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Weaponmaster Training Beta Feedback: Revenant

Rubi Bayer.8493

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2 hours ago, Tekey.5084 said:

A bit of a shame that only shortbow 3 applies torment and most of the weapon skills are focused on burning and sometimes bleeding, as they're not the most effective conditions for revenant. Thematic, yeah, but less effective than they could be on this profission. If anet just added a way to apply torment through some of the other 4 shortbow skills, it could be a really amazing weapon for many different builds

Shortbow already is excellent regardless though. It's a significant portion of Renegade's damage, which is already high. It wouldn't need a buff by giving it more torment.

Also, even without the bleed traits in Renegade, the damage differential is only 1k on the shortbow itself without the traits since it does have diverse condis. Moreover, Viper's gear and condi dps traits on any e-spec for the class gives it 75% bleed/burn duration, so you're getting most of the benefit of those conditions despite not having dedicated traits that enhance those condis in the Rev traitlines.

In PvP/WvW you also want as many type of condis as possible (cover condis) in order to partially counter cleanses (requires more cleanses to cleanse all damage if you have more diverse condis).

Lastly and most importantly, swapping the condis to torment will just result in Anet nerfing it if they think it's overperforming and put it back exactly where it is now or worse. Multiple condi types all totaling to 40k is still the same as all torment stacks totaling to 40k.

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Just adding my two pence at the risk of repeating the community's sentiments... so the SB is one of the most fiun weapons, and the gs proved to be the same. Having them unlocked for all specs is a huge relief! 

The shield though is stifling to use. As an elite spec, it feels very lacklustre. And skill 5 just does not match Ren and Vindi thematically (I do love the animation though). Suggestion: maybe add reflects/barrier.    

As for hammer, well.... I get it's supposed to be a 'heavy' slow weapons that hits hard, but it's way too slow and doesn't hit that hard. Skill 5 is next to useless overall and skill 3's repositioning isn't exactly repositioning.  Suggestion: faster cc and reposition.




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On 7/6/2023 at 7:50 AM, LucianTheAngelic.7054 said:

Shortbow already is excellent regardless though. It's a significant portion of Renegade's damage, which is already high. It wouldn't need a buff by giving it more torment.

Also, even without the bleed traits in Renegade, the damage differential is only 1k on the shortbow itself without the traits since it does have diverse condis. Moreover, Viper's gear and condi dps traits on any e-spec for the class gives it 75% bleed/burn duration, so you're getting most of the benefit of those conditions despite not having dedicated traits that enhance those condis in the Rev traitlines.

In PvP/WvW you also want as many type of condis as possible (cover condis) in order to partially counter cleanses (requires more cleanses to cleanse all damage if you have more diverse condis).

Lastly and most importantly, swapping the condis to torment will just result in Anet nerfing it if they think it's overperforming and put it back exactly where it is now or worse. Multiple condi types all totaling to 40k is still the same as all torment stacks totaling to 40k.

I never said to substitute the conditions. I even stated that burning fits renegade thematically. Removing some stacks of a certain condition and adding a few of another one would already be a way to insert more diversity in gameplay without going nuts with the damage output or outright destroying the potential of the profession and/or build (I reffuse to give ideas about how to nerf my profession and spec of choice, so I'm not being more specific than that). Anyway, people don't always want the same stuff, so whatever

Edited by Tekey.5084
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I don't do the forums thing much but seeing as how Rev's become my favorite class to play in this game I will chime in with the fact that I love greatsword on Herald & Renegade. Also I see that Vindicator is very easy to pass over now that GS is open to other specs and it will need some looking at.


Shield remains something that could be great but moving breaks it's channel so it has the same problem now as it did before. 


Shortbow is a great ranged option in PvE to have on other specs now and I am enjoying it even on power builds. 


Overall I think that Revenant is in a pretty good place right now so I worry it will be messed with. My dearest hope is that it will be ignored rather than nerfed.

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   Did end buying the game 3 weeks after the release eager to take advantage of the cross spec weaponry. Was initially busy since crafted my second Conflux ten days ago and Metheorologicus five days after (spent 600 and 250 in raw gold, and I'm currently finishing Aurora and in the middle of Vision). Waypoint to a friend didn't work to unlock the wapon mastery so had to complete the first story chaper (a bit more than an hour) to unlock the weapons. So far have spent already over 80 gold replacing runes, but still none in relics (did use ~8 from the 54 chest I got). Relic truly killed rune variety and some of the replacements are expensive (too much alt to feed).

   Now, about the weapons in Rev: short bow is fantastic, but kills any interest in running power Rev builds in solo OW. Doing Aurora achievements spent most of my time in cele Renegade, except when had to farm elementals (power Vindi was suoperb there since most of things died in 1-2 hits). But tried soloing some champs with both builds and while both were fun the sustain in the condi build isin another level (also the utility). This weekend almost completed the SotO maps with power Vindi and overall was doing well until I met a champ with unstabilities which also stacked explosions as the fight progressed...  At 80% the constant pressure ended killing my Vindi. Swap to a cele Vindi build with Mallyx + Alliance and mace & axe + short bow and was melting the content: much more tanky, stronger re-sustain and way better cc.

   For more light content like regular champs I still prefer Renegade since there I run Jalis and can ignore some mechanics, plus is great  if in a event someone joins: you provide alacrity, stacks of stab and very strong cc. But if the foe is really cele Vindi is just better. And that's a problem, since as I found doing lots of achievements for Aurora, most of the time you need to do an specific event you will be alone, or maybe some will arrive at late stages of a fight when the oportunity to get a good leech arises.

   So yes, qHerald is godlike in instanced content and pVindi a decent choice (and Herald runs now gs as meta and sb as optional back up for ranged phases) but none of them are truly strong choices for solo. 

   Still testing sb in condi Herald and power Vindi at PvP, but so far had only time to ~15 matches and is too soon to get conclusions.

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  Saw last matches in the NA MAT. No Rev in the final, one Vindi in quarters running vanilla gs + staff.

  I need to wait to see the EU MAT as soon as someone uploads it but so far seems that Weapon Mastery, the changes in runes and the relics didn't shake the profession at all. Plz ANet nerf hammer 🙂 . 

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