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Why revive was removed from Siphon?


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As title said, revive was removed from Siphon with Shadestep trait. It was unique, useful and fun feature. Indispensable skill if you need to revive someone in AoE or hurting boss mechanic area. Now it's gone.

Ricochet gone, Siphon revive gone. All fun deleted from thief one by one.

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Old Shadestep was clutch pretty often without being overpowered. I'm wondering if they took that feature out because of the amount of complaining about single targeting allies or if they thought it would be too imbalanced. I would have liked to see that placed somewhere else at least, even if it got crammed into Shadow Shroud somewhere.

As long as they're not too hot on creating more dual skills for the dual skill as a signature feature profession, they could take that Axe back and instead give thieves an Unarmed slot as a weapon choice. They could let us combine like two or three features from current and old skills into our own crafted and adjustable Dual skill, with the available features depending on the offhand being ranged or melee. I'd get down with a Ricochet - Siphon - Cursed Bullet Dual Skill. 

I'm talking nonsense but for real, quit taking our awesome kitten and giving us Scepters and Axes.

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Shade step was one of the many casualties brought along in order to ensure every class was able to provide alac / quickness generation. Yet from the way it's put in now feels like a massive down grade. 

The Alac generation from the new shade step trait compared to the old Traversing Dusk is rather subpar. 
We still can't even make shadow force without being in combat. Unless a Nerco or a Rev is gonna let us suck off their self inflicted conditions. 

And we now give protection instead of alac in pvp. 

Giving proc instead having the ability to "GET THE KITTEN UP" from payday 2 is kinda sad. Giving out the other "supporting buffs" from shroud is nice and all. . .But the only one with while is the leap. The rest seem kinda mid.

Last I checked, thief shroud still dies in wvw zergs. In pve, most boss fights have one enemy so those other shroud benefits don't really do much. And if you play spec in pvp and the other team has another thief or any burst classes like wb or rev, you are gonna get sent back to the shadows by force.

Over all, just bring back the rez from old shadestep and move the alac to the mid tree GM because I don't know anyone who takes it other then being a pocket medic 

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Heal Specter was a rare sight since the major downgrade months ago. Removing the revive on Siphon adds another big ouch on top of that. Even though Alac is much easier to apply, it doesn't really matter, because it was never an issue for the Heal Specter. I highly doubt this build rises in favor. It was niche all the time and it will continue to be. Return Siphon-revive and things could look at least a bit different. 

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You had to be strategic with the Siphon revive too, as you'd need to anticipate when an ally may get downed and save your Siphon for it~ thus doing less DPS. It seemed like a decent trade-off. I made good use of it helping people through Kaineng Strike mission back when people were unlocking turtles. After the nerf I never touched it again.

It's possible Shadowsquall could revive people though I didn't get to test it enough. I've had trouble getting many ADHD players to help me test certain things but it seemed like it was healing downed allies a lot but idk.

I feel like Daredevil would make a better or at least more fun healer than Specter at this point (but again, the Black Powder bug really sux)~ Specter just feels lame and too limited now thanks to this Weapon Training stuff which further reveals how bad it is. Locked to Scepter, locked to condi, reduced ini which basically deletes many weapon choices and combo attacks, and Shroud still only effecting 1 tethered person with it's support stuff. It also still has to delete it's whole Shroud bar to use it's best heal instead of making Shroud just do it itself.

Like.. the one build it has is great and all but that's literally all it does. A one trick shadowpony.

Edited by Doggie.3184
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41 minutes ago, Doggie.3184 said:


It's possible Shadowsquall could revive people though I didn't get to test it enough. I've had trouble getting many ADHD players to help me test certain things but it seemed like it was healing downed allies a lot but idk.

It does heal them, yes. Pumping heals onto them can be nice, and even barrier too if you can't access Shadowsquall to help delay someone from getting cleaved out. I've found it to be somewhat useful in WvW on people I can't hand-rez due to there being  too much cleave damage on the body for me to tank while other allies attempt to hand-rez.

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12 hours ago, TheThief.8475 said:

For the moment is stronger than before tbh, if you're talking about alac dps

No open world Pve i was unkillable before now i'm dead in seconds..

The revive was great in events in pve.

Edited by Dante.1508
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On 7/2/2023 at 8:41 AM, TheThief.8475 said:

For the moment is stronger than before tbh, if you're talking about alac dps

This change feels like a monkey's paw wish since we finally freed up Wells from Alacrity but now, I can't maintain Alacrity on siege in World vs World. 

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4 hours ago, FunKCX.4197 said:

They should have relocated the new or old shadestep trait to amplified siphoning. 

The new specter playstyle feels a bit boring now. 

Very mediocre, not good at really anything, but not Revenant levels of bad either.

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8 hours ago, FunKCX.4197 said:

They should have relocated the new or old shadestep trait to amplified siphoning. 

The new specter playstyle feels a bit boring now. 


I really like the idea of merging the rez aspect of Shadestep with current Amplified Siphoning. AS has always felt undertuned since its inception. Forcing a choice against the other master traits is a good approach because both other options are very strong. Without Shadestep, using Siphon on an ally really feels like it lacks impact.

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Adding another + that the shadestep revive was one of the main reasons that I loved playing heal Specter and I’m so disappointed about its removal. Just another loss of unique and fun gameplay from this most recent “balance” pass. Please give it back in some capacity.

Edited by Celeste.9135
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