Cool idea, poor implementation): Soulbeast, Chronomancer, Virtuoso, Revenant, Ranger, Spellbreaker, Firebrand, Necromancer, Engineer;
  • Garbage tier (Autopilot, boredom, dissappointment): Catalyst, Druid, Scourge, Harbinger, Mirage, Thief, Daredevil, Deadeye, Specter, Untamed, Bladesworn, Mechanist, Vindicator;

Something like that more or less.

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I only really play Ranger. Out of the classes that were available before HoT's launch, Ranger was the only one that appealed to me. I liked the fantasy of fighting alongside a pet. Sadly HoT's new druid elite specialization didn't really help me since it ignored the pet and was some sort of caster healer, only viable in instanced raid content which I did not do. I disliked PoF gameplay wise because it added Soulbeast, which cannibalized the pet, and Soulbeast was straight up better than core ranger so you were forced to abandon the pet fantasy of ranger. Untamed finally made it viable to fight alongside a pet again, but introduced a new issue with the clunky Ambush mechanic.

I played a little bit of Berserker in rated PvP to work towards the legendary achievement. He felt very fragile, like I would be bursted down within a few seconds. He also didn't feel very powerful, since you have to press several buttons very quickly and your attack range is very short. Often times I felt that my hits were not connecting with my target and I would die. Never felt that enemy berserkers were much of a threat either.

I played a little bit of rifle Deadeye in ranked PvP, again for legendary achievement. Having to constantly roll around felt clunky and bad. Enemy deadeyes don't feel dangerous either.

Played a little bit of rifle mechanist for ranked PvP for legendary achievement. I liked that I felt powerful playing the low APM build. It was great during a short period of time when my desktop computer was broken and I had to play on a sluggish laptop. I wasn't attached to the character though and didn't like the neon green Jade aesthetic (the mech also feels light and flimsy and fragile). Enemy mechanists in ranked PvP feel somewhat threatening.

I played a little bit of Vindicator Revenant, using runes that refilled vigor upon killing an enemy. Spamming the dragoon jump over and over was a cool for a little while.

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  • 8 months later...
On 6/27/2023 at 12:39 PM, TrollingDemigod.3041 said:
  • S tier (Fun or not brainlet): Elementalist, Reaper, Holosmith;

What makes Reaper not braindead in your opinion? Always thought it was pretty straightforward without much nuance

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3 hours ago, Juniper.8197 said:

What makes Reaper not braindead in your opinion? Always thought it was pretty straightforward without much nuance

You actually don't have that many out-of-jail cards like teef or willyblender, if you screw up royally, you'll die. It is straightforward and fun, but still requires some brain to use.
WvW perspective~

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19 minutes ago, TrollingDemigod.3041 said:

You actually don't have that many out-of-jail cards like teef or willyblender, if you screw up royally, you'll die. It is straightforward and fun, but still requires some brain to use.
WvW perspective~

The fact that you can face-tank more effectively with Necromancer's high HP pool and Reaper's Shroud actually means you need to think less on Reaper than on Willbender and Thief, which need to consider how to utilize their active defences.

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48 minutes ago, Fueki.4753 said:

The fact that you can face-tank more effectively with Necromancer's high HP pool and Reaper's Shroud actually means you need to think less on Reaper than on Willbender and Thief, which need to consider how to utilize their active defences.

Willyblender/Teef gameplay:

1) Jump on enemy > 2) smash face on keyboard > 3) did enemy die?
4) NO > 4a) jump away / keep smashing since low cd > 4b) back to #3
5) Yes > 5a) wait for cooldowns > 5b) start from #1
That's it, nothing beyond that. They only die to their own greed.
Your high HP means really nothing with spammable 5k constantly, on top of that shroud is not just "sponge" but also a damage source, so eating damage with it is not really optimal.
Reaper is much higher risk than both of these.

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2 hours ago, Fueki.4753 said:

The fact that you can face-tank more effectively with Necromancer's high HP pool and Reaper's Shroud actually means you need to think less on Reaper than on Willbender and Thief, which need to consider how to utilize their active defences.

Not sure i'd really take this as a argument, Yes Reaper has Shroud, but tbh Its damage is going to suck if your walking into fights face tanking. 

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  • S Tier

Engineer - Just alot of fun, many abilities to use, and many effects are available through combos.
Elementalist - Less fluid than Engineer, but is great for all of the same reasons. + I love the theme here ^^
Revenant - Very flowy feeling! And a fun theme. All of the stances are very fun apart from Assassin and Renegade.

  • A Tier

Mesmer - I hate the theme, but it's among the most fun I've had in this game c:

  • B Tier

Ranger - I love the theme, I like how it feels to use Shortbow and traps, I dislike everything else about it.

  • C Tier

Guardian - I like the theme, I dislike everything else.
Necromancer - I like the idea of transferring conditions to enemies, I dislike everything else.

  • Unranked/Unplayed

Warrior - I don't play this profession. I like the idea of having only a basic set of abilities to work with, and overcoming things with *just* the basics.
Thief - I don't play this profession. I dislike the full combination of high mobility + high stealth + high damage. I have no issue with other people playing it, I just don't want to touch it myself ^^

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8 hours ago, TrollingDemigod.3041 said:

Willyblender/Teef gameplay:

1) Jump on enemy > 2) smash face on keyboard > 3) did enemy die?
4) NO > 4a) jump away / keep smashing since low cd > 4b) back to #3
5) Yes > 5a) wait for cooldowns > 5b) start from #1
That's it, nothing beyond that. They only die to their own greed.
Your high HP means really nothing with spammable 5k constantly, on top of that shroud is not just "sponge" but also a damage source, so eating damage with it is not really optimal.
Reaper is much higher risk than both of these.

Reaper gameplay: Start hitting and keep hitting until either side is dead.

To borrow your own words, that's it, nothing beyond that. At least to me it's that way.

7 hours ago, Puck.3697 said:

Not sure i'd really take this as a argument, Yes Reaper has Shroud, but tbh Its damage is going to suck if your walking into fights face tanking. 

Reaper has been designed with the Shroud as a damage buffer in mind, so it's a valid argument to bring up. Unless they rework it to work like Harmbinger's Shroud and it stops sponging damage (a change I wouldn't mind), it'll always stay a valid argument.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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PvE perspective:

1. Most fun: Deadeye, Holosmith, Scrapper, Harbinger.

2. Engaging: Catalyst, Weaver. Willbender, Dragonhunter.

3. Pretty fun, but not for too long: Untamed, Renegade, Reaper, Mirage.

4. Enjoyable only once a week: Bladesworn, Reaper.

5. Boring: Herald, Scourge, Vindicator, Mechanist, Firebrand, Tempest, Virtuoso.

6. Not worth playing cuz X spec is better: Daredevil, Chronomancer,

7. Unplayable: Specter, Druid.

8. [Special place for core professions]

9. NPC gaming: Berserker, Spellbreaker.

Edited by Antycypator.9874
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S: Mesmer, Engineer

A: Elementalist, Warrior,

B:  revenant, Thief

C : Ranger, Guardian, Necromancer.

would be my list, I love Mesmers aesthetics, Engineer I think falls second mainly because it has a perma pet elite, but scrappers awesome, holo bug kinda stops me fully enjoying that as well.

Rangers primarily down to the fact it’s a perma pet class in most builds, Guardian I like DH but I feel like I burn out of it really quickly, necromancer I feel like a lot of its weapon sets feel bland as a trade off to shroud which I can’t rly get behind

i Was a Ele/ warrior main when I first started the game, since returning from a long long break I’ve been mainly playing Mesmer / engineer 

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Most of my toons are harvest chests at the moment.  I also don't have SotO, so my rankings are influenced greatly by which weapon each spec can use.

#1: Elementalist.  I enjoy all specs, and the class can do a lot.  I use this toon for WvW, so it is one of the few that I can say that I actually play regularly.  Favorite spec is Weaver, which has a bunch of extra skills and a nice flow to the combat.  I have the most builds and gearsets on Ele, and I switch between them quite often in all game modes.

#2: Mesmer.  The recent buffs have been pretty sweet, and the sheer versatility of the class lets me handle any situation.  Favorite spec is Chronomancer, largely because of how fun the Continuum Split phantasm burst rotation is.  

#3: Thief.  I have this one sitting at home, but when there's some odd task that needs doing in the overworld, I usually send my thief to handle it.  Favorite spec is the Deadeye, which puts out a lot of damage without having to chase enemies down to hurt them.  I also run condi Daredevil for its simplicity.  

#4: Engineer.  This spec  is great for days when I want to play the game in the weakest sense of the word.  I alternate between Scrapper, which I use to solo dungeons/fractals/bounties, and condi Mechanist, which I use just running around in the overworld.  This is a good profession to play one-handed.

#5: Warrior.  Now, normally I hate warrior, but I enjoy Bladesworn to an absurd amount.  I just love taking the heads off of groups of enemies all at once.  

#6: Guardian.  It has fallen out of use for me as of late.  I alternate between condi willbender and power willbender, but recent changes have made it require too much micromanaging to really have fun with it.

#7: Revenant.  It feels like this profession gets some big overhaul every few months now, and quite frankly I'm never sure how to play it anymore.  I'm sitting on power vindicator atm, but all of the changes just make the whole thing feel clunky and non-responsive.  

#8: Necromancer.  It would be more accurate to say that I don't play necromancer anymore, as I have it parked at the end of a jumping puzzle that I don't want to leave.  Reaper for simpilcity.

#9: Ranger.  I use a ranger for the weekly key farm, but after my first attempt I've decided to not have a permanent one.  I have a spare key farmer sitting at a jumping puzzle to harvest silver doubloons, but that is it.  

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S tier : necro and revenant :

two classes able to selfsustain boons on themselves or allys , access to huge quickness with no boon duration, thats' my kind of problem in open world , i find any classes with no quickness very sloopy , as support i think the power of hscg is completely busted and i like it , the vindicator with sigil of endurance is just too fun and goofy to play in open world and the rework on kalla troops for renegade made this class a good heal alac.

A tier : guardian ,thief , mesmer :

thx to the rifle mesmer is one of my favourite healers and virtuoso is just so powerfull in endgame, still a bit sad mirage 2x staff alac isn't really on spot right now , thief has a nice comeback as quickness which i enjoy and specter is still my favourite condi alac class. Hfb still a monster healer but could use some update on boon aoe sharing 

B tier : warrior , ranger , engi :

i adore the scrap quickness with this barrier output making him a tank without any thougness or vitality needed , but the reworks to rely on combos for quickness ruined the class for me , same for druid , i used to be a main druid but when they added the alac trough celestial avatar skills i just stopped playing it . I play solely bladesworn alac as warrior why i do admit the class lack all sort of boons and especially cc skills , i just like bench pressing other dps and make them notice i am the actual alac provider and have to admit that for me this class is my sole alac power class (i really **** at chrono dps power)

C tier : Ele :

Used to be my main char with almost 5000 hours on it , i am disgusted at all his weaknesses and cannot conclude any advantages the class has : many useless skills in the attunement pool , too low armor and hp for no reason and is mostly melee combat as a mage while having the same sqhishiness as a mage .... i don't have touched the class since ages and i am not willing too , only if a solid 2.0 update on it .

Edited by zeyeti.8347
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