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Does slab of poultry meat drop for anyone?

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From what I can tell, the drop rate for poultry meat has been drastically reduced.

Just running around killing a bunch of moas and raptors over half an hour, I got two slabs of poultry meat.   I'm not sure that the raptors even drop poultry meat any more.

A slab of poultry meat is going for 3.5 silvers in the trading post.  Considering how many chef recipes depend on it, I expect the price will go up further.

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drop rate for anything, poultry meat included, is pretty irregular to me.

A lot of times i can go to a new area, defeat many mobs, and get nothing but xp. no drops at all, not even junk.

other times i get junk or nothing > crafting items (i.e. least frequently crafting items).

Not at all convinced drops are WAI, but yea maybe it could be a tactic to defeat botters, however much it annoys and stymies normal players.

Edited by willow.8209
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