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Is coolant blast and cauterize underappreciated?


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In my opinion, no. Healing Turret is still better in almost all cases.

Main skill

  • CB: 4.75k heal + 1.3k heal over time (conditional) = ~6k heal, none shared, 4s chill, 4s frost aura(conditional)
  • HT: 5k heal + 1.3k heal (water blast) + 650 HoT(regen) = ~7k heal, about 4.5k of that is shared with allies, cleanse 2 condi
  • Both: 20s cooldown, blast finisher

Toolbelt skills

  • CB: Cleanse 3-6 condi, 1200-2400 self damage, 26s cooldown with tools
  • HT: 800 HoT (regen) + 1.3k heal (water blast - requires another blast finisher, but engi has plenty) all shared with allies, 18s cooldown with tools

So, in a 20s cycle, HT heals about 2k more (up to 4.5k if you include cauterize's self damage). It provides 2 water fields to CB's 0. It heals allies for ~6.5k. CB: 0.

Condi cleanse

  • IF you have over 50 heat, which you can't always guarantee, CB cleanses 6/26s, or ~4.6 per 20. Without that heat bonus, it's 3/26, or ~2.3 per 20
  • Healing Turret is 2 per 20, but in certain situations, you can pick it up early and redeploy it on a 15s cooldown, which makes it 2.6 per 20

So Coolant Blast has a slight edge in condi clear, but at a cost of it's cleanse being on a longer cooldown and doing not-insignificant self damage. Healing Turret heals much more and provides better team support at a cost of (potentially) 2.6 conditions cleared per 20s.

Note: in my testing, HT seems to be bugged.. It should be giving 3s more regen from the initial deploy, but it's only giving the 5s from the automatic overcharge. Sigh. You also might get even more out of HT if you take Alchemy + boon duration.

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first of all thank you for your reply.i see your point and indeed it does more heal than coolant blast indeed. The reason i thought the cauterize is a good way to cleanse a lot of condis since you are against necros and other condi builds is that it synergizes good with alchemy coz you inflict burn to yourself and then you remove it with a elixir tool. but the biggest drawback its the 50% heat threshold that makes it quite situational. but thx again for your answer

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One thing I forgot to mention: Healing Turret cleanses and heals simultaneously. If you want to cleanse and heal running Coolant Blast, that's going to be 0.75s for Cauterize, then 0.75s for the heal.

In pvp/wvw, 0.75s is a LONG time. There's a decent chance it'll get interrupted or you'll be dead before your heal goes off.

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@coro.3176 said:One thing I forgot to mention: Healing Turret cleanses and heals simultaneously. If you want to cleanse and heal running Coolant Blast, that's going to be 0.75s for Cauterize, then 0.75s for the heal.

In pvp/wvw, 0.75s is a LONG time. There's a decent chance it'll get interrupted or you'll be dead before your heal goes off.

On the other hand, HT requires you to blow your heal to cleanse. Having the functionalities separated is not a bad thing, just the required time investment is. Imo either coolant blast or cauterize should be 0,5sec cast time (maybe even both).

Some more points to mention:

  • Water field is something you might or might not want to have (comboing in groups)
  • Turret detonation also does damage
  • HT's TB skill has an awkward aftercast delay
  • HT's overcharge has a slight delay, so to get the full healing it takes ~0,8-0,9sec
  • which leads to... HT can be destroyed before the overcharge happens (rarely the case, but still happens from time to time)
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To add onto Coro's point, HT also removes allies' condis in a large radius. That alone is incredible. In theory you can remove a total of 10 conditions from the entire team, which is a big deal in a team fight. Cauterize and coolant blast come nowhere close to that.

In other words -- HT has more selfish healing potential and better teamfight healing potential. Coolant blast + cauterize are finicky at best (the heat mechanic is counter-intuitive here), with no team support.

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I think the Cauterize/Coolant Blast combo should be self-sufficient. Currently, you can take Inventions to make Coolant Blast cleanse the resulting Burn debuff, but I think this should just be an internalized part of the skill.

Cauterize should be instant, Coolant Blast should cleanse burns by default. It would be a technical combo that lets you instantly Cauterize right before Coolant Blast to avoid taking any Burn damage. In PvP, this leads to interesting scenarios means you could watch for Coolant Blast and interrupt it, causing the Engi to take damage from the Cauterize Burn instead so that the combo isn't overbearing.

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If they would remove the self burning application on cauterize, make it instant and remove the chill from coolant blast i think it would be an okay Healing skill but Healing turret remain our most powerfull Healing due to 2 water fields combo. I mean it would be a good skill for engineer if it was like that because of our difficulty to cleanse all the condi of the new scourge meta.

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