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Why did we fight the dragons?

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"Prepare to enter a realm of mystery and magic hidden above the clouds that has safeguarded the peace of Tyria and its people for centuries." from here https://tinyurl.com/unj8dxms


So if these "mysterious" beings have been keeping peace of Tyria, why are we fighting dragons until now?  When dragons are finally "under control" these "beings" disappeared? 

I mean if these mysterious beings are there to keep peace why didn't they do anything about the "bad" dragons? 

Edited by babana.7521
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1 hour ago, babana.7521 said:

why are we fighting dragons until now

because dragons were small fry, real enemy was bad balance. Mysterious creatures were defending us from it all this time, but forces are obviously uneven now so they need our help. 

Edited by Polar.8634
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Massive immigration problems from overseas during Zhaitan era, followed by Modremoth vines making themselves a bit too at home giving out free hugs...
One "Make Tyria Great Again" cadence later we're dragon free and our borders are looking tight 🙂

Edited by ZeftheWicked.3076
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1 hour ago, babana.7521 said:

"Prepare to enter a realm of mystery and magic hidden above the clouds that has safeguarded the peace of Tyria and its people for centuries." from here https://tinyurl.com/unj8dxms


So if these "mysterious" beings have been keeping peace of Tyria, why are we fighting dragons until now?  When dragons are finally "under control" these "beings" disappeared? 

I mean if these mysterious beings are there to keep peace why didn't they do anything about the "bad" dragons? 

Dragons eat magic. The people in the Wizard's Tower are specialists in magic. It would be like fighting a fire by throwing coal at it.

That's why the seer hid all the magic they could in their Bloodstone.


They were also busy watching the border of reality so the creatures outside of it wouldn't invade.  With the dragons out of the picture, those creatures no longer fear getting gobbled up themselves, so they'll finally invade.

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9 hours ago, MithranArkanere.8957 said:

Dragons eat magic. The people in the Wizard's Tower are specialists in magic. It would be like fighting a fire by throwing coal at it.

That's why the seer hid all the magic they could in their Bloodstone.


They were also busy watching the border of reality so the creatures outside of it wouldn't invade.  With the dragons out of the picture, those creatures no longer fear getting gobbled up themselves, so they'll finally invade.

Because the Voidlings at the edges of reality apparently wasn't as scary as Zhaitan was.

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33 minutes ago, Dante.1508 said:

I personally wonder why there are never any Asura stories.. Its all Charr, Humans or Sylvari.. If there are passing Asura stuff its dead or ruins etc..

Yeah man, no Asura stories.

Its not like we went underground(Tangled Depths), found a lost Asuran City(Rata Novus), learned more about the Asura who stayed underground to keep fighting Primordus while the rest of their species went above ground(Rata Novans), found some tech/magic/research they developed to defeat Primordus(Dragon Lab at Rata Novus), used that to research the weakness of the Elder Dragons(Taimi's investigations into Jormag and Primordus in LWS3), used that to defeat two dragons(Taimi's machine in LWS3, Dragonstorm in IBS), and fought against the Inquest trying to steal the secrets of the Rata Novans(Inquest at Rata Arcanum in Draconis Mons). You know, the big Asura story people asked for...

And its not like the Inquest, and Asura like Taimi and Gorrik haven't been major players through the game's narrative, nope.

Nope, no Asura stories here.

Edited by Sajuuk Khar.1509
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51 minutes ago, Sajuuk Khar.1509 said:

Yeah man, no Asura stories.

Its not like we went underground(Tangled Depths), found a lost Asuran City(Rata Novus), learned more about the Asura who stayed underground to keep fighting Primordus while the rest of their species went above ground(Rata Novans), found some tech/magic/research they developed to defeat Primordus(Dragon Lab at Rata Novus), used that to research the weakness of the Elder Dragons(Taimi's investigations into Jormag and Primordus in LWS3), used that to defeat two dragons(Taimi's machine in LWS3, Dragonstorm in IBS), and fought against the Inquest trying to steal the secrets of the Rata Novans(Inquest at Rata Arcanum in Draconis Mons). You know, the big Asura story people asked for...

And its not like the Inquest, and Asura like Taimi and Gorrik haven't been major players through the game's narrative, nope.

Nope, no Asura stories here.

Dont forget the inquest in sandswept isle.

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cuz the dragon's arc was started by some people, then continued by someone else then a new team arrived and left so we end with mah strong independent transformer dragon, and we finished with muh womyn that had nothing to do with the original Dragons are an unstoppable force of nature and not some bad guys so who the heck cares anymore???

at least the hat is new 😕

Edited by Arianth Moonlight.6453
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Doesn't fit into the story from what I see. If there were "mysterious" peace keeping beings, the dragons and  the Six gods from the Mist ...  The Mist is a very important "place: in the guild wars realm. what about the Forgotten, the seer, there are so many higher power, why did a new one seemingly not fitted in any of the story needs to be introduced , and they weren't even doing their described job of "peace keeping"

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4 hours ago, Dante.1508 said:

I personally wonder why there are never any Asura stories.. Its all Charr, Humans or Sylvari.. If there are passing Asura stuff its dead or ruins etc..

If I remember correctly, an Asura Arc was plant.

Charr/Norn story with Jormag in IBS. 

The a Asura focused story with primordus after. 

That got put aside the moment Anet git the thumbs up for a new expack mid IBS. 

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7 hours ago, Sajuuk Khar.1509 said:

Yeah man, no Asura stories.

Its not like we went underground(Tangled Depths), found a lost Asuran City(Rata Novus), learned more about the Asura who stayed underground to keep fighting Primordus while the rest of their species went above ground(Rata Novans), found some tech/magic/research they developed to defeat Primordus(Dragon Lab at Rata Novus), used that to research the weakness of the Elder Dragons(Taimi's investigations into Jormag and Primordus in LWS3), used that to defeat two dragons(Taimi's machine in LWS3, Dragonstorm in IBS), and fought against the Inquest trying to steal the secrets of the Rata Novans(Inquest at Rata Arcanum in Draconis Mons). You know, the big Asura story people asked for...

And its not like the Inquest, and Asura like Taimi and Gorrik haven't been major players through the game's narrative, nope.

Nope, no Asura stories here.

Yes exactly.. Dead city.. and passing rumors.. Nothing else. I did not say Asura characters are not in the stories i said the stories only have passing Asura facts or dead ruins.. Nothing solid no fixed Asura lore or campaigns.. I'd love to find more Ratas or the Asura that were fighting Primordus.. Hell we killed Primordus so where were these Asurans?

I'm personally over Charr and Human stuff myself.. Its burned me out.

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8 hours ago, Dante.1508 said:

Yes exactly.. Dead city.. and passing rumors.. Nothing else. I did not say Asura characters are not in the stories i said the stories only have passing Asura facts or dead ruins.. Nothing solid no fixed Asura lore or campaigns.. I'd love to find more Ratas or the Asura that were fighting Primordus.. Hell we killed Primordus so where were these Asurans?

I'm personally over Charr and Human stuff myself.. Its burned me out.

Err.. not really, the Charr, Norns and Asura got royally done over for another human eccentric expac in IBS... wait, this makes it, what 3rd potential human expac. If the cadence is to try and go around maps or regions, then asura could potentially get some love with this new approach. 

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15 minutes ago, RoastedBloop.9817 said:

Err.. not really, the Charr, Norns and Asura got royally done over for another human eccentric expac in IBS... wait, this makes it, what 3rd potential human expac. If the cadence is to try and go around maps or regions, then asura could potentially get some love with this new approach. 

Uhh what? Both the charr and Norn got huge story developments in IBS, and most of the Asura/Primordus stuff was done back in LWS3.

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5 minutes ago, Sajuuk Khar.1509 said:

Uhh what? Both the charr and Norn got huge story developments in IBS, and most of the Asura/Primordus stuff was done back in LWS3.

They did, they then got binned half way. Which is why it is universally stated, IBS was halted so they can do EoD - hence DRMs. Otherwise, both races were getting story developments. Only 3 races never got an expac to themselves; Asura, Charr and Norn.    

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4 minutes ago, RoastedBloop.9817 said:

They did, they then got binned half way. Which is why it is universally stated, IBS was halted so they can do EoD - hence DRMs. Otherwise, both races were getting story developments. Only 3 races never got an expac to themselves; Asura, Charr and Norn.    

Except they didn't get binned half way.

The back half of the IBS story was going to be a

  1. Centaur two parter akin to Bjora/Drizzlewood
  2. 2nd vision of the past dealing Braham going into the volcano
  3. Dragon Storm two parter near Anvil Rock where we kill the dragons.

both the Norn and Charr stories were over, there wasn't anything else left to cover on them. The only thing that got cut was the Centaur plot Anet originally had planned for IBS.

Anet does LW stories in threes

  • LWS3 White Mantle story: Bloodstone Fen, Lake Droic, Siren's Landing
  • LWS3 Dragon Rising story: Ember Bay, bitterfrost Frontier, Draconis Mons
  • LWS4 Joko story: Istan, Sandsweapt, Kourna
  • LWS4 Kralk story: Jahai, Thunderhead, Dragonfall
  • IBS Charr story: Bound by Blood, No Quarter, Jormag Rising
  • IBS Norn story: Whisper in the Dark, Shadow in the Ice, Jormag Rising
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1 minute ago, Sajuuk Khar.1509 said:

Except they didn't get binned half way.

The back half of the IBS story was going to be a

  1. Centaur two parter akin to Bjora/Drizzlewood
  2. 2nd vision of the past dealing Braham going into the volcano
  3. Dragon Storm two parter near Anvil Rock where we kill the dragons.

both the Norn and Charr stories were over, there wasn't anything else left to cover on them.

1. Centaurs were whipping humans not charrs, if you watched the trailer to it

2. and 3 became DRMS to speed up and end the story

Norn and Charr have stories that can be told and explored. 

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11 minutes ago, RoastedBloop.9817 said:

1. Centaurs were whipping humans not charrs, if you watched the trailer to it

2. and 3 became DRMS to speed up and end the story

Never said they were whipping Charr, in fact, them whipping humans is exactly what I was referring to in regards to both the Charr and Norn stories being over.

And the story wasn't "sped up". Pre-Champions IBS releases only had like 45min, to an hour max, of story. The back 4 story releases would've only been about 4 hours of story, tops, which is about the amount of time it takes to play through all the DRMs, Dragonstorm, and the other instances/dialogue segments across Champions. The only thing Champions did was remove the new maps they had planned. The actual story was the same length as it would've been anyways.

11 minutes ago, RoastedBloop.9817 said:

Norn and Charr have stories that can be told and explored. 

Such as? By the time IBS is over

  • Jormag is dead
  • The Icebrood are mostly all dead
  • The Fraenir, the leader of the Svanir, is dead
  • The Svanir themselves are wiped out
  • Ryland is dead
  • Bangar is in prison
  • The Frost Legion is wiped out
  • Smodur is dead
  • The remaining/new Charr Imperators all agree that the whole Khan-Ur thing is dumb and that it doesn't need to happen
  • Crecia used the info she got from Bangar's offices to track down and wipe out the remaining Renegades.

By the time IBS is over there are zero hostile forces, or real issues, of any size/significance left for the Norn/Charr to face.

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11 minutes ago, Sajuuk Khar.1509 said:


  • Jormag is dead
  • The Icebrood are mostly all dead
  • The Fraenir, the leader of the Svanir, is dead
  • The Svanir themselves are wiped out
  • Ryland is dead
  • Bangar is in prison
  • The Frost Legion is wiped out
  • Smodur is dead
  • The remaining/new Charr Imperators all agree that the whole Khan-Ur thing is dumb and that it doesn't need to happen
  • Crecia used the info she got from Bangar's offices to track down and wipe out the remaining Renegades.

By the time IBS is over there are zero hostile forces, or real issues, of any size/significance left for the Norn/Charr to face.

Zero hostile forces left for the charr? 

It's been a very long time, didn't Rytlock try to sort out the ghosts of ascalon that have been plaguing the charr. Only to have failed, where he ended up in the mists. To this day, that hanging plot thread has never been resolved. Whose knows what story could be told in the Flame legion homelands. Can't say for the Norn and their potential stories post IBS. Those is what I'm referring to.  

And yet centaurs are real issues of size/significance to be a threat? 

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3 minutes ago, RoastedBloop.9817 said:

Zero hostile forces left for the charr? 

It's been a very long time, didn't Rytlock try to sort out the ghosts of ascalon that have been plaguing the charr. Only to have failed, where he ended up in the mists. To this day, that hanging plot thread has never been resolved. Whose knows what story could be told in the Flame legion homelands. Can't say for the Norn and their potential stories post IBS. Those is what I'm referring to.  

And yet centaurs are real issues of size/significance to be a threat? 

Flame Legion have no homelands. They just infested the other Legion's lands. Their main base, and center of their operations(Flame Citadel), was in Iron Lands.

And no, Centaur's weren't a threat. The Centaur story IBS planned to tell was them getting attacked by the Destroyers, us coming in to help them, and finally making peace with them. After the IBS maps got cut Anet almost did this plot in a DRM. They even had a Centaur representative NPC with weapons to buy with DRM tokens, made and ready to use, but cut that DRM because they felt the Centaur story was too big to do in a single DRM.

The "Centaurs as enemies" story was done back in core, and ended with the defeat of Ulgoth the Mighty who was said to be the one forcing the centaur tribes together to attack humanity while most of them didn't really want too. This would've been the "making peace with the Centaurs" story, with the Destroyers/Icebrood being used as the catalyst. Much like how the DRMs went with various factions like the Kodan, Tengu, etc.

Edited by Sajuuk Khar.1509
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