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Relics Bring New Equipment to Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure

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8 hours ago, jamesg.7128 said:

The blog says "Additional core relics will not be account bound and can be crafted and shared between players."

I can only assume from the image and this statement that only the freebies each character gets will be soulbound and following relics gained from crafting/achievements/drops will be and remain unbound.

OR they are soulbound on use like most other (exotic) gear that is tradeable between players. Equipping the item on a character will switch the item's property to Soulbound.

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32 minutes ago, soul.9651 said:

Well, they did this to the skyscale, when people invested their gold and time and now they resseling it with no effort required

No, Anet does not take anything away from the skyscale functionality. Anet adds another way to get the skyscale. And for players who have already received the skyscale on the previous path, further skyscale functions are added.

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2 minutes ago, Zok.4956 said:

It should be only one legendary relic. Because it could (and should) be done in the same way as it is already the case with legendary gear (weapons, armor,...) if new gear stat combinations are added during an expansion.

It's no different from adding a new slot. Rune bonuses could have had their own slot, then they could have given the legendary for simply having 6 runes and not had a legendary relic. By merging them, they'll simply require crafting the 7 legendary runes and completing the relic collections. It's just a way to get you to do all of them.

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43 minutes ago, soul.9651 said:

Well, they did this to the skyscale, when people invested their gold and time and now they resseling it with no effort required, maybe same kitten with lege armors depending what it will take to get it from ow

Whatever we unlocked with Skyscale, we are keeping, yes it is cheaper for the newcomers but doesn't affect the rest ... nothing lost. Runes on the other hand ...

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The leg. Relic in the new anouncement: that seems to me a pretty unthought adhoc reaction to the forum. And that we should wait a year until we can change effects again is also bad.

They should have introduced a leg. Core-Relict:

  • it allows to switch between the current effects
  • it is a precursor for the full leg relic
  • you get it, if you have at least 6 runes now and also in the future. I.e. crafting 6 runes is one way to get the precursor.
  • in the future there may be other ways to get the precursor
  • the leg full-relict that comes in a year that you can build from the precursor will also allow choosing further expansion effects, a thing the precursor does not.

then nobody would have lost anything (but gained free combination of the current effects) and nobody would have a reason to complain. It would also be clear what this nebulous progress on the leg. Relic is.

Edited by Dayra.7405
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48 minutes ago, Khaos.6479 said:

We should not let this go ! We must fight for this and not let Anet devaluate the (legendary) runes. This is completly insane ! 

Sure, but not just here. Anet does not care about forum posts. The only way to make them pay attention is to bring it wider - to reddit, twitter, twitch, game news sites articles, etc.

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Or just recognize that after all it's a game, and Anet are in their right to change it and they did address issues in the blog post - while obviously not assuring many owners of legendary runes that their compensation will be enough. Legendary runes will still offer great convenience and retain majority of its features; and in the meantime we all get the new relic effects to play with. And we'll get compensation when the legendary relic comes out.

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2 minutes ago, Dondarrion.2748 said:

Or just recognize that after all it's a game, and Anet are in their right to change it and they did address issues in the blog post - while obviously not assuring many owners of legendary runes that their compensation will be enough. Legendary runes will still offer great convenience and retain majority of its features; and in the meantime we all get the new relic effects to play with. And we'll get compensation when the legendary relic comes out.

no no no this clearly is a matter of life or death. 

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1 minute ago, vares.8457 said:

no no no this clearly is a matter of life or death. 

I follow MightyTeapot's streams a lot and of course, people agree there will be a slight power creep from relic introduction, however, with regards to this whole issue with legendaries and compensation, most people don't care a lot about this.

If people are so bloody upset, quit the game then; it's starting to sound like they were just looking for that little nudge to move on anyway.

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8 minutes ago, Dondarrion.2748 said:

Or just recognize that after all it's a game, and Anet are in their right to change it and they did address issues in the blog post

That's a strawman. Nobody denies that it is a game and that Anet has the right to change it. Nevertheless, customers can express their rejection and criticism of the changes.

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19 minutes ago, Dondarrion.2748 said:

Or just recognize that after all it's a game, and Anet are in their right to change it

I recognize that. I also recognize however that players have their right to speak up if they happen to dislike those changes.

Also, yes, it's a game. It's also a product i happened to have paid for.

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6 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

I recognize that. I also recognize however that players have their right to speak up if they happen to dislike those changes.

Also, yes, it's a game. It's also a product i happened to have paid for.

Yes, we're well past "speaking up" with the tone from some in here and continued bitching over everything.

I have also paid for the game, and gems, and now this latest xpac too. And again, Anet are free to change the game - and they do so within reason, believe me.

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1 minute ago, Dondarrion.2748 said:

and they do so within reason, believe me.

That's the point. I don't believe you. You didn't give me any good reason why i should. Neither did Anet.

Once promises are broken, a simple "trust me bro" just won't make it anymore. Actual actions to regain that trust would be needed.

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7 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

That's the point. I don't believe you. You didn't give me any good reason why i should. Neither did Anet.

Once promises are broken, a simple "trust me bro" just won't make it anymore. Actual actions to regain that trust would be needed.

I really doubt that you recognize that it’s a game after all. 

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14 hours ago, Shadowmoon.7986 said:

Simple solution do not buy gems. That will starve anet more than your xpac purchase. I have refused to buy gems since a 2016.

And the problem is, at this point in the life of the game, with all the evidence we have, this isn’t going to prompt a change of heart at NCSoft. The only likely effect of enough players withdrawing support is hastening the day they transition to full maintenance mode.

If you’re starting to phase out a product, you don’t recommit to it if customers stop buying. You pull the plug sooner.

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Hace 32 minutos, Dondarrion.2748 dijo:

Sí, ya pasamos de "hablar alto" con el tono de algunos aquí y continuamos quejándonos de todo.

También he pagado el juego, y las gemas, y ahora también este último xpac. Y nuevamente, Anet es libre de cambiar el juego, y lo hacen dentro de lo razonable, créanme.

I understand that you are pleased with everything, but you are not going to take away my right to protest what is wrong, I want the game and I do not like that the quality drops for less than the first two

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1 minute ago, Derktarlms.6213 said:

I understand that you are pleased with everything, but you are not going to take away my right to protest what is wrong, I want the game and I do not like that the quality drops for less than the first two

First of all, haha, I didn't know I write fluent Spanish 😄 (or Google Translated anyway...)

Anyhow, back on topic, people have protested, they've been protesting all since xpac announcement until the blog post on the 20th... it's time to move on.

As for being pleased with everything, I'm not; but in the grand scheme of things; a new method to acquires skyscales or legendary gear doesn't bother me. A sensible rework of runes and relics as mechanic, i'm all for it, and Anet will address those other issues.

What I don't like about the game is low frequency of content updates in the past; lack of challenging endgame content, balance issues when certain builds that are just broken, or if the game was to introduce pay2win of some sort... i.e. paid battle pass in the new Wizard's Vault, etc. Btw - I'm not saying they are, just giving examples.

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1 hour ago, Pifil.5193 said:

@Dondarrion.2748 Feel free to move on if you wish but it hardly seems reasonable to expect others to do so because you're tired of the conversation.

What is reasonable is moving on yourself rather than poking at other posters because you feel you're in some kind of "I'm more reasonable than you are" contest.


Paradoxically, if people who want everyone to “move on” stopped adding to the thread, it’d run its course faster. 

Edited by Gibson.4036
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41 minutes ago, Essence Snow.3194 said:

So if 7 leg runes provide "significant" progress towards a leg relic......that implies ppl with 6 will definitely have to grind a decent amount to regain the functionality. No bueno.

This absolutely, which is why i suggest introducing legendary aquatic breather item to the game finally, giving bonus progression from the 7th rune towards the breather instead as that's what people use the 7th rune for, and set the relic requirements to 6 runes instead of 7, because people with 6 runes are just as effected by this as i am with my 7.

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7 hours ago, Eloc Freidon.5692 said:

So we'll have to wait a year to regain our set bonus quality of life and flood our inventories with relics. Which we'll have to farm for first to regain our lost power. 7 legendary runes better mean we get direct access to the relic without a material or time sink.

This is a great build feature. Though a lot of rune set sixth bonus was just the bonus without providing a stat as well. I'm interested in seeing if all those empty spaces will be 125 to a relevant stat and not something terrible.

And how many builds are so incredibly and totally reliant on your rune bonus? seriously.

3 hours ago, soul.9651 said:

Well, they did this to the skyscale, when people invested their gold and time and now they resseling it with no effort required, maybe same kitten with lege armors depending what it will take to get it from ow

Besides the fact we don't know the effort involved in the expansion skyscale and it wasn't that much time and effort required for the skyscale unless you purposefully dragged it out.

Did you complain about the return giving mats away that help with that as well?

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Players who have already crafted legendary runes will be compensated with significant progress toward unlocking legendary relics.

If i remember correctly, when Legendary Armory comes out, ppl with armor and jewelry duplicates received full price compensation. So if i had 1 extra legendary armor part i had a choice to acquire another one from other legendary sets. But now we will just have a "significant progress" in crafting process for new legendary relics, not a finished ones, even if it's already confirmed that we will have more then 1 legendary relic. 

That's just unfair, considering the release date of this new legendary relicS. It could be more then a year after SOTO release and we probably will be in amazing waiting process + farming some useless exotic pieces.


Legendary relics will be introduced to Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure during one of the quarterly releases in 2024.


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46 minutes ago, Pifil.5193 said:

@Dondarrion.2748 Feel free to move on if you wish but it hardly seems reasonable to expect others to do so because you're tired of the conversation.

What is reasonable is moving on yourself rather than poking at other posters because you feel you're in some kind of "I'm more reasonable than you are" contest.

It's a discussion forum and open to all sides of the conversation; and some (not only me) need to provide what I consider reasonable counter arguments when certain posts call to action such as to - not directly paraphrased - "not buy gems or xpac (so we destroy Anet financially as a company)" and "Anet give us legendary relic AND a free legendary weapon box".

But I'll do as Gibson suggests and hope this thread runs its course now and we move on faster like that! 😄 

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