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What's the point on nerfing boonstrips?


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Well, roaming is in a pretty bad stsate, everything takes 10 years to die. Gvg 20v20 or so likewise. Maybe the goal is to also make zerg fights last 20 min. So that whoever wants the action part of the game just leaves and the game can turn into your average MMO combat slog.

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5 hours ago, babana.7521 said:

After boon strips is nerf, 
than people can complain theres too much boons , then they get nerf 
then boon strips gets nerf again
then the boon class 

than boon strips


That bad is on me, I grabbed water versus coffee. when did we get a boon nerf in that cycle?

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I don’t think they gave an explanation in the balance notes, but in the preview stream their reason was that they wanted to nerf boon stripping and intentionally push into a boon ball meta, gather data from that to see what boon abilities are most egregious, and then do boon nerfs later on that target those. With super high boonstripping, problematic boon applying abilities aren’t as noticeable because they’re always being stripped and negated.

I think some Necro specific stripping/corruption nerfs were applied because they wanted Necro to be more intentional and specific in those capabilities, rather than throwing out all their abilities and AoE spamming it on cooldown.

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1 hour ago, AlexndrTheGreat.8310 said:

I don’t think they gave an explanation in the balance notes, but in the preview stream their reason was that they wanted to nerf boon stripping and intentionally push into a boon ball meta, gather data from that to see what boon abilities are most egregious, and then do boon nerfs later on that target those. With super high boonstripping, problematic boon applying abilities aren’t as noticeable because they’re always being stripped and negated.

I think some Necro specific stripping/corruption nerfs were applied because they wanted Necro to be more intentional and specific in those capabilities, rather than throwing out all their abilities and AoE spamming it on cooldown.

I have a theory they're nerfing the tools "their groups" are using on others, so they could help increase the survivability of those other groups with pure boon spam that they have less chance of losing it in battle, but not actually looking on the other side of the coin on how it affects those others using it against them. How it's getting increasingly harder to tackle larger organized groups because there's much less windows of opportunities to hit those groups with.

Gather data to see what boon abilities are most egregious is a bs answer, boons strips are still present in combat, so to what point are they going to nerf strips before they decide to look at boons? They are still adding more boon spam, with scourge butchered to be the latest alacrity bot victim. It's all already overwhelming. If they wanted to gauge anything they can easily run test on boons by having two guilds run at each other all night in an arena and not use any strips in their comps. We all know which are the important boons for wvw combat, it doesn't take a rocket scientist and mountains of data and a two years worth of balance patches to figure that out.

They're essentially killing off the stable(stealth precision strip bombs from smaller organized) and random(pug strips) negative factors in combat in favor of having more stable positive factors(boon and heal spam) for longer fights, but at the same time that pushes more reliance on carrying more numbers to overcome all that, and it becomes a longer battle of numbers attrition. Good for organized blobs, Bad for small groups and randoms.

Just take out strips from the game if they don't want it, enough with the petty nerfs every patch.

Edited by XenesisII.1540
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1 hour ago, AlexndrTheGreat.8310 said:

I don’t think they gave an explanation in the balance notes, but in the preview stream their reason was that they wanted to nerf boon stripping and intentionally push into a boon ball meta, gather data from that to see what boon abilities are most egregious, and then do boon nerfs later on that target those. With super high boonstripping, problematic boon applying abilities aren’t as noticeable because they’re always being stripped and negated.

I think some Necro specific stripping/corruption nerfs were applied because they wanted Necro to be more intentional and specific in those capabilities, rather than throwing out all their abilities and AoE spamming it on cooldown.

so we all have to suffer cuz they don't know their own game huh. thats too bad

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This is about defending and how Anet wants people to play wvw.  They do NOT want people defending.  They do NOT want giant comped boonballs fighting each other.  They want giant comped boonballs winning every "fight" so that everyone is happy.  You too would be happy if you would just stop defending and join 60 other people pressing 1 for easy loot and ranks.  It's ok to chase down and kill the roamers you see, because it's their fault for roaming.  If you see another giant comped boonball, you're supposed to find another map and ktrain that one, respectfully waiting to backcap the map the other was already on.  An endless, door fighting, ktrain of happiness.  No one ever loses.

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Maybe Anet wants ppl to stop playing WvW by nerfing boon removal and go kill Soo Won cos hardly ppl do that dumb meta.

When it fails, ppl say needed quickness and alac..

So Anet is hellbent on shoving those 2 boons down everyones throat at any cost so that every noob that presses 1 1 1 1 1 in there is somewhat useful.

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1 hour ago, Sleepwalker.1398 said:

Maybe Anet wants ppl to stop playing WvW by nerfing boon removal and go kill Soo Won cos hardly ppl do that dumb meta.

When it fails, ppl say needed quickness and alac..

So Anet is hellbent on shoving those 2 boons down everyones throat at any cost so that every noob that presses 1 1 1 1 1 in there is somewhat useful.

Those 2 boons are literally destroying every game mode.

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My recollection was that they said that getting boon stripped (let alone boon corrupted) at range "feels bad".  It's possible that when you are a member of a boon ball, getting boon stripped is the only thing left that feels bad, hence the need to eliminate it so boon ballers never have to feel bad again.  If you feel bad while being trampled by a boon ball that is your own fault for choosing to not be in a boon ball.

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4 hours ago, blp.3489 said:

My recollection was that they said that getting boon stripped (let alone boon corrupted) at range "feels bad".  It's possible that when you are a member of a boon ball, getting boon stripped is the only thing left that feels bad, hence the need to eliminate it so boon ballers never have to feel bad again.  If you feel bad while being trampled by a boon ball that is your own fault for choosing to not be in a boon ball.

No no, they're nerfing the range boon rips to force dumdums to use it in melee like they're suppose to. 🤔🤭

What's extra funny is they keep nerfing winds of disenchantment, the big bubble you drop on groups when they're in "melee" range. 😏

You see in the world of boon balling, dodging is a sign of weakness, when you can one push with 50 people without needing to dodge you show how much of a badbeep kitten you are! 🤯

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On 7/16/2023 at 5:42 PM, XenesisII.1540 said:

So plebs can't disrupt boon balls.

Doesnt really change much for plebs because roaming builds dont really carry that much strips. And even if they do, they wont do anything because unless you coordinate all your strips with a big follow up, you wont make a dent. 

They nerfed core boon ball strip specs and yeah it sucks. They nerfed fb and scrapper a few months ago which I guess was fine (didnt agree with all the scrapper changes) but now they are doubling down on all the counters which doesnt make sense. Sure necro and mes will still be fine but I feel sorry for spb who just keeps getting hammered. 

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On 7/16/2023 at 6:31 PM, AlexndrTheGreat.8310 said:

I don’t think they gave an explanation in the balance notes, but in the preview stream their reason was that they wanted to nerf boon stripping and intentionally push into a boon ball meta, gather data from that to see what boon abilities are most egregious, and then do boon nerfs later on that target those. With super high boonstripping, problematic boon applying abilities aren’t as noticeable because they’re always being stripped and negated.

I think some Necro specific stripping/corruption nerfs were applied because they wanted Necro to be more intentional and specific in those capabilities, rather than throwing out all their abilities and AoE spamming it on cooldown.

Betatesting in the year 11 after release. Better late than never I guess.

@topic: I have never encountered that much unkillable bunkers in WvW like after that latest patch. It's worse than right after the 30% damage nerf.

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Boonball is not pvp.  Screw that mentality and the booncrap vomit that plagues this game.  WvW is pvp for dummies.  With so much crap on screen ...endless effects and boons, you think there is any skill there?  Just random mashing and "PUSH!"  "PULLBACK!" only doing anything when an order is barked.    

They keep nerfing boon strip.  Instead, stop making buffs easily sharable.  They don't want holy trinity, then make people responsible for their own buffs and more self-reliant.   People will still ball up cause you know ..."scared" of dying in a game (insert eye roll).  Also ...get rid of down state in WvW.  Outdated mechanic meant to prolong fights that is no longer needed as Celestial prolongs the fights long enough. 

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Forget boonballs, I love playing Untamed or SpB in melee and ensuring that I remove the prot or stab of my enemy cata/harb/wb/virt only for them to fully reapply it next sec, deeming my whole "counter" build useless, cause kitten YOU idiot, trying to melee these classes like you got skill or something. Lol kitten, imagine not playing cele EoD specs. 

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It's hard to ignore that Anet balance team is promoting the boonball meta without seeing the downsides it causes for a large part of the WvW playerbase, ie. the small groups and (to a lesser extent) roamers. I know for a fact that prominent Devs play WvW, but they do so in fight guilds who run relatively mid to large groups (25-40+). Most of the playerbase is NOT at that level, and the fact that group play is being balanced around that say.. 10% of guilds... its just not good design.

In the current meta, boonstrips are an ESSENTIAL part of taking any sort of outnumbered fight. If boonstrip is low, you have no stopping power from damage or CC's. Period. And you get run over. So we're progressively advancing towards a game mode numbers are the deciding factor, these boonstrip nerfs only exacerbate the problem. This whole "being stripped from range feels bad" is nonsense; it also "feels bad" to get run over by a boonball you have no chances of stopping.

Alliances is only gonna make this much, much worse. Smaller groups will have no chance against the map blob, regardless of skill or tactics.

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