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WvW participation botting?


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I have no idea what is going on, so I recorded it: 


He's basically, in loop, going invisible - dying - respawning at the same place. This happens at several places at the same time. Guy from my team is attacking him, even when I don't see him and I don't think I can hurt him when I am using AoE spells. I am not sure if these people are associated, because it was happening even before my teammate was there. 

E: Yes, I can indeed damage him, it's basically free participation (and weekly/daily achievement for defending keep) right at EBG gate
E2: right now this bot (same character) is on every tower on EBG at the same time


Edited by cyxish.1384
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1 hour ago, cyxish.1384 said:

going invisible - dying - respawning at the same place.

he's not going invisible, since he is marked and as engineer, they don´t have a skill that removes the marked-effect. He's more likely to be position-hacking (teleporting). The marked-effect itself is also an indicator that they're teleporting to somewhere, where they get marked, and it´s an effect that can only be obtained from 5 sources: sentries, recently flipped keeps, target-painter, target-painter trap, and watchtower. So unless you put a target-painter/-trap there, they probably TP'd somewhere, as they would´ve been revealed after 1 second if they stealthed. 


1 hour ago, cyxish.1384 said:

E2: right now this bot (same character) is on every tower on EBG at the same time

that´s basically the confirmation that they don´t go invis, but teleport-hack instead. 

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1 hour ago, cyxish.1384 said:

He's basically, in loop, going invisible - dying - respawning at the same place. This happens at several places at the same time. Guy from my team is attacking him, even when I don't see him and I don't think I can hurt him when I am using AoE spells. I am not sure if these people are associated, because it was happening even before my teammate was there. 

you better hide their ign and send to anet support directly instead. mod will just delete ur message because you hurt bot's feelings

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2 hours ago, cyxish.1384 said:


I have no idea what is going on, so I recorded it: 


He's basically, in loop, going invisible - dying - respawning at the same place. This happens at several places at the same time. Guy from my team is attacking him, even when I don't see him and I don't think I can hurt him when I am using AoE spells. I am not sure if these people are associated, because it was happening even before my teammate was there. 

Guy from my server 
Guy from enemy server 

E: Yes, I can indeed damage him, it's basically free participation (and weekly/daily achievement for defending keep) right at EBG gate
E2: right now this bot (same character) is on every tower on EBG at the same time


Teleport hack. Not sure on botting. Also there is a questionable green port in your sample (between 0:53-:054) as well besides the toon that may just be afk that was reported. The reason I say not botting is they didn't follow a pattern as much, or the sampling was too short to catch one. Don't think the goal was for participation since they weren't actually doing anything to gain wxp that would extend that, that applies to both the target porting in and the afk player that was standing there who wasn't being hit. I would WP contention, but there isn't one since its a T2. So goal? Practice with a teleport hack, general griefer? Hard to tell. Good catch though.

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He was actually teleporting between our keep and all other towers (and who knows where) - you could kill him over and over again to get participation, or achievement for defending objective + loot. He was doing it for at least an hour.

He also spawns healing and rifle turrets that are "friendly" so you can't attack them. 0:53-0:54 is weird, maybe he's doing it on our server too?

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The engineer that was enemy didn't spawn the friendly turrets.  There is also a HOPE guild engi from your team doing the exact same thing as the enemy one.  Which is why, near the end of the video, you see 2 teleport hackers briefly.  Probably the same person controlling both accounts though.


Now we patiently wait for the experts to chime in with "the guy was just using rocket boots".

Edited by Ubi.4136
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I personally reported this several times, and several other things, but no one ever answered me, I also asked here in the forum, the same with no response from arenanet. it's like buy gems, buy skins, buy other expansions, but mainly they don't want anything from us 🤮

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I also saw something exactly like this on desert borderland today. There were two places, at Stoic Ramparts south outer gate and Osprey's Palace north inner gate. Two different accounts (blocked and reported both, for what it's worth): one was a Piken Square player (the same account name as in your video btw), the other from Aurora Glade (guild tag was [HOPE]... quite a coincidence).

Edited by Verungi.4396
remembered AG player's guild tag thanks to Ubi's post above
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