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Weaponmaster Training Beta Feedback: Necromancer

Rubi Bayer.8493

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Feedback for the upcoming beta:

Scepter/Pistol//Torch on cHarb and cScourge. Everything plays even more the same now (same weapons, same traitlines, same trait picks, mostly same utility skills), but at least we can use less of the terrible core weapons which needed to be updated since a decade. Scourge still plays terribly after the changes, if not more so. Even more buttons to spam, I think you might as well remove the AA at this point.

Greatsword is now used in all power builds.. which is pReaper. No changes. 

For any potential support Necro, like the lacking and unfun to play Alacrity Scourge, there is still no support weapon. 


And I think that covers it? Should be enough feedback to be ignored.

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On 6/28/2023 at 7:14 PM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

The Weaponmaster Training beta event for Secrets of the Obscure is open to all Guild Wars 2 players from June 29 until July 2! Try out the combat changes that are coming with SotO on August 22 and let us know what you think. You can leave your feedback for the necromancer in this thread.

Giving Scourge a pistol after the recent nerff is a bad taste move.


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Why is Necro getting a sword OH and Thief isn't? Necro shield makes so much more sense for the scholar class that prefers to shield itself with life force, barrier, and minions. Please change OH sword to shield and give abandoned OH weapons some love.

Edited by Batalix.2873
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Findings so far. from a PvE perspective.

Torch is a strict upgrade to Condi harbinger and Quickness harbinger. There's little reason not to run it over warhorn. Its a slight increase in damage overall.

Pistol on scourge is a significant Damage increase. Brings scourge back in line with were it was before, so behind where it needs to be(although with the balance changes I'll revisit this statement when I do testing after that goes live in the future.). Pistol has proven to be pretty significant beyond just the damage increase though. The life force it generates allows our utility slots to become more free for other stuff as well. Currently I was running Plague signet so I could take insidious disruption but you can take plague sending and some other utility skill while still maintaining your overall DPS. Pistol is a significant quality of life improvement for scourge over all.

Greatsword doesn't solve the issues Power harbinger has. Its just not enough to bring it up to par. I think it'll have some interesting uses in PvP with harbinger dropping on people's heads with a gap closer and dropping nightfall on them, which is interesting but I'm not a PvP player so I can only speculate on how useful that'll be. As for PvE, its really only useful for reaper right now. I've tested it with other builds to like core necromancer and scourge to see if there was a hidden gem, but alas it wasn't good there either.

Reaper using Pistol or torch was fine, but it wasn't as strong as using greatsword for those whirl finishers. Which is good in my opinion because condi reaper using greatsword is a fun build to run and I wouldn't want it to be outshined by P/T.

Overall my suspicions were exactly what I expected.

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4 hours ago, Decinomicon.4619 said:

I will gladly give feedback on the necro weapons when scourge is fixed

It will be significantly better after the follow up patch, check the 'Professions' latest post.
People lets not sabotage an event because of our grip with balance patch. Lets try to keep things separate.
I was looking forward to what builds people come up and post here but i only see negative things related to prev balance which is very saddening.

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31 minutes ago, XECOR.2814 said:

It will be significantly better after the follow up patch, check the 'Professions' latest post.
People lets not sabotage an event because of our grip with balance patch. Lets try to keep things separate.
I was looking forward to what builds people come up and post here but i only see negative things related to prev balance which is very saddening.

The problem is people feel they wont even listen to feedback if we give it, considering they didnt listen to it with the last balance patch.

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The only feedback i'll give since i'm not even entertaining playing the game anymore right now is:

The weapons should be available to be used somewhere from levels 1-10 onwards, breathing new life into the leveling process for all classes.




Just wanna say im proud of you guys for not holding back in those first few posts in this thread, it's exactly what we all feel.

Edited by Bookah pls.9352
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Greatsword: 3/5.

What's ironic about greatsword is that you'd have to buy xpac #4 to get the weapon that you'd need the most in core game.
The core necro imho is the biggest beneficiary of this weapon being unlocked, as it provides one thing it sorely lacks - strong power cleave.
Gravedigger spam easily overtakes anything a core power necro can do in terms of pure dps.
All that wrapped in set of skills that help core necro do the job - aoe blind, multi mob pull, good vulni generation and bit of sustain from using it's whirl finishers on dark fields.

That being said, a greatsword disjointed from reaper loses a fair share of it's luster.
It certainly can't be used as a condi weapon, and also becomes a huge risk when facing stronger enemies (champs).
Unlike the reaper who can easily cushion greatsword's lack of defensive ability, core necro cannot.
You cannot build tanky and keep the damage like reaper can due to decimate defenses and reaper's Onslaught.
You cannot build glass cannon and keep surviving like reaper can due to it's big sustain synergies between Reaper and Spite traitlines as well as skills such as Rise! or Infusing Terror.

I have not yet tried gs on other necro specs but it doesn't take a genius to figure out this issue will carry over to them as well, all the while unlike core they already have their own means of cleaving without gs just fine (scourge shades/harb shroud).

Edited by ZeftheWicked.3076
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Short feedback:

Every weapon combination works more or less on harbinger, which is nice.

Nothing works on core necro, because core shroud is trash.

Scourge benefits from pistol in all game modes.

Condi reaper benefits from pistol/torch in the competitive modes.

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Honestly the beta and the the last balance patch we extremely badly timed. I cannot give good feedback for the scourge portion because of the insane nerfs to the class. Pistol / torch would be an awesome combo if the shade changes were reverted but yea.

Condi reaper really got me excited when i realized i could use both pistol AND torch. BUT, condi reaper is massively bleed based, oh no! The grandmaster makes it so bleeds out weigh all your other condi's so taking other damaging condi's doesn't really make the build perform better or worse. That and Reaper doesnt have any condi duration buffs in the trait line to help out the other damaging condi's. It gives it a differant flavor but it doesn't really make sence to take torment poison or burning in this build. I'd suggest changing up that grandmaster trait to be more condi general and then it might be a little more exciting.

Greatsword. I mean come on. This is a meme if you think a scourge player or a harbinger player is going to use greatsword without some significant changes to the traits of these Condi oriented elite specs. There is a power line harbinger so there could be potential there but not right now. Greatsword is out.

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Pistol - 3.5/5.

This weapon is definitely a great choice for the scourge, as it's focused on torment which is scourge's speciality, and provides way better life force generation than the scepter. Having a hard cc in there also does not hurt.

For other specs the choice is bit harder. Scepter has access to it's trait (Lingering Curses) on any spec, while pistol does not.
Traited scepter is a powerhouse in terms of damage, but untraited is hot garbage, while pistol handles the latter scenario just fine.

So if you want more defense in your condi spec, pistol is an option, as you can for example go parasitic contagion and get better results on many levels than you would with a scepter. Better life force generation, hard cc, far better synergy with Corrupter's Fervor in Death magic.

That being said, core necro is severely lacking in damage on all fronts and the pistol is not the superior dps option (traited scepter is). Reaper on the other hand has nothing in his kit that would boost torment. His own condi variant focuses on bleeding which naturally promotes the use of Curses and scepter and optionally burning with dhuumfire, which again pistol is unrelated to.


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6 hours ago, XECOR.2814 said:

It will be significantly better after the follow up patch, check the 'Professions' latest post.
People lets not sabotage an event because of our grip with balance patch. Lets try to keep things separate.
I was looking forward to what builds people come up and post here but i only see negative things related to prev balance which is very saddening.

HSCourge is still in the gutter as it addresses nothing about the spec issues.

It's not about Sabotage and No, we should NOT keep it separate - that's what they want, they want people to forget about the crap fest they did, and focus on what they want you to focus.

What is saddening is that Anet still refuses to acknowledge they destroyed a whole spec identity, that no one wanted changed or "Fixed" - only to make it a whack-a-mole button smash for no reason.


If they want feedback on something new, they gotta fix what they broke first - otherwise we're building on top of a swamp that is only bound to get worse and swallow the foundations entirely

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