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suggestion : provide account names for forum reactions when hovering above them

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There's no way that seeing who emotes you won't be abused by someone, and nobody is buying the "for data purposes" excuse. All it would do it create more work for the forum mods who would be inundated with reports of personal message attacks and would spend all their time scolding toddlers who couldn't control themselves instead of moderating the forums. Even if they implemented something that allowed you to turn off emotes entirely (no seeing or using), the announcement would be flooded with sads and confused emojis, and people that typically try to "weaponize" them would be so petty as to just either not post, or turn the setting off so they could emoji you and then turn it back on. 

It's hard for the current system to offend, and is easy to be offended by it; in other words the only one that can get upset about it is you. If you can't handle it don't post, don't go to the forums, whatever it takes to make you feel less stressed about it, or you could just entirely ignore it and take it as a win. Besides, being on the forums long enough you start to wonder if confused actually just means confused (sometimes).

Edited by Acheron.1580
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8 hours ago, Acheron.1580 said:

If you can't handle it don't post, don't go to the forums, whatever it takes to make you feel less stressed about it, or you could just entirely ignore it and take it as a win.

Will those people that use the emoji will get stressfull too and cant handle it  , if we show their names  ? We fix the problems , rather than tell the victim  not to go in the forums

Where the "no OW armor - no easy Turtle" player got bullied in any way ,by the toxic OW casuals -"hi dps"  ?

Are we going to attack the emoji guys ?



Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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On 8/10/2023 at 7:24 PM, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

Wouldn't we want to see which threads they upvote/downvote in the future ? Maybe they will be pro/against a more good-looking-lege-ow-set , or mounts locked behind instances  ?

You do realize that the entire problem can be eliminated by simply not giving a kitten what some rando on the Internet thinks, don't you?

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On 8/9/2023 at 5:08 PM, Anvar.5673 said:

It was 2 years ago.

If the developers have another opinion about that form of harassment and doesn't agree with the calling harassed people "snowflakes", it will prevail.

Some reactions lead to nothing but only generate trolling and harassment.

We will see but at least I would have tried to make things better.

Studio Director - Colin Johanson  Sept 2020 - present

Game Director/Head of Live Operations - Josh Davis  Mar 2021 - present

Same Directors from '2 years ago'. 

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6 hours ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

Will those people that use the emoji will get stressfull too and cant handle it  , if we show their names  ? We fix the problems , rather than tell the victim  not to go in the forums

Where the "no OW armor - no easy Turtle" player got bullied in any way ,by the toxic OW casuals -"hi dps"  ?

Are we going to attack the emoji guys ?



Well I'd say the crowning difference is that your situation is a hypothetical that will never happen because Anet will never implement a system that actively encourages fighting in the forums. No, I'm not going to attack the emoji guys, it's sad and petty, and despite the fact I argue about how to have fun in a video game, I am an adult and can simply go about my day without letting a little yellow emoji dictate my mood, day or opinions. If it affects you so adversely, then I stand by my decision to not come to the forums. Do you get upset for everyone  getting the 'fused, or just when you get it? Most importantly, the people who are going to do it are the ones who A) think it is going to upset you, B) know it's going to upset you, C) genuinely just use the emote for its intended purposes because they don't subscribe to the forum drama. Letting it get to you is basically giving them power, so feel like a winner by just ignoring and knowing that not reacting to it is probably making them confused-emoji why it isn't working and leaving them sad-cry-emoji.

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4 hours ago, Acheron.1580 said:

Well I'd say the crowning difference is that your situation is a hypothetical that will never happen because Anet will never implement a system that actively encourages fighting in the forums.

Well , i agree with that  , that why we have OW legendary and more hopefully more "fun acquisition" of the skyscale .


(We could have used the opportunity to use an immproved LFG like other games , but alas , people like to make gold , so we will wait for 1-3 years after some people  come back from other stationary combat games , to resume operations , hopefully all be forgiventh by devs and commnity)

If people attack each other (on purpose), then we diactivate the emojis and the drama with it . If not ,  i can use the data for my project + both parties (emjo+poster) get a social shock and then your next proposition will take over :

4 hours ago, Acheron.1580 said:

 If it affects you so adversely, then I stand by my decision to not come to the forums. Do you get upset for everyone  getting the 'fused, or just when you get it?


Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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46 minutes ago, Harlocke.8415 said:

Let's delete the forums too, while we're at it. Internet 2hard.

For example, in my other  project there is also the correlational that creating an account (2020) and creating your first post is different thing .

This is how you differentiate old player , vs old with fresh accounts pretending to be old



(if people for example replicate this kind of  tactic for using  accounts for only spamming emotes , is also acceptable.


I think i have seen you before btw Harloc , while i wait to see which people have read the commends . Have you played WoW ? i used to play on Deathwing-EN , Emanuela Warlock at Core + Vergin Resto Druid with my sis , before i got banned for hacking...)


Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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16 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

For example, in my other  project there is also the correlational that creating an account (2020) and creating your first post is different thing .

This is how you differentiate old player , vs old with fresh accounts pretending to be old

They could be veterans communicating on forums with their alt account to protect their main account. So certain individuals won’t harass them in game due to differences and heated discussions. Or they could simply use their alt account to troll on the forums and be obnoxious or other various reasons. There is no way for you to know if they do this or not. So “fresh accounts” can indeed be veterans and not be pretending at all 

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Just now, Freya.9075 said:

They could be veterans communicating on forums with their alt account to protect their main account. So certain individuals won’t harass them in game due to differences and heated discussions. Or they could simply use their alt account to troll on the forums and be obnoxious or other various reasons. There is no way for you to know if they do this or not. So “fresh accounts” can indeed be veterans and not be pretending at all 

ah k

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38 minutes ago, Freya.9075 said:

They could be veterans communicating on forums with their alt account to protect their main account. So certain individuals won’t harass them in game due to differences and heated discussions. Or they could simply use their alt account to troll on the forums and be obnoxious or other various reasons. There is no way for you to know if they do this or not. So “fresh accounts” can indeed be veterans and not be pretending at all 

yeh, im tryin to protecc my main account from scary emoji

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4 hours ago, Freya.9075 said:

They could be veterans communicating on forums with their alt account to protect their main account. So certain individuals won’t harass them in game due to differences and heated discussions. Or they could simply use their alt account to troll on the forums and be obnoxious or other various reasons. There is no way for you to know if they do this or not. So “fresh accounts” can indeed be veterans and not be pretending at all 

It is not allowed to do that tho.

1 forum account per player no matter how many accounts you have.

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3 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

It is not allowed to do that tho.

1 forum account per player no matter how many accounts you have.

Not talking about having several accounts here. Although I am sure some people do this anyways. I am talking about people who refrain from using their main account here to prevent people contacting them on their main account in game while playing. They are only using one account on the forum. 

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19 hours ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

Will those people that use the emoji will get stressfull too and cant handle it  , if we show their names  ? We fix the problems , rather than tell the victim  not to go in the forums

Where the "no OW armor - no easy Turtle" player got bullied in any way ,by the toxic OW casuals -"hi dps"  ?

Are we going to attack the emoji guys ?



If you can't handle criticism don't post ideas that will be criticized. That's what they're saying.

Just by putting account names onto reactions kitten ideas will stay kitten and people who dislike those ideas will still dislike those ideas. Putting a name behind reactions won't magically turn all reactions into positive..

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2 hours ago, Freya.9075 said:

Not talking about having several accounts here. Although I am sure some people do this anyways. I am talking about people who refrain from using their main account here to prevent people contacting them on their main account in game while playing. They are only using one account on the forum. 

That is clever, it never crossed my mind as a defensive tactic.  The person in danger of harassment either never loggs into the game on the forum account. Or if they do logg, it is only to run dailies as they are permanently set to offline and simply ignore everything but the daily.   Meanwhile they get to play on their main account in relative peace.

I had always viewed alternate accounts as something for alt-ohollics, scammers, or spammers.  Using an alt account as insulation from forum drama makes alot of sense.

Edited by Zebulous.2934
Their, there, they're
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1 hour ago, Zebulous.2934 said:

That is clever, it never crossed my mind as a defensive tactic.  The person in danger of harassment either never loggs into the game on the forum account. Or if they do logg, it is only to run dailies as they are permanently set to offline and simply ignore everything but the daily.   Meanwhile they get to play on their main account in relative peace.

I had always viewed alternate accounts as something for alt-ohollics, scammers, or spammers.  Using an alt account as insulation from forum drama makes alot of sense.

It's more likely that it's used to circumvent bans. People who engage in this nonsense usually will get banned.  I can't say I've seen many instances where the forum arguments went in-game, but it may happen sometimes. Once people challenged each other to a duel and recorded it  there was all kinds of backpedaling everywhere but that was just incredibly silly.

Probably more common in other games, this game just isn't toxic enough in most cases to warrant it. But some people are just kinda nuts.

On Reddit some people make alt accounts to argue with themselves. However, making another reddit account is free, and most people don't even try while making names like throwaway353245. It's also possible to downvote your own post on Reddit, so I would not be surprised if people did that on purpose and then complain about it.

Not that anyone would give themselves emojis on their own posts here with alts. That's probably too much effort, and would require one to think obsessively about this topic. Hmm....

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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On 8/10/2023 at 8:39 AM, Anvar.5673 said:

I honestly agree but sometimes there is so much bad faith and bad intentions behind this that it can be difficult and very hurting for some people

I sincerely think that just removing thoses reactions will help the community to debate in a more healthy way.

I'm not sure that removing it would help the debate be more healthy. I've been on the forums before they existed and there was plenty of ways to offend people. In some ways,, the confused face is the least of it. This community hasn't always debated in a healthy way with or without them, and I don't expect that to change. There's a lot of people here from different walks of life, different experience, different lines that need to be crossed before they find something offensive and yeah, there are some trolls as well.  I know a lot of people who stopped posting here before there were emotes, due to feeling ganged up on.  That won't change either way.

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3 hours ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

If you can't handle criticism don't post ideas that will be criticized. That's what they're saying.

Just by putting account names onto reactions kitten ideas will stay kitten and people who dislike those ideas will still dislike those ideas. Putting a name behind reactions won't magically turn all reactions into positive..

Well i am interesting to know these people  .

For example,  if a persons that had an account since 2020 and his first post is : "Let's delete the forums too, while we're at it. Internet 2hard. " , sounds too savage-brutal-manly , and if  hes  hunky too ...ohh boy ! /slurp

Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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14 hours ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

Well i am interesting to know these people  .

For example,  if a persons that had an account since 2020 and his first post is : "Let's delete the forums too, while we're at it. Internet 2hard. " , sounds too savage-brutal-manly , and if  hes  hunky too ...ohh boy ! /slurp

I might need a translator to make sense of your comments, because I'm 100% sure it isn't in English. So you can be certain one of the Confused on your comment is me not being able to decypher whatever you just wrote.

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2 hours ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

I might need a translator to make sense of your comments, because I'm 100% sure it isn't in English. So you can be certain one of the Confused on your comment is me not being able to decypher whatever you just wrote.

Because some things don't make sense .

Half the people tell me to avoid the forums if i don't like the emoji  and getting judged . Whilethe other half(you) tell me that i shouldn't  post controversial things so i dont get enoji-ed.

What is the controversial things in order to avoid it ? Should i for example don't ask for OW legendary Armor  , or to show the emoji guy name?

Should i instead , ask for more OW hardcore things , with bosses huge of HP so the casuals use Li builds and get ready for raids ?


I only got 109 in the IQ test  , so if you could help me to understand for which thread to avoid and which to support ?

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3 hours ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

Because some things don't make sense .

Half the people tell me to avoid the forums if i don't like the emoji  and getting judged . Whilethe other half(you) tell me that i shouldn't  post controversial things so i dont get enoji-ed.

What is the controversial things in order to avoid it ? Should i for example don't ask for OW legendary Armor  , or to show the emoji guy name?

Should i instead , ask for more OW hardcore things , with bosses huge of HP so the casuals use Li builds and get ready for raids ?


I only got 109 in the IQ test  , so if you could help me to understand for which thread to avoid and which to support ?

Flexing with 109 IQ while misunderstanding what the other wrote and attacking them. Congrats.

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