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In 1 1/2 years after an expac release, you only added a single map with 2 metas?

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57 minutes ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

And how would you know exactly how much I spent on the game? I assume you know how much I spent to buy EoD too, right?

I don't know how much you spent on the game. I didn't ask you how much you spent on the game. I didn't ask you how much you spent on EoD either.

I'm asking you how much you spent for the content that was released SINCE EoD. How do you know you paid 60E for that content? Did you purchase it separately from EoD? Are you somehow different from every other person that has access to the content?

Edited by Obtena.7952
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18 minutes ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

And how would you know exactly how much I spent on the game? I assume you know how much I spent to buy EoD too, right?

Indeed, I know some people who paid for the ultimate edition for each expansion and with regular expenses on gems.

On top of that, the Deluxe option is a great product to do good margins (as the content doesn't reflect the real price) and many people take it anyway for FOMO reasons or just because they're fans of the license.

Even if a lot of people got the seasons for free, a lot of them have spent more than the value of those free contents over time, and the studio and newer players benefited from their presence.

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1 hour ago, Obtena.7952 said:

I don't know how much you spent on the game. I didn't ask you how much you spent on the game. I didn't ask you how much you spent on EoD either.

I'm asking you how much you spent for the content that was released SINCE EoD. How do you know you paid 60E for that content? Did you purchase it separately from EoD? Are you somehow different from every other person that has access to the content?

Well, I see a few charges from Anet from before January of this year for gems that I remember buying.

There's your answer. I actually even miscalculated it, since I only took THIS account's expenses, if I look at my other account's expenses  as well then it's 30€(or 45, however much the 3 expansions cost during that big sale) higher. 

Also, keep in mind, Gyala is not free, you need to have EoD for it, thus we paid for it, and since most of the complaints are about Gyala and not about the LWS1 rerun then we can be upset that in that timeframe we only got this.

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13 minutes ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

Well, I see a few charges from Anet from before January of this year for gems that I remember buying.

There's your answer. I actually even miscalculated it, since I only took THIS account's expenses, if I look at my other account's expenses  as well then it's 30€(or 45, however much the 3 expansions cost during that big sale) higher. 

Also, keep in mind, Gyala is not free, you need to have EoD for it, thus we paid for it, and since most of the complaints are about Gyala and not about the LWS1 rerun then we can be upset that in that timeframe we only got this.

OK I'm not asking you if you bought gems so no, that's not my answer. I'm aware that Gyala wasn't free. I'm not asking you IF you paid for it. I'm asking if you what you paid for the content that was released SINCE EoD.

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3 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

OK I'm not asking you if you bought gems so no, that's not my answer. I'm aware that Gyala wasn't free. I'm not asking you IF you paid for it. I'm asking if you what you paid for the content that was released SINCE EoD.

Yes, we pay money for them to work on the game. Where do you think the money goes? To fund a Warr on the Charr or to build coconut farms in Siberia? 

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3 minutes ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

Yes, we pay money for them to work on the game. Where do you think the money goes? To fund a Warr on the Charr or to build coconut farms in Siberia? 

I didn't ask if we pay Anet to work on the game or where the money goes that we pay for things. You keep giving me responses that have nothing to do with what I'm asking you. 

I'm asking you if you know how much you paid for content Anet has release since EoD. I mean ... you seem to have a decent enough grasp of English here so, why you trying so hard to avoid answering the question?

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Just now, Obtena.7952 said:

I didn't ask if we pay Anet to work on the game ... I already know that. 

I'm asking you if you know how much you paid for content Anet has release since EoD. 

Regardless of how you try to spin this, if a person buys in game items that money is used to work on the game, thus... read this one through, make sure you read it multiple times. MAKE kittenING CONTENT.

When you pay sub for WoW or FF14 where is that money going? To make content. When you buy cosmetic bundles in whatever game where is that money going? To make content.

By spending your money you give the developers money to work on the game, to give you content you can play.

Is it that hard to understand that?

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3 minutes ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

Regardless of how you try to spin this, if a person buys in game items that money is used to work on the game, thus... read this one through, make sure you read it multiple times. MAKE kittenING CONTENT.

When you pay sub for WoW or FF14 where is that money going? To make content. When you buy cosmetic bundles in whatever game where is that money going? To make content.

By spending your money you give the developers money to work on the game, to give you content you can play.

Is it that hard to understand that?

I'm not spinning anything. I'm just asking you if you know how much you spent on content that Anet has released since EoD. Telling me Anet uses revenues to generate content isn't an answer to that question. It appears the only person having a hard time understanding something here is you. 

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Just now, Obtena.7952 said:

I'm not spinning anything. I'm just asking you if you know how much you spent on content that Anet has released since EoD. 

I'll make it easier for you and I'll quote myself on this, since you've been asking it so much, but ignoring the answer. This time, make sure you read it please, I'm bored of repeatedly answering the same question.

9 hours ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

~60€. I did also originally pay for the game when it released, so I technicall paid for LWS1 twice.


22 minutes ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

There's your answer. I actually even miscalculated it, since I only took THIS account's expenses, if I look at my other account's expenses  as well then it's 30€(or 45, however much the 3 expansions cost during that big sale) higher. 

That's ~90-115€ after EoD I paid for content. I bought the 3 expansions on my alt before Gyala and I bought the gems before Gyala 2.

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2 minutes ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

I'll make it easier for you and I'll quote myself on this, since you've been asking it so much, but ignoring the answer. This time, make sure you read it please, I'm bored of repeatedly answering the same question.


That's ~90-115€ after EoD I paid for content. I bought the 3 expansions on my alt before Gyala and I bought the gems before Gyala 2.

Again, the only reason you are bored is because you aren't answering my question at all. My question is how much you paid for the content Anet has released SINCE EoD. Gems is not 'content Anet has released since EoD'. The 60E you dropped for EoD is not 'content Anet has released since EoD'.

Do you understand what the word 'since' means? or 'content'? I mean, you are complaining about a lack of content ... but then you lump your gem purchases when I ask you about content purchases. Do you associate gems as content? If so, there is PLENTY of content for you purchase. 


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1 hour ago, Ashen.2907 said:

If a company requires that you pay money in order to get access to their product then you have paid for that product if you have access to it. One cannot access the post EoD content without paying ANet first.

You can't access LS1 without having EoD? I thought it was free for all accounts.

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Just now, Gehenna.3625 said:

You can't access LS1 without having EoD? I thought it was free for all accounts.

Gyala, not LWS1.

2 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

Again, the only reason you are bored is because you aren't answering my question at all. My question is how much you paid for the content Anet has released SINCE EoD. Gems is not 'content Anet has released since EoD'. The 60E you dropped for EoD is not 'content Anet has released since EoD'.


Read the comment you answered to and you'll understand, in the meantime. I'm done with your pointless mental gymnastics. Just because you spent no money there is no excuse on Anet's lack of development post EoD(-LWS1).

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Just now, Obtena.7952 said:

Again, the only reason you are bored is because you aren't answering my question at all. My question is how much you paid for the content Anet has released SINCE EoD. Gems is not 'content Anet has released since EoD'. The 60E you dropped for EoD is not 'content Anet has released since EoD'.

All I see is that this very dedicated player paid more for the future of the game than for the real value of the content who was released since EoD.

I can understand that he wishes all of the money spend goes to Guild Wars 2 instead of some another project.

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Just now, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

 I'm done with your pointless mental gymnastics. Just because you spent no money there is no excuse on Anet's lack of development post EoD(-LWS1).

It's not a pointless question. You are going to complain about a lack of quality and quantity of content released after EoD ... on the basis you have no idea how much you paid for that content. 

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5 minutes ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

You can't access LS1 without having EoD? I thought it was free for all accounts.

My apologies for not being clear. I dont consider putting something back into the game that was previously removed, LS1 or a seasonal event for example, to be releasing content and was referring to content such as Gyalla.

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17 minutes ago, Anvar.5673 said:

All I see is that this very dedicated player paid more for the future of the game than for the real value of the content who was released since EoD.

I can understand that he wishes all of the money spend goes to Guild Wars 2 instead of some another project.

See, that's the problem ... no one knows what the 'real value' of the EoD post-release content is (and that's why the poster is avoiding answering my simple and direct question) because it was bundled with EoD. They just make assumptions that they didn't get what they paid for to justify their complaints. I can also understand that people want reinvestment into the products they like. Nothing should give you the indication that doesn't happen. If anything, continued development of the game is a REALLY strong indicator that's happening so ... why would you even bring that up?

Hence, my comments in this thread that this will no longer happen. People will pay for all the content when it's released ... at it's 'real value'. That's going to be a big surprise for people that think we aren't getting 'real value' for EoD post-release content.

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A consumer product's, particularly a luxury item like a computer game or its content, "value," is subjective. So, everyone knows the, "real value," of the post EoD content because that value is determined individually for each person. Sure ANet might decide on a value to them, but every single player gets to define the value for themself. 

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17 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

See, that's the problem ... no one knows what the 'real value' of the EoD post-release content is. They just make assumptions that they didn't get what they paid for. I can also understand that people want reinvestment into the products they like. Nothing should give you the indication that doesn't happen. 

Unfortunatly only the studio can answer to those questions.

Since the responsibles were never very honest about it and don't really communicate with their players, I can also understand that more players tend to believe, with the help of some weaks signals, that the majority of their investments aren't realocated to Guild Wars 2.

That's why you will never be able to stop them to express their thoughs. On top of that, without improvments in their communication, there will always be more and more people to make assumptions.

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I'm not an economist, so tell me if I'm wrong. Market value is simply the price a seller is willing to sell at and at which buyers are willing to buy, right?

So, by definition, we got PoF and Season 4 at market value. We got EoD and Gyala at market value. If no one buys SoTO, then ArenaNet priced it too far above market value.

In other words: I really don't get what this conversation is trying to establish.

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1 hour ago, Anvar.5673 said:

Unfortunatly only the studio can answer to those questions.

Right so there should be NO ONE  arguing with me that development of the game is not enough or not good based on something they have no idea about even though there is evidence and indications their assumptions are nonsensical to begin with. 

But the great thing is that this will no longer be a problem. The new model is that we pay and we will know what content we will have access to at that time. I have no doubt that the same people that QQ about 'not enough and not quality' are also going to be right there complaining the cost it to high because they have the same unreasonable expactations based on the same nonsensical assumptions they have now. 

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5 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

Right so there should be NO ONE  arguing with me that development of the game is not enough or not good based on something they have no idea about even though there is evidence and indications their assumptions are nonsensical to begin with. 

It's fair, but they can do it anyway.

Shadow areas can lead to a lot of speculations and debates before being enlightened with official transparent communications.

It's the snake biting its tail.

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I can reccommend playing multiple games or just taking a break once in a while

I've played since 2012

I take plenty of breaks.

Each time I come back there's plently to do

I just began EoD like a month ago, and now a new expansion is already coming next month 😊

You don't have to play 1 game every day/month/year

So many options out there

And Guild Wars 2 easy to get back into when you feel like returning

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On 7/28/2023 at 7:04 PM, Ashen.2907 said:

My apologies for not being clear. I dont consider putting something back into the game that was previously removed, LS1 or a seasonal event for example, to be releasing content and was referring to content such as Gyalla.

ah right, I thought you meant everything that came out after EoD was released. Anyways, Gyala sucks anyway. I think they did Cantha dirty in the end. A shame really because it was such a good expansion for GW1.

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