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How do you signal stalemate to a fellow cele bro?

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I've been messing around with some cele builds (ya gotta try this fun before the nerf hammer drops) but when I run into another cele build we have to wait until someone adds onto the fight for it to end. I've tried `/sleep` but I've been whispered that's an insult / hypocritical b/c I'm using the same snooze build. They begin pressing keys harder to do more damage and fight continues. 

Any other techniques for just agreeing to disengage? 

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1 minute ago, RangerThings.9810 said:

I've been messing around with some cele builds (ya gotta try this fun before the nerf hammer drops) but when I run into another cele build we have to wait until someone adds onto the fight for it to end. I've tried `/sleep` but I've been whispered that's an insult / hypocritical b/c I'm using the same snooze build. They begin pressing keys harder to do more damage and fight continues. 

Any other techniques for just agreeing to disengage? 

Usually, I'd stop fighting back and only use defensive skills while walking away from them and trying to ooc, and if they're faster than you head for the nearest tower/keep.

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Just turn around and walk away. Don't need to run. If that doesn't work hit them with CCs/immobilize.

Is not like you are going to die.

Well actually that's just how I deal with cele in general, or how others deal with me on a cele build.

But honestly you should have some disengage. It's not fun being bowled over by zergs or by those extra large "roaming" parties.



58 minutes ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

Inform the entire map of your dire situation, then keep the cele bro in combat until another cele bro or zergy bros shows up.

I guess is the best solution to any annoying group of players.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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Turning around and running away doesn't work.  They'll just chase you forever.  Likewise, the fight is only a stalemate if you can keep counter-pressure up.  Turning around and running off makes you an easy target to focus CCs and DPS.

What I've been doing is backing off, then standing still and sheathing my weapon.  That works... sometimes.  Rarely, even.  But, it is the only thing that these people recognize as a stalemate move.  Most ignore it though, because they just love pushing buttons, participation be darned.  

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3 hours ago, Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

Turning around and running away doesn't work.  They'll just chase you forever. 

If you cant run away after going into an objective like say SM because they instantly chase you as soon as you exit at literally any 360 degree direction you have a bigger problem than a cele fight man.

If you go from EBG at that point onto RBL, exit a random direction and see them standing there in front waiting for you it may be time to call an exorcist.

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On 7/18/2023 at 11:33 AM, RangerThings.9810 said:

I've been messing around with some cele builds (ya gotta try this fun before the nerf hammer drops) but when I run into another cele build we have to wait until someone adds onto the fight for it to end. I've tried `/sleep` but I've been whispered that's an insult / hypocritical b/c I'm using the same snooze build. They begin pressing keys harder to do more damage and fight continues. 

Any other techniques for just agreeing to disengage? 

lol, maybe use the same techniques people use with run away builds, extreme range build, bunker builds, condi builds, zerk hit and run builds, won't come out of structure builds, emote builds, costume frog dance builds and all the other memes we have out there going.

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you learn to play? You change your build? You... You... Do a barrel roll???

Celestial Eles and Willbenders are the only ones that can kill me IF they're good. Harbingers need to be extraordinarily good AND hit me first to kill me. The rest just die or run away just like any other player wearing a different gear. The only ones I really hate are Celestial Necros b'cuz how kitten tanky they are, but those die eventually with no chance of kill me.

>t. Celestial Reaper

Edited by Arianth Moonlight.6453
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On 7/18/2023 at 4:33 PM, RangerThings.9810 said:

Any other techniques for just agreeing to disengage? 

I always thought the /sleep command is for enemies you think are weak and not worth the effort.

Maybe use /shrug and walk off, shows you're bored without being as insulting.

That said, I wouldn't get used to cele for 1v1s. The fights take too long if your opponent is cele and if it ends up getting nerfed it'll take ages to get used to "weaker" gear.

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1 hour ago, Shining One.1635 said:

It's percentage based damage. A fall that would kill a Berserker's Elementalist would also kill a Sentinel's Warrior.

But the scenario was that you where in a fight, so a straight up 100% calculation doesnt work. If the warrior has 35K HP and the elementalist has 12K HP and both would fall at a distance for 50% damage at 17.5K and 6K damage respectively while both already lost 7K hp, the warrior would still have 10.5K HP left while the elementalist would be dead, no?

If we ignore what would really happen of course, the elementalist would crater the ground beneath him, kill 3 enemies running there accidentally and walk away unscathed.

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