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CMC: I want every class to be like old Cele ele!

CMC (paraphrasing): Yeah we could make things fairly balanced, but that's not interesting. It's fine if we kitten up, maybe we'll get'em next time.

Also CMC: *Everything we have now*

He doesn't care about making the game fair he basically said so and implied the mistakes didn't matter. He, like every other past and current balance devs and the discord only care about buffing their pet class, with very little understanding of the meta game as a whole and how to evolve it to a healthy meta game.

His giant PvP culling wasn't the W the sheep think it, especially with the asymmetry among class defensive ability nerfs.

He should never have been hired, his scope of understanding of the game was narrow minded at the start, and it shows in the current iteration of the game.

Funniest part of all of it is they had an offer from someone who understood the meta, understood balance, and was even critical of their own classes design and wanting things to be fair and balanced for the entire game. But no, we got this clown and hack instead. Probably because of some stupid back room deal, or idk maybe some casting couch style deal he seems the type.

Edited by Daishi.6027
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48 minutes ago, Daishi.6027 said:

CMC: I want every class to be like old Cele ele!

CMC (paraphrasing): Yeah we could make things fairly balanced, but that's not interesting. It's fine if we kitten up, maybe we'll get'em next time.

Also CMC: *Everything we have now*

He doesn't care about making the game fair he basically said so and implied the mistakes didn't matter. He, like every other past and current balance devs and the discord only care about buffing their pet class, with very little understanding of the meta game as a whole and how to evolve it to a healthy meta game.

His giant PvP culling wasn't the W the sheep think it, especially with the asymmetry among class defensive ability nerfs.

He should never have been hired, his scope of understanding of the game was narrow minded at the start, and it shows in the current iteration of the game.

Funniest part of all of it is they had an offer from someone who understood the meta, understood balance, and was even critical of their own classes design and wanting things to be fair and balanced for the entire game. But no, we got this clown and hack instead. Probably because of some stupid back room deal, or idk maybe some casting couch style deal he seems the type.

I don't actually think CMC is bad at his job. 

I think he needs a balance team behind him. He knows ele, and he's done a great job of fixing up the spec and finally making it GOOD in all game modes. Ele downstate memes are a thing of the past. Gone are the days of eles needing to put in more effort for less results while getting random nerfs in every other patch. 

But that's the thing. He ONLY knows ele. We need someone on the team with a deep understanding of every class, and they need to be able to focus 90% of their efforts on class balance. What we have now is a one man show. He has to do most of the balance on his own AND also split his time working on expansion content at the same time. 

This kind of management structure ultimately comes from the higher ups at ANet who have decided it's simply not profitable enough to furnish the game with a proper balance team. 


CMC has royally screwed the pooch on balance, but It's not entirely his fault. I blame the higher ups for deciding it needs to be this way to preserve profit margins or whatever it is companies prioritize over delivering a quality product. 


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36 minutes ago, Kuma.1503 said:

I don't actually think CMC is bad at his job. 

I think he needs a balance team behind him. He knows ele, and he's done a great job of fixing up the spec and finally making it GOOD in all game modes. Ele downstate memes are a thing of the past. Gone are the days of eles needing to put in more effort for less results while getting random nerfs in every other patch. 

But that's the thing. He ONLY knows ele. We need someone on the team with a deep understanding of every class, and they need to be able to focus 90% of their efforts on class balance. What we have now is a one man show. He has to do most of the balance on his own AND also split his time working on expansion content at the same time. 

This kind of management structure ultimately comes from the higher ups at ANet who have decided it's simply not profitable enough to furnish the game with a proper balance team. 


CMC has royally screwed the pooch on balance, but It's not entirely his fault. I blame the higher ups for deciding it needs to be this way to preserve profit margins or whatever it is companies prioritize over delivering a quality product. 


Isn't this the dude who's commented that he's going to enjoy seeing the negative forum responses to his changes?   If it is a job, he should be professional.  In my work place that would be dismissal.

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Vindicator dodge still doesn't work properly underwater. How does ele get so many changes and reworks but something like that remains broken since EoD launch? Explain it to me so I understand because I think this is a very clear example of completely mismanaging one's time. Surely at some point during all these Ele changes, there must have been some time to appropriate for a single fix that, I mean, look you can say whatever about underwater combat, but the dodge literally doesn't work.

Sadly this is just one of many examples where ele gets pure preferential treatment over other classes. The bias is real, the evidence is very clear to see now because it is a mountain. See you guys july 18th when ele gets another buff.

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22 hours ago, Daishi.6027 said:

CMC: I want every class to be like old Cele ele!

CMC (paraphrasing): Yeah we could make things fairly balanced, but that's not interesting. It's fine if we kitten up, maybe we'll get'em next time.

Also CMC: *Everything we have now*

He doesn't care about making the game fair he basically said so and implied the mistakes didn't matter. He, like every other past and current balance devs and the discord only care about buffing their pet class, with very little understanding of the meta game as a whole and how to evolve it to a healthy meta game.

His giant PvP culling wasn't the W the sheep think it, especially with the asymmetry among class defensive ability nerfs.

He should never have been hired, his scope of understanding of the game was narrow minded at the start, and it shows in the current iteration of the game.

Funniest part of all of it is they had an offer from someone who understood the meta, understood balance, and was even critical of their own classes design and wanting things to be fair and balanced for the entire game. But no, we got this clown and hack instead. Probably because of some stupid back room deal, or idk maybe some casting couch style deal he seems the type.

Liked but had to change it to LOL cause the last part took me off guard xD

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This isn't just about ele, I for one am tired of fighting low effort high reward specs in a broken matchmaking system. What is the average ranked game at present; Condi cata, power/condi necro, virt, SB, blade. Thats about 80% of the current ranked representation, and they are ALL rediculously low effort. Condi cata is just the latest spec in a series of specs that pump out stupid damage or sustain for less and less buttons required.


Instead of keep complaining about the current most broken thing, can you all not actaully realise its the core mechanics of the game that need a serious revamp? High damage auto attacks, AOE stuns, AOE dmg, AOE support, and 1 button doing multiple things on many specs. There will never, ever be high skill, relitively fair, and high effort high reward game play with core mechanics like that.


Beleive this or don't, but im not just another bias ele main. I've played most specs that I critisize, and i've played things like vindi support (which is rediculously underated, and highly engaging spec.. high effort/reward for sure). But to the point, despite all the hate, power cata is high effort, despite it over performing at top level. I am not a top level player, not even close. However, I do know exactly how the likes of SB and power necro work, I've played them and against them long enough. All I can say to cut it short is that the avg SB or power necro can litterally face tank me on power cata.. I kill them mostly sure, but they just face tank. I can't do that, I have to dodge specific things, combo at specific times, kite when needed, to kill that spec played by people who litterally eat all my cc and damage. Its just more effort than its worth to the point I completely ignore 1v1's with ''avg skill'' SB and necros.. becuase its just not worth the effort.. I just wait to +1. But more recently, now with the condi cata also in the game, I just can't be bothered to play power cata full stop. Its yet another spec that requires too much effort to kill, for the effort they need to kill me. Fix these broken core mechanics ;/



Btw, the fix for condi cata (withought breaking ele) is really not hard. Remove fire damage on auto attacks, spread it across the other fire abilitys. Dragontooth is surely the most telegraphed ability in the game.. pheonix is only relaible in close range, ring of fire is ofc close range, and adding some condi onto fire grap (reduce its power damage as its very high) would also be another close range ability. This means some condi can be dodged, and the ele has to take risks of getting into melee range to apply more. Lastly, remove stability procs for cata from the signets (but don't remove the auras).

Edited by Flowki.7194
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On 7/11/2023 at 3:18 PM, Vinny.7260 said:

I will say that the overwhelming silence is putrid. It's a lil hurtful in a way. If you have a build that is heavily overperforming to the point there are video memes, people are agreeing with someone people typically DON'T agree with, and you have people who have never played Elementalist playing Elementalist and getting a strong W:L ratio, maaaaaybe there's something to look at.

The biggest issue here is the lack of COMMUNICATION that there will be fixes, because currently damage to the community is being done and making people lose interest. If they'd at least communicate that they're looking into Catalyst, we'd at least be less up in arms about the situation. The fact the only way we can feel reassured is by being sarcastic and coping via making posts is heavily disappointing.

That'll be my only rant about the whole Catalyst dealio.

Yeah, what's even more jarring is the list of changes coming on 18th July to address issues didn't include a single mention of elementalist, not a peep. Could be they sneak in a "Written in Stone is disabled in PvP" but I'm not holding my breath. We saw this last time ele was running the show in the D/D cele build, then again they hadn't set the precedent of disabling a trait due to degenerate gameplay.

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On 7/13/2023 at 1:27 PM, shion.2084 said:

Isn't this the dude who's commented that he's going to enjoy seeing the negative forum responses to his changes?   If it is a job, he should be professional.  In my work place that would be dismissal.

Yes. That's because I'm a spiteful ex-engi main.

I don't think balance should be a one man job, and if it is, it should, at the very least, be his ONLY job. 

Companies have a habit of overloading responsibility onto one worker. For the sake of "streamlining". This both gives workers very little time to deliver a product of the highest possible quality, and when it comes to balance, it leaves profession tuning up to the biases of a single person. While I don't like the way CMC does balance, I don't doubt his qualifications. Gw2 needs a Balance Team. I've been saying this for years, and I continue to stand by it. 

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2 hours ago, Kuma.1503 said:

Yes. That's because I'm a spiteful ex-engi main.

I don't think balance should be a one man job, and if it is, it should, at the very least, be his ONLY job. 

Companies have a habit of overloading responsibility onto one worker. For the sake of "streamlining". This both gives workers very little time to deliver a product of the highest possible quality, and when it comes to balance, it leaves profession tuning up to the biases of a single person. While I don't like the way CMC does balance, I don't doubt his qualifications. Gw2 needs a Balance Team. I've been saying this for years, and I continue to stand by it. 

he has done nothing positive for the games balance in the past 3 years, he has kittened things up massively year after year after year, he is openly laughing about it and just plainly and simply doesnt give a kitten. Im sorry but I call it as it is, I dont see a point in simping at all, if he made my class omega busted I would have called him out on the same kitten, there is 9 classes not 1 and balance is relative. Having 9 bad classes is more balanced then having 8 bad classes and 1 strong one. 

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9 minutes ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

he has done nothing positive for the games balance in the past 3 years, he has kittened things up massively year after year after year, he is openly laughing about it and just plainly and simply doesnt give a kitten. Im sorry but I call it as it is, I dont see a point in simping at all, if he made my class omega busted I would have called him out on the same kitten, there is 9 classes not 1 and balance is relative. Having 9 bad classes is more balanced then having 8 bad classes and 1 strong one. 

He's done plenty of good things. For Ele. 

Which is why he should be the ele balance dev. Not the lead balance dev over every class. Make no mistake, I do not like or agree with how CMC balances 95% of this game. I've stuck with engi through good and bad balance patches since I first began playing this game. CMC is why I finally dropped it and am in search of a new class to fill the gap.

I think his role should be shrunk down significantly. He knows ele, let him balance ele. And have someone over him to keep him in check so he doesn't overbuff it.  I do not think he needs to be axed completely. 

Edited by Kuma.1503
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26 minutes ago, Kuma.1503 said:

He's done plenty of good things. For Ele. 

Which is why he should be the ele balance dev. Not the lead balance dev over every class. Make no mistake, I do not like or agree with how CMC balances 95% of this game. I've stuck with engi through good and bad balance patches since I first began playing this game. CMC is why I finally dropped it and am in search of a new class to fill the gap.

I think his role should be shrunk down significantly. He knows ele, let him balance ele. And have someone over him to keep him in check so he doesn't overbuff it.  I do not think he needs to be axed completely. 

you are missing the point, if we want to have balance every single class would have to be buffed again and again to match the absurdity of elementalist, balance is RELATIVE to other classes.
if you buff mesmers damage by 300% mesmer will be happy but its opposite of balance

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1 hour ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

you are missing the point, if we want to have balance every single class would have to be buffed again and again to match the absurdity of elementalist, balance is RELATIVE to other classes.
if you buff mesmers damage by 300% mesmer will be happy but its opposite of balance

We're in agreement on this. Ele is far too good right now. And I do not think Anet should bring everything up to it's level. I've argued this in the past for other builds that were strong, but mostly fair. I will not argue this for Cata or Tempest. They've blown past S their and sit comfotably in a tier of their own. This is Brawl Metaknight levels of broken. I'm not even sure where to begin toning it down either. It's too good at everything and it has no obvious flaws. 

I like what CMC did to ele's weapons. A lot of them were underperforming, staff, scepter, and offhand dagger were all less than stellar prior to their reworks. Now each is viable. Dragon's Tooth is the obvious exception here. It should have never gotten the latch on. Simply making it drop faster would have sufficed. 

While I don't want every class being brought up to Ele's power level. I would like to see every class recieve Ele's level of build/weapon diversity. There are a lot of overnerfed and garbage weapons out there. Rev Hammer (remove deadzone), Engi offhand pistol, Mesmer staff, Necromancer Scepter (wtf happened to Devouring Darkness), to name a few. Those need the same level of care Ele's weapons got. 






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On 7/11/2023 at 10:18 AM, Vinny.7260 said:

I will say that the overwhelming silence is putrid. It's a lil hurtful in a way. If you have a build that is heavily overperforming to the point there are video memes, people are agreeing with someone people typically DON'T agree with, and you have people who have never played Elementalist playing Elementalist and getting a strong W:L ratio, maaaaaybe there's something to look at.

The biggest issue here is the lack of COMMUNICATION that there will be fixes, because currently damage to the community is being done and making people lose interest. If they'd at least communicate that they're looking into Catalyst, we'd at least be less up in arms about the situation. The fact the only way we can feel reassured is by being sarcastic and coping via making posts is heavily disappointing.

That'll be my only rant about the whole Catalyst dealio.

Correct.  None of this would be happening if "we're monitoring catalyst to find out the best way to bring it back to a healthy state of play" was posted anywhere in the forums. 

Even if you made a mistake or think its fine, telegraphing that you see the situation and that its important goes miles. Communication is better than it used to be but almost a whole month of this is a tiiiny bit much imo.

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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