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What do you hate about each class?


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Speaking mostly from the PvP perspective:

Ele:  Can't specialize into attunements and If I wanted to play a rotation/buff oriented class, I'd go play WoW.
Guard:  Mostly just kind of boring.  It spent years being ANet's favorite and it's showed.
Thief:  The fun builds all suck and keep getting nerfed because of a few select interactions continuing to be broken for years, with ANet refusing to actually fix the roots of the problems and subsequently re-assess the class, and instead they mostly just kept nerfing symptoms.

Mesmer:  If I don't want my character to be pink, it clashes the fashion.
Engi:  Everything about the aesthetic.  Jade bot is so unbelievably egregious that I literally wanted to stop playing when I saw one for the first time.
Ranger:  Virtually every facet of untamed.
Revenant:  Legend swap feels gimmicky.

Warrior:  ANet doesn't know what to do with this class; skills and utilities are largely from a bygone era where there was more combat clarity and action-oriented gameplay, so it often feels weak and ineffective.
Necromancer:  The necro community is probably the least self-aware and has historically asked for so many things that are either downright overpowered or make existing interesting builds non-functional by trying to prop up E-RP concepts.

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For PvE, 

Guardian - Have lower HP compare to other class. 
Revenant - Limits of skills per legendary stance. I mean, I get the concept of the class, but I feel like I'm locked into a set of utility that is given to a specific legend.
Engineer - Lack of weapon choices. Not everyone loves kits.
Elementalist - Squishy #1. Not the class for me. 
Mesmer - Squishy #2. Needs alot of kiting. I like the GS skill but I'm not really into class that needs alot of kiting.
Necromancer - Limited movement speed to be honest. Really slow.

Can't really tell what I do dislike about Ranger, Thief and Warrior. 

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Even though I mained a mesmer in guild wars 1, I have a mesmer in gw2 that is almost 10 years old that I never play more than a minute or two. I quickly switch characters out of 'not feeling it'. I just don't know exactly why. In gw1 I enjoyed it for it's reaction time gameplay and skill stealing. It might be that I crave that.

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Mesmer: Not much to hate but color

Elementalist: Need to be musician to play good. Low HP and hard to stay alive.

Necromancer: Slow and little to no stability. Harbinger helped a lot.

Thief: Low HP, Nerfed all the time.

Engineer: I like Fantasy stuff, magic etc. 

Ranger: Pet, It is somewhat boring class.

Warrior: Same as Ranger but even more boring. 

Guardian: Low HP, Radiance Trait line, That trait line is almost always much to have. Burning in every build even if you don't use condi build.

Revenant: I wanted a Ritualist. 

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Revenant: I have hammer, but I dont have hammer because it is completely useless outside WvW and why to this day Anet didn't touch this weapon still!!! PLEASE!!
(also I love the utility lock, its chill, they are always pretty and most of them, useful)

Elementalist: Lack of fun utilities, all elites from specs are trash and/or doesn't feel like an elite skill.



Funny to see that this is the most healthy thread in this forum lol

Edited by Mongk.2458
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Elementalist: Building viable middle grounds for both sustain and dps feels cumbersome. You're either glassy but with the durability of a Ford Pinto, or you can take a hit but deal wet noodle damage.

Engineer: Its og theme of technological summoner becomes more watered down by the year. 

Necromancer: Fighting against a core or harbinger has always been my bane. Hp on hp to chop through.

Mesmer: It can get pretty confusing fighting and playing one. Especially while drunk.

Ranger: Being tied to the 24/7 pet system. And no, I don't take playing soulbeast as the answer.

Revenant: The utility swap always screws me over. Also, its core design feels like an oversight.

Thief: You don't actually steal anything or burgle houses. In PvP/WvW you're hated regardless how well or poor you play.

Warrior: They just keep doing this class dirty for the longest.

Edited by cyberzombie.7348
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As someone playing mostly PvE with a bit of WvW every now and then, this is from a 98% PvE perspective:

Ele: not much to complain, maybe a bit too squishy and too punishing rotations

Engineer: the existance of that class alone bothers me. Mechanist made it even worse and made my anti-pathy for that class go through the ceiling. Wish they'd never added guns and steam punk stuff back in 2012...

Guardian: nothing to complain

Mesmer: nothing to complain, still one of the more unique classes of the GW universe (besides stealth, see Thief)

Necro: wish it was a little bit more mobile and had some sort of active defenses besides dodges

Ranger: nothing to complain

Revenant: I tend to accidently swap weapons when wanting to switch legends and vice versa, but that's a "me" thing

Thief: Stealth. While it doesn't bother me in PvE, there shouldn't be any in competitve modes. it's just a dumb unbalancable mechanic

Warrior: nothing to complain

Edited by Nash.2681
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Thief: Should Never Been Created, Bad Design, Anet Defends Toxic Stealth Mechanic for 11 years, Responsible for Guild Wars 2 Low Population Retention and Anet doesn't care. Anet theft and hijacking of Profession Identity and Role to equip Thief Profession with more Toxicity: Necromancer Profession-Spectar and Mesmer Profession-Portal. Thief Profession remain the only Profession with 3 dodge, Responsible for preventing potential new Guild Wars 2 players from playing the game, Anet allowing Thief Profession to remain The Most Toxic Profession For 11 Years, reduce weapon range to 300 range, Daredevil and Spectar--delete these Specialization

Mesmer: Has no Identity and Role, Bad Design remains for 11 years, does not need access to stealth mechanic including clones, reduce weapon range to 300 range, Mesmer Profession Profession Identity and Role being 'toy around'

Necromancer Profession: Anet continues to prevent Necromancer Profession from reaching its full potential-example-ice/chill, steal, bleed access to more conditions, Anet allowing other Profession to match and supersede Necromancer Profession conditions, Necromancer Profession false Identity and false Role being 'toy around' for 11 years without an end. 

Ranger Profession: Anet continue to allow... non-range Profession to match and exceed Ranger Profession range Lore and Identity, Anet continuing to refuse Ranger Profession pets from reaching its full potential, lack of new pets, does not need access to stealth mechanic, Untamed Specialization does not make absolute any sense; Anet designing a Specialization to teach Ranger Profession Community how to tame their pets---example: it is like designing a Specialization for Warrior Profession and naming it: UnAdrenalined?? 

Pathetic---Insulting----delete this Specialization

Guardian Profession: Identity and Role Sabotaged by Anet to have Guardian Profession-Willbender fill in roles that violates its Identity, Role and Lore, access to output conditions which goes against its identity, role and lore. Reduce Guardian Profession, Willbender--delete this Specialization

Warrior Profession: Remains Broken for 11 years, reduce warrior profession weapon range to 300 range

Engineer Profession: does not need access to stealth mechanic, its Identity and Role need to be addressed

Revenant Profession- should have not been created, has no lore to Guild Wars (1) history record, a false 'copy cat' to Ritualist Profession, a 'copy cat' Profession playing other Profession roles and identities- Renegade bow.., it is the most Ridiculous Profession design and has no place in Guild Wars, nothing more to say---delete this Profession

Elementalist Profession: has no Identity and Role, Just as Mesmer Profession; their Identity and Role are being 'toy around' to Anet amusement.

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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18 minutes ago, Jski.6180 said:

The player base that never plays the class in question but like to post about it all day because they "see" other ppl playing it at an professional level.

what made come to that conclusion that those 'other ppl' does not play those Professions in question?

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I'll do the two I main (mostly OW PvE).


  • Your phantasms can use weapons that you can't. Seriously?
  • Even when you're not running a glass cannon build, you're squishy af.
  • All those clones are thematically supposed to be distractions, but mechanically most enemies will totally lock aggro on you and ignore them.
  • OG Mesmers were hard-shutdown interrupters in GW1 as their core mechanic. In this game, it's far easier to interrupt with almost any other class.


  • Minions suck, full stop. They're ugly, the AI is clueless and they're just not all that useful.
  • Blood Magic really needs a rework. It's nowhere near what it should be in terms of lifesteal or self-harm.
  • Staff skills are decent-ish overall, but the ground targeting for Marks makes them feel more like thief/assassin traps than any kind of undeathly thing.

I'll leave the other class complaints to those who are more familiar with them. 😁

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What I hate most about each class is how everyone acts like their class is being nerfed out of the game.

No but really, what I actually hate is how many skills aren't "viable" or useful in the right way to justify using them over another. I want to experiment with more of the 25 odd skills we get, but most of them are niche application skills, or just don't work in a way that makes sense to me. 

Sure, part of that is that I was gone for a long time (I left before Warrior banners stopped being carriable) and I remember the old use cases rather than the new functionalities, but still.

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Mesmer: Too many trade-off: super DMG and 0 survivability, or good survivability and zero damage.
Elementalist: Staff — the iconic weapon of every mage — sucks.
Necromancer: Requires quickness to be playable, otherwise you might fall asleep.
Thief: Feels unfair, because everyone does similar damage, but AoE. What's the point?
Engineer: Kits often don't fit any specific role, but you need them.
Ranger: Pets are too weak.
Revenant: Poor choice of weapons.
Guardian: Low HP.
Warrior: Whirling skills.

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* Guardian - has pretty much forgotten that fire spells were only a very small bit of its niche and not even the most unique, and abandoned all notion of being a warding, healing, light/holy magic, spirit-summoning defensive tank. Now it's all just fire and ninja swords and apparently dual pistols now because I guess blue lives matter more than class identity.

* Ele core specs/traits define builds more than the actual especs, because of how tyrannical having 20 weaponskills to juggle AND universal "attunement-swap" bonuses are. No one is allowed to be an ice mage or magnetomancer in this game. Typically you are always just a fire DPS, an all-elements DPS, or a water healer. Especs are spastic attunement swapping and/or only the slightest variations on flavor with only Weaver substantially deviating from core Ele and still having its own railroading issues.

* All of the EoD especs outside of BS and maybe Harbinger on a good day are trash. Nowhere near the level of ingenuity, depth, and focus of the HoT/PoF especs. They can and probably should all be deleted for how little meaningful flavor and choice they offer. Specter, WB, Vindi, Virt, Mechanist, Cata, all do a splendorous job of defacating all over their core profession identity and other profession especs, on so many levels. The new weapons are generally going to more of that non-design mentality.

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20 weapon skills of blandness. If you specialize into any attunement, usage of non specialized attunements feels detrimental and you more like left with 10 skills and some crap utilities. 

Why the heck not a single e spec gives you ability to weapon swap at reduced amount of attunements? 

Summoned weapons feel meh at best, do not give info in UI well about their skills and drop second use on ground when I DON'T WANT TO SHARE! Give it ammo count instead and let me trait for summon share otherwise, they're worse than kits, which I hate too.

Speaking of kits.



Kits suck, they have little oomph, are clunky as kitten, most animations suck on them. It's a more complicated way to pretend you're ele while also not putting kits in tool belt but utilities just to kitten with me. 

If you gonna do something like emulation, put in some consistency. 

I don't enjoy turrets because they're too stationary and feel like macro is needed for fun and at that point rather not use them.

And again, not a single spec let's you weapon swap. And with single weapon, it kinda sucks, but with kits it sucks more. 



Condition weapons barely existant, no ranged option while quite few utilities and heck part of identity is setting stuff on fire. Hammer is a bit on slow side to be enjoyable and there is some issues with keeping might up solo. 

I've not played firebrand, but by god dragon hunter bow sucks with locking you to the ground  in animations on some skills and AA on bow lacks that magic effect to be enjoyable. 

Generally most of guardian skill effects feel too anemic. Haven't touched willbender, nothing to say about it aside from the name sucking.



Boy do I hate that clones go away after I lose target. I understand it's because they're all in your target's head, but why can't we pretend that we're inducing mass hypnosis when fighting multiple opponents? 

Thank kitten Virtuoso exists and I will probably love to play Axe/Torch&Dagger/ and well kitten no second condi sidearm without traiting pistol, which I don't think I can afford in the build.

Chrono deserves a special place in hell for bringing alacrity into the game and leading to haste becoming non personal buff. 

Nothing good comes from messing with time. 



Minions are okay, but I was well user for most of time before shouts. 

Shadow form normal AA is so kitten slow it's not fun to use, 1s cast time is bleh. And why can't it rather explode on contact into splash damage like a death fireball? Lining up enemies when your other skills make me want to be nearer to them is PITA.

I never liked corruption skills as they didn't feel like return investment was good enough for self flagellation. 

Never found scourge to be interesting e spec addition, through not as bad as all ele specs.

Oh and a good offhand for ranged strike damage would be nice.



With untamed in then mix beast master traitline feels superfluous, but all the mechanic intricacies don't interest me about poke mister master collecting them all. What annoys me about pets is that you can't armor them up and customize them like that. You don't go through horrors of war with just your starting gear, why can you relief animal can?

And nature magic is not only about relief and assistance, where's more destructive part of nature? Why can't you call lightning, rot away enemies? Cycle of life is part of nature magic and death is part of it.

Mechanically I only hate the lack of condi weapons on ranger, why is only shortbow a proper primary condi weapon? And don't give me that crap that Axe MH is condi, if it doesn't apply conditions on AA, it's not one, it's q hybrid at best.



I get that legends come with preset utilities, but why only? Where's 4th utility for each legend to swap out unwanted one?

And if you make hammer a ranged weapon, least make AA animation be interesting like Mesmer GS. 

Legend variety does get stale too, especially since you can't mix and match utilities. 

Oh and last thing, why the kitten the most revenanty weapon is Trident with it's effect change depending on legend equipped? Why rest of the weapons don't get same treatment? 



By god do I feel squishy. And so very very bored with some skills. And why is death lotus on DD a condi skill and PP unload a strike skill? 

The amount of two handed weapons on dual wield class doesn't irk me as much as others but, I see where they're coming from.

It is still my favorite profession to play, but not a single spec is kitten interesting on it.



11 years of no 2handed axe and what you bring in as last e spec? A kittening great sword for your great sword. Except it looks like crap, swings even worse and you still can't make other weapons feel as good as axe chop or hammer. 

Honestly core warrior is only thing satisfying about warrior. Berserker is spam buttons to keep raging rather than being a stance change, spell breaker stop it's counter time is ok, but too much of a burst sacrifice and loss of a good specialization tree since it's worse than 4/5 if not 5/5 core trees. And bladesworn is a weeaboo engineer samurai wannabe which sucked since conception.


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               hate facing in pvp:

Warrior: spell breaker cc meta of a couple patches back

Guardian: turbo trappers

rev: meh

ranger: immob druids

engi: mechanist when it was meta

thief: stealth gankers in wvw

ele: scepter cata

mesmer: virtuoso when it could one shot out of stealth

necro: harb when it could kill you in 3 seconds while floating             

                Things I don't like when playing:

all classes: greatsword and hammer

warrior: ranged weapons are weak

guardian: hammer is weak

rev: herald stun break is hidden

ranger: main-hand sword is weak

engi: pistols are weak

thief: I die too fast

ele: sword is difficult


necro: I don't know I don't play it

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Warrior: Massive defensives with the ability to do massive damage at the same time, whilst applying CC.  Spammable CC builds.
Guardian: DH with trapper runes and invisible 13k tru shots
Rev: too much block and evade for the amount of damage it can put out.  Condi is tanky as hell but the torment numbers it puts out are ridiculous
Ranger:   Unblockable attacks, Soulbeast gank build from 15second stealth with pull, and stun/daze...   Immob ranger spam.
engi:  Juggle chain from holo.  Mechanist trash tier so it's like having 4v5 if you get one.  Scrapper forced into full glass to play and meta reliant on stealth crutch.
theif:  condi thieves that can burst from stealth and then just re stealth and port and repeat.   
Ele: Tempests really slow down fights.... "one shot" combos which also CC on top of doing enough damage to down.  Continuously Spammable CC.
Necro: Chill... definitely chill.
Mesmer:   trying to figure out which one is the player 🙂.  Having to randomly dodge when you fight one.

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Ele: piano to play, you can be unkillable for like 30 seconds but then die to anything. And must know what does what off of what.  To much at once.

Necro: the shrouds are both good and bad.  And the it works sometimes.  Shot I don't even remember what base necros shroud is.

Mes: Keeping track of clones or daggers.  Getting the right amount for what you need can be a pain. 



Thief: one mistake is death.

Eng:  falls in with ele. Too much going on with kits. Or if you are not running kits. You don't have enough skills it fills.

Ranger: Pet AI can be strange.  But you also fill like you have to take only like 5 pets the rest just don't fill like they are good.



War: range fills like it is lacking. And even melee fills behind others. Or just slow.

Guard:  fills like they wanted it to do everything. And I dislike it because it had the "run guard or your out" time frame.

Rev: the power bar is a boon and a curse. I fill like it needs faster recharge on skills or faster energy.  Because it the way it is now, it fills like they are trying to slow it way down.

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Warrior - dull thematically, limited ranged options

Guardian - seems to oscillate rapidly from way too good to terrible, this class has historically been balanced weirdly

Revenant - every legend has at least one skill that's just not that useful. Ranged options options are not great. energy costs made sense when utils had basically no cooldown, but as longer cooldowns the energy mechanic just makes no sense now

Engineer - lack of weapon swap sucks, but only 2 offhands means any future mainhand weapon they give engy has to contend with the fact that there's no offhand power option

Ranger - Pets in general kinda suck, but core utilities across the board are super underwhelming. Soulbeast utilities are boring too

Thief - I double tap skills too often and blowing initiative because you double casted a skill on accident basically makes this class unplayable for me

Necro - "Shroud is a 2nd hp bar" has held this class back for so long that it's basically impossible to balance. core weapons outside of scepter are awful

Mesmer - Don't care for the theming.  illusions dying on target death makes this class tough to work in open world, and power virt struggle to make blades quickly IMO

Elementalist - super squishy and complicated for what you get out of it.



Good luck guessing which classes I actually like


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  • Guardian - I like it.
  • Warrior  - Anet seems terrified of allowing warrior to do power damage on berserker. Bladesworn takes all the qualities that make warrior frustrating at times (meatshieldy healing, clunky weapon animations that easily miss, self rooting) and created a whole elite spec around them. Spellbreaker and core ok.
  • Revenant - I like it.
  • Engineer - I like it. Core kinda sucks.
  • Ranger - I like it, but every time I look at it I wonder why Warrior constantly gets bullied into having to jump through hoops for damage.
  • Thief - I like it. Core kinda sucks.
  • Mesmer - I like it. Condi virtuoso is kind of cringe. 
  • Elementalist - I like it.
  • Necromancer - I like it, buttons are kind of clunky if you want to use dagger or scepter. Greatsword irresponsibly slow. 


Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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I mostly play OW but his my 2 cents, with Elite spec if I have enough experence on them. 

Ravenant: Lackluster weapons and really silly Energy system Also upkeep skills are just a pain, I havn't play this for years or for to long. 
Guardian: Sounds like a heavy def class but is DPS and franky I find very squshy. Also it Staff sucks.  Don't get me starting on Whirling Wrath, stupidly designed skill.  
Warrior: Only Bladesworn actually makes it feel different and it has a lot of useless weapons and skills. Also its movement/damage skills are wierd.
Thief: Squishy, boring and really poorly done. If you want to play Deadeye at range decently then you basicly just spam unload, every thing else is three buttons to win. Also the whole steal Mechanicis stupid and don't get me starting on how deadeye sniper is poorly done. 
Ranger: Not played much, Long bow is boring and pets are unintreasting. Also, needs better ranged weapons. 
Necro: Core is not worth playing, Reaper is fun but needs more moblity, scourge is best one. Not tried Harbinger. It needs some more intreasting weapons and The whole life force Mechanic needs a over all.  
Mesmer:  Clones/phantasms are a pain, They should have been a skill or something you can use to distract but not a core Mechanic. Shatter should be detached from clones.  Also there skills are a obnoxious shade of pink. 
Elementalist: Who though that you need to play the piano just to do a decent job was a good idea? Elements should have been for different situations and you can camp in it instead of having to either get carpet tunnel, rebind all or keys or invest in a new keyboard/mouse with multiple button set up just to do ok. Also staff is the wizard weapon so why is it a gimmick? Also buff it's defence. Good Ranged option WHEN?

Engineer: My main and most played so I am going to really let rip: First, lack of weapons, it didn't get a melee weapon until HoT Which should have been a core weapon. Secondly, the kits suck and even with Grade kit it has this stupid manual aim Mechanic unlike every ability of its type. Gadgets are useless, Turrets are a complete joke. The Tool belt is implmenting in such a way that if you want to use a good skill on it you sometimes have to take a sucky utility. There is no power off hand and Shield just doesn't feel like it fits with the class. And there is only 2 of hand weapons, we need a new offhand. All I can say is thank goodness Scapper was reworked and we got holosmith otherwise playing engineer would be closer playing a Organ then a piano. Those mechaniset (despite being face roll easy) is a godsend and almost an apology from A-net, before they nerfed it. 

What all the Classes need is to have their identity back, to make sharing boons across greater distances possable and to make ranged builds outside of OW PVE possable. 

And of topic, why fo all characters have to share keybinds? they all play differently (some rely on there class mechanic more then others), If I am playing different classes it makes sense to have them bound differently without having to by a new keyboard/mouse to do it and get special software for it. Come on A-Net. 

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  • Warrior: Most weapons are lackluster and in need of complete overhaul.
  • Guardian: My least played profession, probably his low healthpool.
  • Revenant: Seems completely out of place. How can we play this profession from the beggining if Rytlock appearing much later in story is considered the first revenant?
  • Ranger: Underwhelming pet system.
  • Engineer: Lack of weapons to choose is compensated by boring kits.
  • Thief: Because of the initiative system you're mostly just spamming one skill.
  • Elementalist: I don't feel the need of swapping attunements on core weapons (especially staff). Every other attunement than fire is at most situational.
  • Necromancer: I don't like the theme.
  • Mesmer: Theme as well, too much pink.
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54 minutes ago, Lothar.1453 said:
  • Revenant: Seems completely out of place. How can we play this profession from the beggining if Rytlock appearing much later in story is considered the first revenant?

Story-wise, like Rytlock, you were something else until sometime after Rytlock returned. However, ArenaNet didn't want to go "you have to transform an existing character or get a new character to the correct story chapter in order to play the new profession", so they just went with gameplay-story segregation and let you be a revenant from the start of the story.

They explained this at the time, but there's not really a way for players to find out that it's a deliberate "we know this is inaccurate, but we decided to accept the discrepancy because we decided it was better for the players" nowadays without doing an unreasonable amount of digging.

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Thief: Feels like it's nerfed too often by different employees throughout it's lifetime without any restructuring around the nerf to help it fit properly~ like they forget or are unaware of the reasoning behind the mechanic's original design, causing things to break, bug, nolonger be fluid and/or be horribly flawed. Many weaponsets and traits feel designed for PvP only and are not even good there anymore, which is often a result of nerfing things without thinking of the big picture around it. It's like they just want to temporarily disable entire gameplay styles and features and then forget to ever fix/redesign them later, or the person who did leaves Anet and it just sticks in Limbo forever. Need Pistol Ricochet back or bust.

Engineer: Having to toggle a Kit every few seconds just to use one skill isn't too fun and there's no way to see cooldowns for them without being in them. Holosmith could have been a really fun class if it didn't kill itsellf~ the cooldown penalty should be enough of a punishment for overheat without the added self-immolation that takes half+ your HP bar. Can't dye Jade Mech, bright green isn't really a popular color.

Ranger: Untamed gameplay is like the Engineer Kit problem except it's ultra high on coccaine and wants the bones in your hand to disintegrate immediately from nonstop weaponswap. Spores are such a boring concept to revolve a whole spec around. I can't get rid of green Aura on Soulbeast. No doge meta. Staff 1 has a really bizarre submarine sound effect that gets annoying.

Warrior: Hard to really get into with how boring it's animations are post HoT, especially with the mass amounts of recycling Spellbreaker and Bladesworn have~ with EoD adding a Samurai with no Samurai animation aside from the Dragon Trigger

Guardian: I hate it for being too perfect and loved just out of sheer jealousy. But I also have a huge dislike for the Scepter 1 sound effect, it's very loud.

Revenant: Why is Vindicator allowed to dodge once a second without Exaustion? Just watching them makes my Thief proc Exhaustion. Renegade easily has the most boring looking summons to ever exist in video gaming. Core Revenant feels unfinished since release due to no ranged condi weapon. Feels like it's missing utilities~ not much customization to be had. Is a Thief, with an initiative system, but with cooldowns on top which feels odd.

Elementalist: Too much Melee, not enough Dragons Dogma Sorcerer. Hammer being added was such a bruh moment: Ele Hammer my most disliked weaponset in game.

Mesmer: Not really a pink and purple fan. It's low mobility is polar opposite of what I'm used to/prefer and their 2nd elite spec feels so grossly claustrophobic that I forget it's name atm due to never wanting to touch it.

Necromancer: No minion controls, so they may trap you in combat. Minions could be cuter/more interesting; like GW1 Shambling Horrors. Otherwise not really much complaints, like Guardian.

Edited by Doggie.3184
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